stop talking to me with semaphore, hahaha!
Ooooo hope that Melody gets that self satisfied smirk knocked off her mush
Easily done - just give her some of that soup!
I quite liked the look of that soup!
Ooooo hope that Melody gets that self satisfied smirk knocked off her mush
Easily done - just give her some of that soup!
Oi, my Jim made that soup - it's lovely!.
melody - awful
I love Edna's smirk as Melody prattles out her spiel
Edna wants to stab Melody.
Edward is a plonker
Just decided I don't like Melody
I quite liked the look of that soup!
OI, my Jim made that soup - it's lovely!.
Edna wants to stab Melody.
Don't we all.
Have they incorporated an ejector seat for the 'fired' contestant yet?
They would have sold more pasta if they'd been able to spell vegetable.
ladies won - reckon Edward will go
Have they incorporated an ejector seat for the 'fired' contestant yet?
I do hope so.
Maybe the inventor boffin bloke could assist with the design?
Edward's looking a bit nervous
Gavin's a 'sweater'
Reckon Edward is a gonner
They would have sold more pasta if they'd been able to spell vegetable.
and got it ready by lunch time
They would have sold more pasta if they'd been able to spell vegetable.
Melody is so smug.
Reckon Edward is a gonner
yep supes
Who's that blonde crawler..? She's all gushy over Melody.
They would have sold more pasta if they'd been able to spell vegetable.
and got it ready by lunch time
Yes, that too.
Oh well got that wrong the boys bombed,too much hand squeezing of the juice.Melody like to blow her own trumpet...early days.
They would have sold more pasta if they'd been able to spell vegetable.
and got it ready by lunch time
Yes, that would have been helpful.
Who's that blonde crawler..? She's all gushy over Melody.
if she's not the rough yorkshire one who can't spell (Ellie).. she's Felicity.
Edward is sooo arrogant
Melody is so smug.
yippeeee first programme not yet over and I have my hate figure!
That Melody one loves herself doesn't she....she's heading for a crash bang fall..hopefully.
Edward is sooo arrogant
And he's full of it.
Who's that blonde crawler..? She's all gushy over Melody.
I thought that what a creep
Just decided I don't like Melody
Seems we're all agreed on that one then hoochie
Oh well the first team leader on the first episode gets hung out to dry as usual..why do they voluteer!
Edward is sooo arrogant
And he's full of it.
i agree - got to go