Lad's mags
There's a new innovative idea
Lad's mags
There's a new innovative idea
don't like jim
Nick's sussed Jim's slippery-ness
Hi Rosegirl
Lad's mags
There's a new innovative idea
Evening all
That building they're in is right opposite our other work site in Emerald Street
Over 60's magazine?
What do they know about being over 60?
What do they know about anything most of the time but this should be amusing if they do go this route
Only one of the group actually reads lad's mags....
A wealth of help there then!
Does anyone actually read them
They like the pwetty pictures
don't like jim
I'm shocked
hi baz
Off to a bowling club to see what over 60s want. No stereotyping there then. I know some 30 year olds that bowl?
"Puzzles to help your brain going"
Better start now susie
understanding your consumer - this'll be good!
Do they ever understand anything......I mean realy understand?
Susan patronising with the knitting and crossword route
i knew it would be bad - but this is excruciating!
Eternal ?????????????
Loving the old folks they've got in the focus group - they were fab
A Lads Mag with Kate Middleton-esque girls in
"we are going to do a lads mag they are popular"
No bewbs
So ok not a lads mag then....extreme trainspotting anyone?
don't like jim
I'm shocked
- there is something sneaky about him -
I'm loving Nick's expressions at these naff names
"Wise and Wild"
Please hit one of them Nick
Hip Replacement?
Hip replacement..!! Are they mental?
No, they are not going to go with Hip Replacement surely?
oh dear .....may as well say bye now Jim!
don't like jim
I'm shocked
- there is something sneaky about him -
I've said that from day one but everyone got enchanted by his mystical Irish powers.
Hip replacement? My my im sure they would love that
Hip replacement? My my im sure they would love that
hi pce
Dunno if we are a bit rude here, but "how do you blow your load" didn't make us think about one's spending habits
Old looking and young at heart!!!!
The lad's mag stuff is so clichÃĐ'd. It's T&A despite their denials.
Hip replacement..!! Are they mental?
completely bat mental and now they want to lecture that you arent old its twenty year olds that need that lecture not the people you want to sell the magazine to!!
Hip replacement? My my im sure they would love that
I'd hit them over the head with it !!!
don't like jim
I'm shocked
- there is something sneaky about him -
I've said that from day one but everyone got enchanted by his mystical Irish powers.
He is nice looking with nice eyes but there is just something about him I'm not keen on Rawky
Dunno if we are a bit rude here, but "how do you blow your load" didn't make us think about one's spending habits
Well, quite.
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