the leather gloves
They did warn us they were going to be tinkering this week.... or at least El Loro told us...
I've been away, Baz, so I didn't know that. Oh well, it's working just about ok for now.
Sorry Cosmo, I didn't mean that to sound rude
You didn't, Baz..! Awww, you could never offend or upset me, sweetie
They did warn us they were going to be tinkering this week.... or at least El Loro told us...
I've been away, Baz, so I didn't know that. Oh well, it's working just about ok for now.
Sorry Cosmo, I didn't mean that to sound rude
You didn't, Baz..! Awww, you could never offend or upset me, sweetie
Thank you....
Inspired, K-Bo
Love Menacing Look Of The Week. Zoe must be top of the charts with that one.
I've got news for you Edna.... if you had had more *boardroom experiences* you would have gone earlier
Thank God for 'You're Fired' as a programme. We really get to see the contestant's fun side. Edna is coming across so well.
Edna, the three trick pony....
Thank God for 'You're Fired' as a programme. We really get to see the contestant's fun side. Edna is coming across so well.
Yes.... all of them seem to have come across better on You're Fired than they did in the Apprentice
I reckon Helen could end up winning this....
I tend to agree Baz. She's no shining light or mega ego but she does seem very competent.
Thank God for 'You're Fired' as a programme. We really get to see the contestant's fun side. Edna is coming across so well.
They always seem more normal on YF. Well some of them...............
Thank God for 'You're Fired' as a programme. We really get to see the contestant's fun side. Edna is coming across so well.
They always seem more normal on YF. Well some of them...............
Katie wossherface never did. She still had a face that could curdle milk when she was on.
I don't think Tom was too impressed by the 'number 73' thing.
Thank God for 'You're Fired' as a programme. We really get to see the contestant's fun side. Edna is coming across so well.
They always seem more normal on YF. Well some of them...............
Katie wossherface never did. She still had a face that could curdle milk when she was on.
Do you mean Katie Hopkins? Granted, there's a few who could spoil a good latte, but she sticks in the memory.
Dara :rofl:
See... he had a truck with a speaker
But he didn't harass people.
That's the one Cos. She still pops up on the tellybox acting as vile as ever.
That's the one Cos. She still pops up on the tellybox acting as vile as ever.
Yep. She went into the jungle (IACGMOOH) too.
Sadly, she came back out again.
Ooooo, next week looks intriguing! See you all there folks
Until next week then....
Thanks for the company everyone.... once again the thread is as good as (if not better than) the prog
Thanks for the company everyone.... once again the thread is as good as (if not better than) the prog
To true Baz.
Until next week then.
Yep till next week
Night you lot.. see you next week
Right person went last night although Edna came across much better on YF (they all do on there) that so called comedian was rubbish. Edna's gloves were funny too.
Susan has the ability and does have some good points to make in the tasks but IMO she's very irritating. Glenn is patronising too. First time I saw Helen do something too!
Liking Melody, Jim, Leon and Tom.
Au contraire! That so-called comedian was excellent. I thought Edna did a good pitch and would probably be seeking a job in the media. Good luck to her, I think she would do well.
Very few progs I watch but I never miss this, I thought she had to go a talker not a doer
Nice doing business with you: But Edna's plumber client wasn't impressed with her attempt to raise the price of the job after completing it
Some are saying this Crawford from Shipwrecked 2006!!
Seen some interesting spoilers (won't spoil) but know some names of some people who are in it for a while yet and of course the firings too if they are correct of course.
I'm gonna stick my neck out & hazard a guess ... and it's a very early one at that.
Susan Ma ... & Helen Louise Milligan will both do well ..... My early predictions have been disastrous in the past ..... we shall see
Just thought I'd drag this up from much earlier ..... maybe my early predictions weren't so disastrous after all
Seen some interesting spoilers (won't spoil) but know some names of some people who are in it for a while yet and of course the firings too if they are correct of course.
I love spoliers .... just been over to the dark side for a look
Seen some interesting spoilers (won't spoil) but know some names of some people who are in it for a while yet and of course the firings too if they are correct of course.
I love spoliers .... just been over to the dark side for a look
He He, doesn't spoil the enjoyment though as you still watch to see what actually happened.
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