(Please laugh at Rawky's joke ^up there^)
I don't get the joke
(Please laugh at Rawky's joke ^up there^)
I don't get the joke
If Tom and Jim lose, that'll be every week so far, wont it?
(Please laugh at Rawky's joke ^up there^)
I don't get the joke
You're not the only one
Something tells me Jim is going to be on the losing team again
I hope not
Its looking good for blue so where will it all go wrong.
Da'n the 'airdressers!
How patronising
Edna trying to get more money!
feel this is a boring task
Oh dear, oh dear
feel this is a boring task
me too Ros
ooohhhh arguing with the customers now
Have they been to the office yet?
Business acumen and desperation is not a good mix.
(Please laugh at Rawky's joke ^up there^)
I don't get the joke
Shhhh.... just humour him, Rexi. His soul's all drained
feel this is a boring task
me too Ros
thanks rexi - thought it was me
I think Jim is going to be a gonner this week.....
thought you liked him baz - not keen myself
I can't imagine haggling with scrap dealers is a walk in the park. They must work within very small margins and are as hard as scrap metal nails.
"legs it to kitchen for some more garlic bread*
Jim to be fired please.
I can't imagine haggling with scrap dealers is a walk in the park. They must work within very small margins and are as hard as scrap metal nails.
agree suzy - most been at it for years and know the business inside out - defo not easy to haggle with
I think Jim is going to be a gonner this week.....
thought you liked him baz - not keen myself
I do quite.... but I think he let himself down last week.....
I can't imagine haggling with scrap dealers is a walk in the park. They must work within very small margins and are as hard as scrap metal nails.
you dont haggle with them they have a going rate and just pay per kilo. Its the builders that will take an arm and a leg and then another leg.
If you excuse the pun....that was a rubbish task.
Zoe had a face like a slapped arse there
This should be interesting ...
If Natasha doesn't win this.... i think she's in with a shout as Ryan Giggs' next conquest... she looks like the latest..
Complaining about getting dirty....I bet she won't have any more respect for the bin men though.
Why are Susan and Melody standing up?
Why are Susan and Melody standing up?
I think Jim is going to be a gonner this week.....
thought you liked him baz - not keen myself
I do quite.... but I think he let himself down last week.....
000hhhhhhhhhhhh -
Tom always seems like the maverick in the group. I love him
Why are Susan and Melody standing up?
The pouting
Boo! Jim should be a gonner!
6 quid sick squid
I'm liking Tom now
Why are Susan and Melody standing up?
Why are Susan and Melody standing up?
I'd rather park my bum.
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