Jeeeeebus, what is he wearing?
he deserved to be fired just for that...
Jeeeeebus, what is he wearing?
he deserved to be fired just for that...
Who's the woman with the red specs?
haha only youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
Wrong Vince....Jim will be out on his ass next time he's in the board room
I don't like the side of Jim we have seen tonight... I'm disappointed in him.....
I don't like the side of Jim we have seen tonight... I'm disappointed in him.....
True colours coming through Baz I'm afraid......I q like Glenn
I don't like the side of Jim we have seen tonight... I'm disappointed in him.....
He was right chuffed when Lord Sugar was asking whose idea Everydog was but back tracked when he realised it wasn't seen as such a good idea.
No maybe about it Vincey boy
I wasn't planning on going into business with him GJ
I don't like the side of Jim we have seen tonight... I'm disappointed in him.....
True colours coming through Baz I'm afraid......I q like Glenn
He is quite easy on he eye, but that's all
oh next week looks good steptoe and son episode where theres muck theres brass.
I'm still liking Melody, Jim and Leon. Not bothered about the others.
Strangely missing last years contestants.
Gutted Jim wasn't in the boardroom,he is a slimbag.He took ownership of "Everydog" but when the team lost it became "everyone's"
One consolation is the "Dinasaur has gone.
Loved Jim telling Natasha they'd both contributed equally to the task, after she went back to the house.
Errr, no mate. She made the best advert, despite the terrible product. He came up with the product that lost them the task!
Did he have Vincent's balls in his pocket, or something?
Why don't guys like Jim?
Jellus innit I'm watching now on iplayer
ooohhh that result was a surprise
I don't like the side of Jim we have seen tonight... I'm disappointed in him.....
I'm sure I said last week that he was going to disappoint me. I hate being right.
I don't like the side of Jim we have seen tonight... I'm disappointed in him.....
I'm sure I said last week that he was going to disappoint me. I hate being right.
You certainly did kaffy.... and we certainly were
Jim looks like,Richard Armitage from Spooks.
Decided i've liked Tom now.
Only just watched this yesterday on iplayer - got confused with the bank holiday and forgot it!
Glad Vincent went and loved the double firing but why oh why didn't he bring Jim back? He is playing a right old game! The only thing I knew for sure was that SAS would not fire Natasha! Had a good giggle reading back this thread
Jim looks like,Richard Armitage from Spooks.
Jim looks like,Richard Armitage from Spooks.
Should've gone to Specsavers. He looks nothing like him, more like Beaker on steroids.
Just caught up. I see the 'Cult of Jim' is still alive, but has less followers as the weeks go on. He really does have a hold on some of the guys in there. Great episode, loved the double firing. I think I remember The Donald Trump doing that in the US version, but have never seen Lord Sugar do it.
like Beaker on steroids.
Jim's card is marked - Sugar will have him out now at the first opportunity.
I'm not so sure Miss S. Something tells me Lord Sugar will quite like his boldness and chutzpah. Jim certainly has the audacity to persuade and inspire people, and that's an attribute especially for entrepreneurs. It's up to Jim now to use his considerable influence (I've never seen anyone else on this show have such a hold on the competition) more positively. I'm surprised that some of the gobby women from earlier on (Edna??, Susan and Melody) have taken a backseat and were hardly featured in this episode.
edit: yup it is Edna. I like Tom, but he needs to PM to really show his mettle.
Jim's card is marked - Sugar will have him out now at the first opportunity.
thats a bit of a shame .... I had such high hopes for jim
Who to win this year ??? ..... it's a difficult one to predict ..... still anyones I reckon ..... you never can tell who Lordy is gonna like, or not.
anyway ..... at least we got rid of Vinnie this week
See Ya Vinnie .... wouldn't wanna be Ya
I'm not so sure Miss S. Something tells me Lord Sugar will quite like his boldness and chutzpah. Jim certainly has the audacity to persuade and inspire people, and that's an attribute especially for entrepreneurs. It's up to Jim now to use his considerable influence (I've never seen anyone else on this show have such a hold on the competition) more positively. I'm surprised that some of the gobby women from earlier on (Edna??, Susan and Melody) have taken a backseat and were hardly featured in this episode.
edit: yup it is Edna. I like Tom, but he needs to PM to really show his mettle.
I have to agree Suze... I didn't like what I saw of Jim this week, but I do have to say his 'persuasive' technique is impressive if it's being used on your side and S'ralan isn't daft.
I'm not so sure Miss S. Something tells me Lord Sugar will quite like his boldness and chutzpah. Jim certainly has the audacity to persuade and inspire people, and that's an attribute especially for entrepreneurs. It's up to Jim now to use his considerable influence (I've never seen anyone else on this show have such a hold on the competition) more positively. I'm surprised that some of the gobby women from earlier on (Edna??, Susan and Melody) have taken a backseat and were hardly featured in this episode.
edit: yup it is Edna. I like Tom, but he needs to PM to really show his mettle.
I have to agree Suze... I didn't like what I saw of Jim this week, but I do have to say his 'persuasive' technique is impressive if it's being used on your side and S'ralan isn't daft.
I didn't like what I saw either but it's less about personality in this programme. Katie wossherface from a few years back was a harridan, but went really far in the process and left of her own volition.
I wonder who'll be getting the boot tonight then ?
Almost here, just dishing up hubby's food!
Howdy do
Hi all
I've got my wine Rawky - you all settled with your cup of tea?
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