I only really like Melody, Jim and Leon out of who is left.
Hope they show more of the other candidates, by this stage last year we knew lots about the candidates. Got a tweet off my favourite Joanna Riley at last!
I only really like Melody, Jim and Leon out of who is left.
Hope they show more of the other candidates, by this stage last year we knew lots about the candidates. Got a tweet off my favourite Joanna Riley at last!
Didn't watch live last night.. missed you lot!
Suzie God, how irritating can one person be? Did anybody hear her say she's ran her own company selling skincare for the past three years? You might have missed it.. I don't think she likes to talk about it much. Gutted that she was on the winning team again.
ION.... I'm warming to Leon..... His cheesey 'pinkie' trick made me smile and cringe all at the same time. It worked though. Tom I think might be a bit of a dark horse.. he was the only one (before nippy arse shouted him down) to point out that the location might not be all it was cracked up to be.
I also have a sneaking suspicion that Jim's going to fall off his pedestal at some point.
Watched it on catch-up.
Not keen on Ellie and would rather she had gone, rather than Felicity.
Karen really doesn't like Natasha - her days may be numbered.
Agree with Kaffy, Leon and Tom are growing on me.
My Jim is safe for another week - YAY!
Just watched the After show since couldnt watch it last night and Felicity seemed such a nice person and yes I think shes right shes far too nice for Alan Sugars companies. I wish they had asked her what else had gone wrong and they let them off by not showing it.
My favourite so far is Tom but feel he will be set up at some point as a scapegoat by one of these evil harpies who as felicity said are playing a good game at setting up someone for a fall if it looks like they might lose. Suzie was very lucking this week but i didnt like the way they set her up. Also Vincent is nowhere near as secure as he thinks he is if he does project lead he had better hope he wins because i dont think anyone likes him.
The right one went "Felicity" imo
Susan Ma got really lucky didn't she .... So much for me saying: she'll go along way .... ..... what ever made me think that ... she fecked up royal style in last weeks taks & she's got a lil bit of an attitude problem when things don't quite go her way.
I'm liking Jim still ..... I quite like Ellie too. I liked the way she stood up for herself against the toffee nosed ones ..... Don't like Melody .... And me old fave Vincent ...... "The whole thing was a complete shambles" .... Well I hate to break it to ya Vinnie ... but you were part of that shambles yourself
Can't help think Lordy Sugar has his cards marked ... I hope he gives Vincent a good showcase showdown send off
Also Vincent is nowhere near as secure as he thinks he is if he does project lead he had better hope he wins
The best thing about Vincent is: he thinks he's above all the rest ..... Last week he tried to detatch himself from the rest by saying: the whole thing was a shambles, as if he'd had nothing to do with it. He's WAYY above himself ... & people like that need a good dressing down imo ..... Can't wait for Sir Al to drop him from a great height & bring him down a peg or two
I quite like Tom aswell ..... I noticed Felicity shot him down a couple of times .... silly mare .... I don't know how he'll fare as PM ... but he comes across as very innofensive and that can go along way for winning respect from his rivals.
I quite like Tom aswell ..... I noticed Felicity shot him down a couple of times .... silly mare .... I don't know how he'll fare as PM ... but he comes across as very innofensive and that can go along way for winning respect from his rivals.
I just watched 'You're Fired' this morning and to give her her due she did say that if she'd listened to Tom more they would have fared a whole lot better. Silly moo.
Just watched the After show since couldnt watch it last night and Felicity seemed such a nice person and yes I think shes right shes far too nice for Alan Sugars companies. I wish they had asked her what else had gone wrong and they let them off by not showing it.
My favourite so far is Tom but feel he will be set up at some point as a scapegoat by one of these evil harpies who as felicity said are playing a good game at setting up someone for a fall if it looks like they might lose. Suzie was very lucking this week but i didnt like the way they set her up. Also Vincent is nowhere near as secure as he thinks he is if he does project lead he had better hope he wins because i dont think anyone likes him.
Gotta agree with you about it appearing to set Susie up. I know she didn't help matters with her constant crowing, misplaced confidence and patronising asides, but there was way too much emphasis on her this week. Also thought that Karren Brady's dismissal of Natasha was a tad premature. I really, really miss Margaret Mountford
Also thought that Karren Brady's dismissal of Natasha was a tad premature. I really, really miss Margaret Mountford
Hey Suze! I have to agree there.... I've never been able to warm to Karren Brady and her performances on The Apprentice aren't helping. That said, nobody could ever replace Margaret.
Also thought that Karren Brady's dismissal of Natasha was a tad premature. I really, really miss Margaret Mountford
Hey Suze! I have to agree there.... I've never been able to warm to Karren Brady and her performances on The Apprentice aren't helping. That said, nobody could ever replace Margaret.
Kaff She's not a patch on our Maggie of the raised eyebrow
Just watched the After show since couldnt watch it last night and Felicity seemed such a nice person and yes I think shes right shes far too nice for Alan Sugars companies. I wish they had asked her what else had gone wrong and they let them off by not showing it.
My favourite so far is Tom but feel he will be set up at some point as a scapegoat by one of these evil harpies who as felicity said are playing a good game at setting up someone for a fall if it looks like they might lose. Suzie was very lucking this week but i didnt like the way they set her up. Also Vincent is nowhere near as secure as he thinks he is if he does project lead he had better hope he wins because i dont think anyone likes him.
Gotta agree with you about it appearing to set Susie up. I know she didn't help matters with her constant crowing, misplaced confidence and patronising asides, but there was way too much emphasis on her this week. Also thought that Karren Brady's dismissal of Natasha was a tad premature. I really, really miss Margaret Mountford
Agree with you there Suzybean i said on the night that was really harsh on Natasha. How could she defend herself after that statement from Karren I dont think Margaret would have been so cruel. I mean theres warning that she might be economical with the truth and then theres saying everything she says is a lie.
Oh and Angel, vincent could do with being knocked down a block or two but I think he is more competent than some there just seems like he is set up as a major target but he cant see it and if he goes for project lead he will run into the same problems miss skincare specialist did.
Well i am pretty sure she wouldn't have advocated taking on the running costs of that stadium out of their traditional catchment area along with a running track perimeter that was the downfall of even Juventus (bayern munich got shot of it as soon as they could *spit*) in a season that was very likely they would be relegated never to see the PL again because they have sold any half decent player for the last 10 years just to keep afloat.
Kaff She's not a patch on our Maggie of the raised eyebrow
...and the lipstick on the teeth I loved Margaret on The Apprentice - nobody does an eye roll like her!
I have a funny feeling that our Tom Pellereau will be fired tonight
We shall see ................................
Noooooooo............. not Tom!
Hello Ladies,
I shall be joining you at 9 but I am currently suffering from Man Flu so I may not be as active
Hello Ladies,
I shall be joining you at 9 but I am currently suffering from Man Flu so I may not be as active
Poor, poor Rawky *applies cold flannel*
Evening all
Hello Ladies,
I shall be joining you at 9 but I am currently suffering from Man Flu so I may not be as active
Poor, poor Rawky *applies cold flannel*
Evening all
Thanks Rexi *cough*
Cup of tea please.
It's Wine Wednesday for me
Wednesday is WW weigh in - anything eaten or drunk after that has no calories!!
Wonder if Susan will tell us that she has been in the beauty business for 3 years.
Evening Apprentice peeps.
Whoever's getting Rawky's cuppa.... strong with lots of milk for me
Where is everyone? Was there a Gaga outing (and I wasn't invited)
Ahhhhhhh, Kaffy, SB
toms underwear
I'd have to stay up all night if I was on there... no way in hell I could be ready in 30 minutes.
i predict the demise of our orange musketeer. All for one....and all for one.
Oooooh.. Vincent's in the firing line.
Pal?? Numpty
I thought Gnashers was a good one
I'm trying to get over the flu. I think I was almost over it on Monday, but was smitt again overnight and have been off work since Tuesday. I think I'll be OK to go back to work on Friday.
It has to appeal to everybody ... that'll be easy then
Oh no.. cats... this is not what I need to see.
I'm trying to get over the flu. I think I was almost over it on Monday, but was smitt again overnight and have been off work since Tuesday. I think I'll be OK to go back to work on Friday.
Poor Fluffs
You and Rawky haven't been cavorting, have you
Evening all ....in a bit of a rush tonight - I'm thinking i'll probably not have missed much!
Every dog has it's day
I'm trying to get over the flu. I think I was almost over it on Monday, but was smitt again overnight and have been off work since Tuesday. I think I'll be OK to go back to work on Friday.
Aw Fluffs....hope you're better soon. Back on a Friday?? That's dedication.
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