Felicity should go - mainly cos I don't like her
An excellent reason, Saz, and much like my own thought process at times like this
oh yay, she's gone
Felicity should go - mainly cos I don't like her
An excellent reason, Saz, and much like my own thought process at times like this
oh yay, she's gone
pet food
Quite honestly, I don't think that any of them are suitable potential business patrners for Lord Sugar.
ewwwwww ... dog food
that dog has good taste
Fancy never saying goodbye to her.... how grown up is that.. not!!!
just about to post that - terrible
Next week: Making a dog's dinner of a dog's dinner.
Night in here xxx
Id have said goodbye while holding the door open to the taxi
Next week: Making a dog's dinner of a dog's dinner.
Night in here xxx
Thanks for the company and nite to all those going Anybody watching You're fired?
Good show
Night all
I'm watching Baz Night all those going
I'm watching Baz Night all those going
Me too LB
As always they always come over nicer on "you're fired"
I agree with what that guy just said.... the profit the other team made was peanuts considering they had the best product etc...
As always they always come over nicer on "you're fired"
I didn't think she was too bad LB.... just not much good at the task
How is Lisa Snowdon a model? She's nothing special....
As always they always come over nicer on "you're fired"
I didn't think she was too bad LB.... just not much good at the task
Good point, shame the other team didn't lose
The hair piece on Ed Byrne is hilarious!
The hair piece on Ed Byrne is hilarious!
As always they always come over nicer on "you're fired"
I didn't think she was too bad LB.... just not much good at the task
Good point, shame the other team didn't lose
I second that
The shape of that guy they spray tanned was seriously weird!!
Enjoyed that! Thanks for your company Baz and all - same time next week
I do worry that The Apprentice has become 'all about selling' .................however - I think that's how life is nowadays .................selling is all.
Indeed Soozy - and SNAP baz
In addition to my post above ^^^^^^ I think marketing strategies take a longer to put into place and be sucessful - maybe once or twice they should be given a bit more time in these tasks. When it's thrust upon them and they have to achieve in 12/24 hours it's all too often about selling. I'd like to see them given a bit more time.
In addition to my post above ^^^^^^ I think marketing strategies take a longer to put into place and be sucessful - maybe once or twice they should be given a bit more time in these tasks. When it's thrust upon them and they have to achieve in 12/24 hours it's all too often about selling. I'd like to see them given a bit more time.
I agree Soozy.... surely they could give them say 2/3 days to work on it..... it would make much more sense....
I wonder where Brisket has got to? I've not seen him around much lately.... but it's not like him to miss the show...
I wonder where Brisket has got to? I've not seen him around much lately.... but it's not like him to miss the show...
Perhaps he's having a fab night out away from here! I hope so,
I don't think I have ever been as annoyed by a single candidate in the past as Suzie. How excitable and childish can one person be?
Also Leon... *swoon*
Does the trailer shown tonight for next weeks show reveal the losing team.If so, it looks like Leon is in the losing team .I have gone off Leon,I think he is more of a wanabee.
Leon to win
How is Lisa Snowdon a model? She's nothing special....
Give me rather than the false Kelly Brook anyday, mmm.
As for that woman's fail of a Brummie accent in the car. Natasha really got on my nerves but the right person went.
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