That look Suzy gave Zoe was evil
I know - 'orrible lady
That look Suzy gave Zoe was evil
I know - 'orrible lady
Aww poor Susan
Give over; she was far too cocky
They made a loss hahahaha
pig ugly??
"pig ugly loss"
Get rid of slimey, sneaky Jim!!!
thats the first loss in ages zoe is a lucky lucky woman.
oh bugger it, little miss smugpants won
Aww poor Susan
Give over; she was far too cocky
She's a baby though....bless
Oooooooooooooh a big loss and a pawltry profit.......
pig ugly??
"pig ugly loss"
Nick is brilliant
Oh heck.... noooooooooooooo not my Jim
I'm sure he'll be fine
Get rid of slimey, sneaky Jim!!!
That's the last glass of wine I give you - you are drunk
Vincent's gotta go
couple of stalkers
woohoo Strictly people
Oh heck.... noooooooooooooo not my Jim
My Jim won't give me a foot massage
Vincent is slimey.....
That bloke is right about the location though
Oh heck.... noooooooooooooo not my Jim
My Jim won't give me a foot massage
My Jim does *whacks foot in his face*
Aww poor Susan
Give over; she was far too cocky
She's a baby though....bless
She's gotta man-up though.....and stop talking herself up too much. xx
Vincent to go
That bloke is right about the location though
Was hardly a bad location though was it looked like it was slap in the middle of the bullring mall area.
Aww poor Susan
Give over; she was far too cocky
She's a baby though....bless
She's gotta man-up though.....and stop talking herself up too much. xx
I know, I know....I was just backing the underdog
Evil Melody, despite being fairly fit, is getting on my norks.
Nick's getting stuck into them tonight
Aww poor Susan
Give over; she was far too cocky
She's a baby though....bless
She's gotta man-up though.....and stop talking herself up too much. xx
I know, I know....I was just backing the underdog
Softy Suzybean
Over 3 hrs before they did a treatment? Did I hear that correctly?
Aww poor Susan
Give over; she was far too cocky
She's a baby though....bless
She's gotta man-up though.....and stop talking herself up too much. xx
I know, I know....I was just backing the underdog
Softy Suzybean
Over 3 hrs before they did a treatment? Did I hear that correctly?
Yes...... how silly was that....
What would the Dalai Lama do?
Was hardly a bad location though was it looked like it was slap in the middle of the bullring mall area.
Just having one treatment room was a problem though
Who the feck is she?
Where did that dark haired woman on the end come from?
Aww poor Susan
Give over; she was far too cocky
She's a baby though....bless
She's gotta man-up though.....and stop talking herself up too much. xx
I know, I know....I was just backing the underdog
Softy Suzybean
Over 3 hrs before they did a treatment? Did I hear that correctly?
It was four hours - from 11.00am - first treatment - 3.30pm
What would the Dalai Lama do?
Take to the bottle, probably
Baz: No wonder S'rallan called it "unbelieveable"..!
Was hardly a bad location though was it looked like it was slap in the middle of the bullring mall area.
Just having one treatment room was a problem though
well they could have had 4 treatment rooms they would all still have been empty for 4 hours. pitiful excuse.
edit 4!
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