How generous - my wine is MY WINE!
My son has just got back from France and has bought loads with him ... I'm not usually this generous
How generous - my wine is MY WINE!
My son has just got back from France and has bought loads with him ... I'm not usually this generous
'ello Luvs
did I hear Zoe say they "can't lose" because they have a skincare specialist on their team...?
Poor Tom...he was just being thorough
Evening all
It might be a bit cold when it gets to you.
stick it in a flask
Felicity is a bit of a biatch
Poor Tom...he was just being thorough
She was very brusque there!
How many times will she say 'right up my street'?
miss "sin care specialist" is so dead this week..
Something tells me that pride may come before the fall here.....
Does'nt it most times Baz ?...
Oh for goodness sake - hair removal and weight removal - they would be the sure fire winners
So I'm told
How many times will she say 'right up my street'?
miss "sin care specialist" is so dead this week..
I'm sick of her already
I've never seen Felicity before??
Yeah. I was just thinking 'Felicity, who's Felicity?'
But I remember seeing her in week 1.
What's with Felicity and her soppy girly voice? Where did that come from?
Oh for goodness sake - hair removal and weight removal - they would be the sure fire winners
So I'm told
They need stuff people will do mid-shopping trip though.... that massage one looked fab, I'd do that. And this pedicure looks pretty good too... tired achey feet
In the absence of any hair removal I would go for the spray tan one
who else is thinking Ross and friends with the tanning.
I've never seen Felicity before??
Yeah. I was just thinking 'Felicity, who's Felicity?'
But I remember seeing her in week 1.
She was sucking up to the one who's been taught by Mandela and the Dalai Lama in week 1.
Spray tan.................Nooooooo......pale is beautiful.....
are they expecting people to get their kit off in the street?
In the absence of any hair removal I would go for the spray tan one
Im in you could line them up like a car production line
Not sure about spray tan... you need to be wearing loose clothes so it doesn't rub off
who else is thinking Ross and friends with the tanning.
and the pearly white teefs!
are they expecting people to get their kit off in the street?
Plus I agree with Syd about paleness
Oh the 'dwarma'
Well done Susan...enjoy it while it lasts!
hi liver
I've never seen Felicity before??
Yeah. I was just thinking 'Felicity, who's Felicity?'
But I remember seeing her in week 1.
She was sucking up to the one who's been taught by Mandela and the Dalai Lama in week 1.
Ahhhh, Miss Snotty Chops....(did she mention Darth Vader and the daleks too by any chance?)
In the absence of any hair removal I would go for the spray tan one
Im in you could line them up like a car production line
Agree with others, don't think spray tan would be good when shopping!
woww thats dark
why more blond - more brunette I would say
who else is thinking Ross and friends with the tanning.
and the pearly white teefs!
Oh good somebody did know what I was going on about ....they didnt tell me to turn around!
What's with Felicity and her soppy girly voice? Where did that come from?
Obviously a trait of 'Girly girls' *simper*
I wouldn't let any of them near or no training.
This would be one challenge I would be pants at.
hi liver
Ooooo I've had my hair done at Hersheson's salon a few times
Ok... I want Miss Smug tanning team to fall flat on their face....
so do i baz
Ok... I want Miss Smug tanning team to fall flat on their face....
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