well, hard but i agree with that the team was in a shambles.
Do you think the Secretary has her ear to the door?
I've decided that I don't like Zoe.
Oh Gavin's gone - wish it had been Vincent.
He was boring, and not very good
Belgian Waffler.
Spoilers were right, seen some others of the next few tasks already (won't say anything I promise)...
Disappointed because I liked Gavin.
Well I suppose he deserved to go ..... but I'd rather have seen Vincent go
Now who am I going to look at..?
should have been vincent
He was boring, and not very good
Don't be getting factual with me, Rexi
That secretary is actually an actress.
Was my Leon in it tonight?
My son just said 'so the rat boy stayed'
Zoe "i was only obeying orders!"
and for the love of god someone tell lord sugar how to say resume!
What happened to C.V?
CV is too highbrow for them. They prefer to go for the frenchie word and crucify it.
Actually its because americans and other countries call them resumes i think.
Vincent is being saved purely for good TV .................Like that t*at from last year (the name escapes me). He is there for amusement only IMO.Effin idiot IMO!
My son just said 'so the rat boy stayed'
Vincent is being saved purely for good TV .................Like that t*at from last year (the name escapes me). He is there for amusement only IMO.Effin idiot IMO!
Another shambles task next week - yay!
I really thought it was going to be Vincent!
Well.. that was pants.
I'm huffed.
Thanks for the chat Apprenticers
Thanks for your company everyone, goodnight all.
Good prog ... night night all
yea thanks all is it next week now? im getting confuzzled
I'm watching Gav with Dara on BBC2
Only one Yellow pages in Liverpool....
I can't stand Vincent, what a smug twat, needs bringing down a peg or two, I can just imagine idiots like him standing in poncy wine bars trying to look like weekend millionaires, what a knob!
I can't stand Vincent, what a smug twat, needs bringing down a peg or two, I can just imagine idiots like him standing in poncy wine bars trying to look like weekend millionaires, what a knob!
Spot on!
Zoe "i was only obeying orders!"
and for the love of god someone tell lord sugar how to say resume!
I wish someone would tell him it's a CV
Does anyone else get the urge to throw something at the TV every time Suzie is on. SHE IS SOOOOOOOOO ANNOYING!
Phone went just as he fired Gavin Anyway, Jim is still there... that's all that matters Nite nite everyone
Ps Leon is a hottie
I wanted the three of 'em to go.....and several others.......Ellie may be another 'dark horse'....growing on me, but needs to step up to the plate
Does anyone else get the urge to throw something at the TV every time Suzie is on. SHE IS SOOOOOOOOO ANNOYING!
I wanted the three of 'em to go.....and several others.......Ellie may be another 'dark horse'....growing on me, but needs to step up to the plate
I like Ellie .................I think she's one to watch .............se my post ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ages ago. So far it's her and Jim (James) for me.
Does anyone else get the urge to throw something at the TV every time Suzie is on. SHE IS SOOOOOOOOO ANNOYING!
Oh...but perhaps equally as much as Melody, Vincent and Edna!
I wanted the three of 'em to go.....and several others.......Ellie may be another 'dark horse'....growing on me, but needs to step up to the plate
I like Ellie .................I think she's one to watch .............se my post ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ages ago. So far it's her and Jim (James) for me.
Too tired to look back Soozy , but yes, ones to watch and down to earth...we'll see
Vincent is hilarious... he looks like a comedy character. Love child of George (from George and Mildred) and Boycie from Only Fools and Horses
I knew it! I am a muppet spotter par excellence
Looking at Leon's photo, I think I'd like to pinch him. Hard.
Leave Leon alone....he will show his hand...........I know it
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