they arent allowed to use the internet
Booooo! Why not?
WTF ÂĢ900 for tea?? *faint*
they arent allowed to use the internet
Booooo! Why not?
WTF ÂĢ900 for tea?? *faint*
ÂĢ990 for tea
and they were going to offer ÂĢ30
"Thats below our cost price"
"we've got cash"
WTF is WRONG with these people?! argh!
well, really!
ÂĢ990 for tea
and they were going to offer ÂĢ30
That was some discount
I don't think they're used to having money Saz! It must impress them.
They're like excited labrador puppies
whats the matter with 2ply
Not 'posh' enough for the likes of the Savoy.
they arent allowed to use the internet
Booooo! Why not?
WTF ÂĢ900 for tea?? *faint*
because we wouldnt see their initiative and they could cheat a lot easier. this way they have to ask strangers in the street
Oh heck... don't tell me Gavin's team are going to win
I'll be gutted if they do.
That was some discount
That was still some business woman making a profit....
I'm going to enjoy this
whats the matter with 2ply
Not 'posh' enough for the likes of the Savoy.
just put it in a posh looking box
Oh the other hand... Gavin's team have 6 items missing, so that has got to cost them......
whats the matter with 2ply
Not 'posh' enough for the likes of the Savoy.
just put it in a posh looking box
God, how have any of these people got successful businesses?
Its a nail biter!
why go to all the expensive places - seems silly to me - did they find out what a cloche is
It seems deliberately unfair to simply say "cloche" without further description.
There are different types of cloches after all.
I hoped you said with in the right withering accent?
whats the matter with 2ply
Not 'posh' enough for the likes of the Savoy.
Couldn't they get the tea from Tesco?
Still not got the hang of all their names.....
It seems deliberately unfair to simply say "cloche" without further description.
There are different types of cloches after all.
They knew it was for a hotel, Brisket - that was a bit of a clue.
It seems deliberately unfair to simply say "cloche" without further description.
There are different types of cloches after all.
well savoy ...serving cloche or a garden tent....what are the chances?!
I'm worried for Gavin...
Good team leader? ........................................ Not bad..........................
I hoped you said with in the right withering accent?
as in mrs bucket (bouquet)
It seems deliberately unfair to simply say "cloche" without further description.
There are different types of cloches after all.
Was there not mention of 'catering' cloche? I'm sure I heard that somewhere.
I hoped you said with in the right withering accent?
Of course! It was Melody I was mimic-ing afterall
I'm worried for Gavin...
yes - he is looking dodgy
I hoped you said with in the right withering accent?
as in mrs bucket (bouquet)
I hoped you said with in the right withering accent?
as in mrs bucket (bouquet)
That was close
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