ÂĢ70 more than Jim paid
and he used the phrase... 'and I've got cash' I do that in the butcher's all the time... they're not impressed.
ÂĢ70 more than Jim paid
and he used the phrase... 'and I've got cash' I do that in the butcher's all the time... they're not impressed.
Gavin is so fired!
Only cos he knicked one of your ties
What do you mean "one of his ties", he only has the gold one.
I think he secretly dyed it, Yogi
Why don't they just go to John Lewis for this cloche?
Quick, easy and not too pricey.
Gavins having problems to speak....
ooh, what a narky shop owner!
I mean, the joke's not on us is it?
hmmmm ... good thinking Rawky
*feels a twit now*
Oh I love those frosty faced shopkeepers!
Organza in Mayfair At least Susan knows you can't really negotiate there
Ooooh, she was a frosty one.
Gavins having problems to speak....
Lend him your torch and blanket Syd
ooh, what a narky shop owner!
I thought she talked a whole load of sense
whats the matter with 2ply
"By the sound of it you can't get it anywhere"
"I've only rang one"
Gavin's a nervous wreck.
Oh please... one of them buy a garden cloche
That's what I was thinking Kaffy
I think they're on the edge of doing just that.
try aldi
ooh, what a narky shop owner!
I thought she talked a whole load of sense
me too rexi
Vincent's a real richard de tete
ooh, what a narky shop owner!
I thought she talked a whole load of sense
She did, but she was what my mum calls a "a nippy sweetie".
I like Ellie!
They are a bunch of twats, the lot of them!
why didn't they google cloche on their phones?? or is that against the rules
Oh please... one of them buy a garden cloche
That's what I was thinking Kaffy
I think they're on the edge of doing just that.
I would crack up if they do EFFT
haha Jim does it again
I'd have done it for 50 for the hug
JIm was spot on when he said people by from people. I wish he worked for our company.
Why does it take 4 of them to buy loo rolls?
Do none of those dickheads on that team have an internet phone they can google the mystery items on?
I'd have thought they'd not have the internet on their phones, for the purpose of the task.
I don't see why not, they can look up the items and suppliers... unless Sirallun makes all his staff use phone directories and maps
they arent allowed to use the internet
oh and yogi probably would be hard getting a discount at john lewis (you have to have one) but more likely than in mayfair.
They are a bunch of twats, the lot of them!
Vincent's a real richard de tete
C'est vrai.
"Thats below our cost price"
"we've got cash"
WTF is WRONG with these people?! argh!
Why does it take 4 of them to buy loo rolls?
It's 3 ply. It's probably heavy.
Vincent's a real richard de tete
C'est vrai.
"Thats below our cost price"
"we've got cash"
WTF is WRONG with these people?! argh!
"Thats below our cost price"
"we've got cash"
WTF is WRONG with these people?! argh!
I don't think they're used to having money Saz! It must impress them.
Why does it take 4 of them to buy loo rolls?
I was thinking that! Why don't they spread themselves a bit more?
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