You ain't charming Jimmy, you're sneaky fecker! Get fired!
You are a thrill seeker saying that in this thread!
Jim's a star.
...well, I did like Bea
You ain't charming Jimmy, you're sneaky fecker! Get fired!
You are a thrill seeker saying that in this thread!
Jim's a star.
...well, I did like Bea
I would have thought an out of town hire shop would get you a cheap Top Hat.
Gotta love Jim
I do!
SO DO I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh yes, Mayfair is the place to go bargain hunting
buy truffles in knightsbridge, top hats in mayfair. the apprentice guide to cheap shopping
You ain't charming Jimmy, you're sneaky fecker! Get fired!
You are a thrill seeker saying that in this thread!
Jim's a star.
...well, I did like Bea
I forgot that.... you're radio rental.
Vincent is a prat.
...well, I did like Bea
you said that out loud
But it can also be a hat or a garden implement .............................I probably missed something in the remit (I'm in and out of the kitchen)
I was thinking of a garden seed starter thingy
I know, I know ... I'm Fired
Well, maybe they need one or two for the kitchen garden!
Gavin is so fired!
Only cos he knicked one of your ties
Do none of those dickheads on that team have an internet phone they can google the mystery items on?
I'd have thought they'd not have the internet on their phones, for the purpose of the task.
Gavin is so fired!
Only cos he knicked one of your ties
Has he?!!?
Try somewhere else
Why are they getting excited at saving a penny?
Gavin is so fired!
Only cos he knicked one of your ties
What do you mean "one of his ties", he only has the gold one.
Save a penny, save a pound....
nicks face
Vincent is a prat.
I agree Yogi And a big headed one at that!
That could be the winning penny!
Why is that fool trying to barter for a penny?
Do none of those dickheads on that team have an internet phone they can google the mystery items on?
I'd have thought they'd not have the internet on their phones, for the purpose of the task.
I don't see why not, they can look up the items and suppliers... unless Sirallun makes all his staff use phone directories and maps
why don't they ask somebody
Gavin is so fired!
Only cos he knicked one of your ties
What do you mean "one of his ties", he only has the gold one.
Oi! I have since invested in a black one too.
Oh please... one of them buy a garden cloche
upskirt shot!
Why is that fool trying to barter for a penny?
I know, what was the point?
Why is that fool trying to barter for a penny?
They arent allowed to buy it unless its discounted but a penny is ridiculous the point is to spend less money not just buy all the items.
They still don't know what a Clo(t)che is!
Did no-one think to ask?
Gavin is so fired!
Only cos he knicked one of your ties
What do you mean "one of his ties", he only has the gold one.
I think he secretly dyed it, Yogi
Why don't they just go to John Lewis for this cloche?
Quick, easy and not too pricey.
Oh please... one of them buy a garden cloche
That's what I was thinking Kaffy
Oh please... one of them buy a garden cloche
please please please
They think it's a greenhouse cloche Ros
I know
ÂĢ70 more than Jim paid
Gavin is so fired!
Only cos he knicked one of your ties
What do you mean "one of his ties", he only has the gold one.
Oi! I have since invested in a black one too.
Do you wear it with the blue or the purple shirt?
bahahahahaha Karen just shaking her head
They still don't know what a Clo(t)che is!
Did no-one think to ask?
snap fluffy
"adrift in London suburbs"....says it all for Gavin
Errrrrrrrm - I'm not getting this. Are they only allowed to shop in the West End?
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