They don't know what a Cloche is?
They don't know what a Cloche is?
None of them know what a cloche is... ffs
like jim
Are they serious? They don't know what a cloche is?
Try Smithfield's...perhaps?
That's it, Gavin's fired.
hahahah... anywhere in London sell fillet steak?
Not a lot of call for steak in London then?
I am not keen on Susan.... but she does seem to be quite a good team leader
Yes ..................she could be good
Phoning the competitor?
I am not keen on Susan.... but she does seem to be quite a good team leader
don't make me agree with you when you've tipped me out my chair!
Calm down, calm down.
I am not keen on Susan.... but she does seem to be quite a good team leader
don't make me agree with you when you've tipped me out my chair!
go on... you know you want too
win win you give us a list of your suppliers gratis and we give you erm a peanut and a packet of crisps? done deal?
he suits the hat
Hi everyone
Are they serious? They don't know what a cloche is?
couldn't believe that
They don't know what a Cloche is?
But it can also be a hat or a garden implement .............................I probably missed something in the remit (I'm in and out of the kitchen)
ohhhh, squirmingly embarrassing
oh yes, Mayfair is the place to go bargain hunting
one does not give discounts to chavs, sorry
But it can also be a hat or a garden implement .............................I probably missed something in the remit (I'm in and out of the kitchen)
I was thinking of a garden seed starter thingy
I know, I know ... I'm Fired
"How greedy does one have to be?"
I thought being a hard nosed greedy b****d was the essence of the show?
hi kaffy cosmo carmelian
You ain't charming Jimmy, you're sneaky fecker! Get fired!
check the Irish charm
Gotta love Jim
But it can also be a hat or a garden implement .............................I probably missed something in the remit (I'm in and out of the kitchen)
I was thinking of a garden seed starter thingy
I know, I know ... I'm Fired
That's what I thought a cloche might be, a makeshift little tent to keep your marrows nice and warm and snug so they grow nice and big.
You ain't charming Jimmy, you're sneaky fecker! Get fired!
You are a thrill seeker saying that in this thread!
Jim's a star.
Gotta love Jim
Oh yes
You ain't charming Jimmy, you're sneaky fecker! Get fired!
Noooooooooo........He's great Rawky....
Gotta love Jim
I do!
I quite like looking at Gavin on my tellybox
He doesn't need to speak.
Gavin is so fired!
Do none of those dickheads on that team have an internet phone they can google the mystery items on?
I would have thought an out of town hire shop would get you a cheap Top Hat.
That's what I thought a cloche might be, a little tent to keep your marrows nice and warm and smug.
They won't be smug when I stuff 'em
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