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Originally Posted by brisket:

I am getting more and more annoyed by Edna. Anyone who claims to be an expert in humanity and people should be doubted (we've seen that type in Big Brother.)






So, anyone who has achieved a recognised qualification(s), by undergoing years of comprehensive study and research within this particular scientific discipline - using methods previously tried and tested and, approved through empirical evidence, should be doubted on the account of a thick, egotistical bint, on a TV show?  



If we go with this 'logical inference' - doubt, should be extended to every Doctor of medicine, on the account of Harold Shipman - otherwise known as 'Dr. Death'.  

Originally Posted by Ninja

So, anyone who has achieved a recognised qualification(s), by undergoing years of comprehensive study and research within this particular scientific discipline - using methods previously tried and tested and, approved through empirical evidence, should be doubted on the account of a thick, egotistical bint, on a TV show?  


If we go with this 'logical inference' - doubt, should be extended to every Doctor of medicine, on the account of Harold Shipman - otherwise known as 'Dr. Death'.  

Ninja - You are right of course.

My comment was a sweeping generalisation. Of course I did not mean "anyone."
I apologise for my lack of clarity.


I stupidly did not express it clearly, but in my head I had the sort of 'experts' who never stop reminding us they are 'experts' and who do their best to exert their own superiority while endeavouring to indicate the other person's inferiority.

And yes, we have seen such con merchants, and Edna, in my opinion is one such person.

Although obviously we all have only scant evidence - and we also know how misleading editing can be.


**reminder to self - I really must stop writing in sweeping headlines. The problem is it's fun! I like it.**


Leon has found himself in the final 3 in both episodes so far. Lord Sugar says he doesn't want to see him there again.

It reminded me, though, that a similar thing happened last year - the same man appeared in the final 3 on a number of occasions (I can't remember his name) but Lord Sugar obviously saw potential and talent as he was a survivor.

Originally Posted by brisket:

Lewon has found himself in the final 3 in both episodes so far. Lord Sugar says he doesn't want to see him there again.

It reminded me, though, that a similar thing happened last year - the same man appeared in the final 3 on a number of occasions (I can't remember his name) but Lord Sugar obviously saw potential and talent as he was a survivor.

Yes I think there was Brisket......  but I can't remember his name either.......

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

I don't like Alex (sorry Supes, wherever you are)..!


Leon's weak but I'd give him another go over Alex any day

I'm here Cosi I watched last night and agree..He was bliddy horrible...Easy on the eyes in the original pic Brisket posted but what a mean spirited, twisty mouthed, thin lipped resentful nasty piece of work..may he be destined to cut up french sticks forevermore

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by CaptVimes:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

Aww I missed tonights show.I had to go to the specialist dentist with my niece this afternoon.Poor soul was getting three wisdom teeth extracted,she's a bit sore but feeling a bit better now.She was sedated but not knocked out,they don't do that now.I let her watch what she wanted,all the saved episodes of "Bones",CSI's etc.She's staying with me the night..


Glad she's ok, Katty.  Can you watch it on i-player to catch up?

Of course shes feeling better now shes high on morphine.


seriously though im thankfully i never had wisdom teeth

Nor me ...........mine are still embedded in the gums. Once every five or six LOL - I get a flare p like I'm teething - then it just goes away.


Fortunately - I'm wise enough without wisdom teeth - they'd be no stopping me if they ever broke out 

LOL...I thought I didn't have them either, (no smart ass remarks required).....until I had to have them all pulled one by one over the last month or so.....OUCH


A musing on the Apprentice


Sir Alan says, he's fed up of people saying they need capital to make money.


At the end of the show he says, team [whatever] made X number of ÂĢs profit.


However, if you made ÂĢ500 'profit' on selling orange juice or fruit salads, surely you'd have to consider that it took a team of six people 9 hours to make profit of ÂĢ500, that pays a wage of ÂĢ9.26 an hour before NI contributions are considered.  Plant, rates, fuel and machinery are not costed or considered.


The truth is, if REAL business costs were applied to their hoop jumping exercises, they'd be very lucky to make any profit.  To employ six people for 9 hours to make no profit would be stupid.


The best bit so far for me was when the boys were going to gadget review site Pocket Lint & Vincent said: 


" I'm just gonna go in there with my usual charismatic attitude, show them the product, shake thier hand and they'll put it online" As easy as that ... If only Vincent


Vincent dried up & had to let cool Jim take over, quite effortlessly I might add .... so much for smoothie Vincent such a cringeworthy moment ... bloody priceless lmao


Originally Posted by brisket:

Leon has found himself in the final 3 in both episodes so far. Lord Sugar says he doesn't want to see him there again.

It reminded me, though, that a similar thing happened last year - the same man appeared in the final 3 on a number of occasions (I can't remember his name) but Lord Sugar obviously saw potential and talent as he was a survivor.

Badger excelled in many of the task challenges,[citation needed] most notably the car sales in week six and the flat-letting in week nine. She was brought into the boardroom on four occasions and had altercations with fellow contestants Mani Sandher in week five and Syed Ahmed in week ten.


Last year stats


     The contestant was hired and won the apprentice.

     The contestant was the runner up.

     The contestant won as project manager on his/her team.

     The contestant lost as project manager on his/her team.

     The contestant was on the winning team or managed to avoid firing (Week 11).

     The contestant was on the losing team.

     The contestant was brought to the final boardroom.

     The contestant was fired.

     The contestant lost as project manager and was fired.

     The contestant left

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

cos i have a look on this thread

i watched it for the first time ever last night on catch-up

2 hours of cringing and laughing

i loved it

See... we roped Baz in last year that way and now she's hooked..   You need to join us on 'live' on Wednesday now!


i'll be here with my popcorn

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

cos i have a look on this thread

i watched it for the first time ever last night on catch-up

2 hours of cringing and laughing

i loved it

See... we roped Baz in last year that way and now she's hooked..   You need to join us on 'live' on Wednesday now!


Run like the wind Pirate

Vincent Disneur from 'The Apprentice'

ÂĐ Talkback Thames

Vincent Disneur is described as "Billy Bulls**t" by a female rival on this week's Apprentice.

Lord Sugar challenges the teams in tonight's episode to source ten products at the lowest possible price for a hotel's grand opening. Logic's Project Manager Gavin Winstanley places Disneur in charge of a sub-team, but the 29-year-old sales manager frustrates his teammates.

Natasha Scribbins snipes at Disneur for not letting her "get on with the job" as they attempt to secure the best possible prices for the unusual list of items.

Meanwhile, 33-year-old Yorkshire entrepreneur Ellie Reed ends up fuming when Disneur takes the phone off her during a negotiation over toilet rolls.

"Vincent obviously enjoys the fact that he's leading three women," she says. "I think he thinks he's a bit of a charmer. He certainly doesn't charm me. He's a bit of a Billy Bulls**t."

Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

Ooh, I'm excited for tonight. I got excited last night too, tidied up, did the dishes, got my pop tarts ready, sat down at 9 only to realise i was a evening early 


 You weren't the only one Rawky...... I was looking forward to it all day yesterday too..... til I looked at my  Radio Times

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

Ooh, I'm excited for tonight. I got excited last night too, tidied up, did the dishes, got my pop tarts ready, sat down at 9 only to realise i was a evening early 


 You weren't the only one Rawky...... I was looking forward to it all day yesterday too..... til I looked at my  Radio Times

Don't either of you two ever think of applying ok?  


*grabs best seat and gets first dibs on Jim*


*wonders if she should have dibs on Gavin too*

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

Ooh, I'm excited for tonight. I got excited last night too, tidied up, did the dishes, got my pop tarts ready, sat down at 9 only to realise i was a evening early 


 You weren't the only one Rawky...... I was looking forward to it all day yesterday too..... til I looked at my  Radio Times

Don't either of you two ever think of applying ok?  


*grabs best seat and gets first dibs on Jim*


*wonders if she should have dibs on Gavin too*

 ....*tips Kaffy off chair, and shoves her in the back row*


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