I'm sorry peeps, but I think Leon should have gone.
I'm sorry peeps, but I think Leon should have gone.
I like the shopping task! We all going to BBC2?
Alex has a little bit of Jack Dee about him.
Oh yes you're right !
with a bit of Rimmer mixed in too
I wonder where Yogi and Duchess are..... I hope they realised it was on again tonight
Jim winked at me!!!!
you wish!
I think of the ones taken in Alex should have gone Leon needs to find his spine in future though he is too trusting.
That's the bit I didn't follow either... God help if she ever has to pitch.
Jim winked at me!!!!
you wish!
Pfft..! He's got a nervous tic
Pfft..! He's got a nervous tic
He gets that way when he knows I'm watching.... he's shy really.
lol.. talk about words coming back to haunt you Alex!
His own VT has just done him like a kipper
Pfft..! He's got a nervous tic
He gets that way when he knows I'm watching.... he's shy really.
Totally delusional......
Pfft..! He's got a nervous tic
He gets that way when he knows I'm watching.... he's shy really.
Pfft..! He's got a nervous tic
He gets that way when he knows I'm watching.... he's shy really.
Totally delusional......
Yes, darlin'... but we humour you
Pfft..! He's got a nervous tic
He gets that way when he knows I'm watching.... he's shy really.
Just how big is that dictionary of excuses, K-Bo...?? *raises eyebrow*
Jim is hilarious, made me laugh when he changes Leon's descision. Alex reminds me of last years alex totally gormless.
I cannot stand any of the girls in particular Melody with her over pronunciation of EVERYTHING! Suzie with her annoyingness and Edna for just being Edna.
Totally delusional......
Yes, darlin'... but we humour you
Edna for just being Edna.
Jim is hilarious, made me laugh when he changes Leon's descision. Alex reminds me of last years alex totally gormless.
I cannot stand any of the girls in particular Melody with her over pronunciation of EVERYTHING! Suzie with her annoyingness and Edna for just being Edna.
I agree River Rock.......
Jim is hilarious, made me laugh when he changes Leon's descision. Alex reminds me of last years alex totally gormless.
I cannot stand any of the girls in particular Melody with her over pronunciation of EVERYTHING! Suzie with her annoyingness and Edna for just being Edna.
spot on, River!
At least Alex seems to be able to laugh at himself, unlike Edward last night..
Stop sighing and get a grip....... Sigh......
(So many posts, so many sighs, forgot what I am for)
Jim is hilarious, made me laugh when he changes Leon's descision. Alex reminds me of last years alex totally gormless.
I cannot stand any of the girls in particular Melody with her over pronunciation of EVERYTHING! Suzie with her annoyingness and Edna for just being Edna.
Jim is hilarious, made me laugh when he changes Leon's descision. Alex reminds me of last years alex totally gormless.
I cannot stand any of the girls in particular Melody with her over pronunciation of EVERYTHING! Suzie with her annoyingness and Edna for just being Edna.
spot on, River!
Same here.....leon reminds me of Orlando Bloom!!!!
Stop sighing and get a grip....... Sigh......
(So many posts, so many sighs, forgot what I am for)
I wasn't sighing at jim (this time)
i was sighing at all the rolly eyes
get a grip.......
For god's sake, Syd, don't encourage her..!
so from this a candidate should run around being a peacock not doing anything productive in the task because that would be considered boring and not what they are looking for.
get a grip.......
For god's sake, Syd, don't encourage her..!
I think Ellie (the Yorlie Girl) may be one to watch. Don't know why but ...............she's down to earth and I like that!
Alex Britez Cabral lokks like he'll fold not far into the series X
Edna Agbarha - difficult to tell. She'd better not push the 'I'm a psychologist' though.
Edward Hunter - will be ok, but will not get to the end. X (oops,not ok really)
Ellie Reed - looks like one of those who might politely listen, but not take on board what anyone has to say.
Felicity Jackson - Not strong enough (I have no idea who Kanya King is)
Gavin Winstanley - Smarmy salesman, not a leader.
Glenn Ward - thought he might be ok until I read that he cites Mark Zuckerberg as his inspiration.
Helen Louise Milligan - looks like a 'no nonsense' person - and does look calm.
Jim Eastwood - Could be a dark horse.
Leon Doyle - All hot air.
Melody Hossaini - looks too soft.
Natasha Scribbins - looks as though she thinks she's a cut above 'the common herd'
Susan Ma - Looks TOO easy going
Tom Pelleraeu - cites Thomas Edison as an icon - He's my man!
Vincent Disneur - Self confessed narcissist more like!
Zoe Beresford - Sorry, but that description is too clichÃĐd and 'made up' (I don't ask WHY? I ask WHY NOT? )
One and a half out of two, Not bad
That's hilarious to watch over again!
Aww I missed tonights show.I had to go to the specialist dentist with my niece this afternoon.Poor soul was getting three wisdom teeth extracted,she's a bit sore but feeling a bit better now.She was sedated but not knocked out,they don't do that now.I let her watch what she wanted,all the saved episodes of "Bones",CSI's etc.She's staying with me the night..
Stop sighing and get a grip....... Sigh......
(So many posts, so many sighs, forgot what I am for)
I wasn't sighing at jim (this time)
i was sighing at all the rolly eyes
get a grip.......
For god's sake, Syd, don't encourage her..!
Your skirt's caught in your knicker leg
LMAO @ the Jim talk on YF
get a grip.......
For god's sake, Syd, don't encourage her..!
Follows with eye ache
Same here.....leon reminds me of Orlando Bloom!!!!
oh god, he totally does
Stop sighing and get a grip....... Sigh......
(So many posts, so many sighs, forgot what I am for)
I wasn't sighing at jim (this time)
i was sighing at all the rolly eyes
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