Nooooooo.....strange folk did it! was you was'nt it?

LordSugar didn't sound greatly impressed.
But I think everyone's surprised at the girl's figures.
Shocked disappointed that Edna's staying
I'm in total shock....
Me too.... but thinking about it, there's was a non verbal app..... making it more suitable for the non English speaking nations....
has to be Vincent to go.. he fluffed the pitch.
Ahh well, the Melody versus Edna juggernaut rolls on for another week.
"Bizarre and unique sounds"
A crowd and a baby crying. Unique? Really?
Well, quite. The baby crying just has to have been done already, surely?
Yep, come accross it several times.
Nooooooo.....strange folk did it! was you was'nt it?
It was sproooty
has to be Vincent to go.. he fluffed the pitch.
Maybe ..............not been fully tuned in but I did see that.
it wasn't the app itself that won it ... .it was geting the best website to promote it Whoever won that pitch was going to win
I'm in total shock....
Me too.... but thinking about it, there's was a non verbal app..... making it more suitable for the non English speaking nations....
they also won the big pitch
whos for the chopper then? Vincent looks dodgy to me.
Ahh well, the Melody versus Edna juggernaut rolls on for another week.
Makes good TV!
I'm in total shock....
Me too.... but thinking about it, there's was a non verbal app..... making it more suitable for the non English speaking nations....
yes - good thinking baz - lots wouldn't understand the innuendo of the regional accent stuff
I disagree with S'rAllan....
Jim - looks in danger
The worst of this is we have to put up with Melody and Edna for another bloomin week!!!!
lord sugar has no idea how the internet works not surprisingly. No the world didnt see it the people that visit the 3 websites saw it.
oh no Jim's getting a hard time
has to be Vincent to go.. he fluffed the pitch.
*Sings* I could have told you Vincent, this App was never meant for one as
beeeeee yooooo teeeeeeee full as you.
Jim - looks in danger
has to be Vincent to go.. he fluffed the pitch.
*Sings* I could have told you Vincent, this App was never meant for one as
beeeeee yooooo teeeeeeee full as you.
Jim - looks in danger
I hope not though
has to be Vincent to go.. he fluffed the pitch.
*Sings* I could have told you Vincent, this App was never meant for one as
beeeeee yooooo teeeeeeee full as you.
*Sings* I could have told you Vincent, this App was never meant for one as
beeeeee yooooo teeeeeeee full as you.
Ooooooooooooooog GO JIM!
G'on Jim. Tell the shirker where to go
Leon - you plonker.
Come on Leon, don't dither or you'll be out
I think it was a fix!!!!!
I do like jIM
Leon to go. Breaking strain of a Kit Kat
ooh! he's changed his mind!
Leon - don't change your mind ...
oh dear - you're fired
jim save me jim me....*washes hands*