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but all pill donations welcome
I just turn to the bottle, Hoochie.  Much more palatable in times of need.

*holds hands with Cosmo*
Safety in numbers, Queenie. 
I think our adoration may be wasted though - isn't Dara married but in love with Connie Huq?

  night, Rexi. xxx

Has anyone read Jenny Eclair's book Camberwell Beauty?  It's pretty funny and revolting all at the same time.  Made me giggle nonetheless.
Safety in numbers, Queenie. I think our adoration may be wasted though - isn't Dara married but in love with Connie Huq?
Yeah, his wife is a doctor. I think the Connie Huq thing stemmed from a joke on Mock the Week. I saw him live a couple of years ago, he was brilliant. And HUGE, shoulders like breezeblocks.

Not read the Jenny Eclair book but I will look out for it now, ta.
Queen of the High Teas
Loving it so far.. .they all seem like a right bunch of in yer face know it all's  this time. .can't see a winner from the early stages yet. .normally  one or two shine thru even in the first week.. I see  a lot of fireworks ahead. .great stuff

I really do miss Margaret tho. .I reckon her facial expressions would have been in overdrive last night with all the goings on.. . 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
I thought Dan was scarey the way he way he was ordering them all about and doing nothing himself,but when he was sat in front of Alan Sugar some of his expressions  were very odd I was sat watching him I was doubled up with laughter,I would liked for him to stay a bit longer just for the entertainment value.. his facial expressions I found hillarious
Is it weird that I fancy Dara O'Briain a bit?
Oh I so would... **prises self into Konnie Huq costume** 

As for this weeks's can so many be so fecking useless? And Dan - I know someone like Dan  - he had to go but what a shame. He'd have been good for a few more episodes yet I'm sure.

Who did the "shame on you"? Was it Raleigh? Awww....sweet. Stupid name but sweet.

And that platinum blonde one .... Muriel. Can I shoot her now? Preferably at very close range.
"Saus-adge... Saus-adge... Saus-adge"

That's getting on my nerves big time just cos they're "gourmet" doesn't mean you have to say it in a posh voice!

And another thing... when the fellas were buying the meat...

"It's thirty quid."
"Thirty? It's got to be at least twenty quid..."

ÂĢ30 IS "at least" ÂĢ20 businessmen my @rse...


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