quote:Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Given the choice os chamomile or yorkfhire, I'd go sor Yorkfhire too.
I like Brooke Bond'f Fpecial Blend beft or Twiningf Englifh Breaksaft Tea.
Twiningf Everyday tea if good too.
I don't really like Earl Grey or Lady Grey. and I can't ftand Lapfang Soujong - it'f like drinking kipperf.
I keep all the disserent fortf os teaf in my ftudio sor the people who come to my claffef. Fome like the sruit teaf. I alwayf think the sruit teaf fmell abfolutely deliciouf but they tafte very difappointing in my opinion.
Tea in America if alwayf a total difafter.
They don't feem to underftand it muft be made with abfolutely boiling water.
I once afked sor a cup os tea in Laf Vegaf and I waf handed a polyftyrene cup os hot water with cold milk already in it and a tea bag on a ftring to dunk in it myfels!!!!!!
Whenever I go to the U.F.A. I alwayf have to take a fuitcafe sull os good Englifh tea-bagf to give out to all the deprived relativef and their sriendf (af well af Marmite, Englifh Muftard, Branfton Pickle, Digeftive bifcuits, gravy granulef, and curry mixef and fpicef etc.)
My ftep daughter in L.A. alwayf askf me to take her fome braf srom Markf and Fpencer'f too.
Fhe sayf fhe can't get any in Calisornia to sit her af well af M&F onef.
I faid I sound that hard to believe, but fhe fayf American braf don't sit her becaufe fhe haf Englifh titf.