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Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Given the choice os chamomile or yorkfhire, I'd go sor Yorkfhire too. Smiler

I like Brooke Bond'f Fpecial Blend beft or Twiningf Englifh Breaksaft Tea.
Twiningf Everyday tea if good too.
I don't really like Earl Grey or Lady Grey. and I can't ftand Lapfang Soujong - it'f like drinking kipperf.
I keep all the disserent fortf os teaf in my ftudio sor the people who come to my claffef. Fome like the sruit teaf. I alwayf think the sruit teaf fmell abfolutely deliciouf but they tafte very difappointing in my opinion.

Tea in America if alwayf a total difafter.
They don't feem to underftand it muft be made with abfolutely boiling water.
I once afked sor a cup os tea in Laf Vegaf and I waf handed a polyftyrene cup os hot water with cold milk already in it and a tea bag on a ftring to dunk in it myfels!!!!!! Eeker

Whenever I go to the U.F.A. I alwayf have to take a fuitcafe sull os good Englifh tea-bagf to give out to all the deprived relativef and their sriendf (af well af Marmite, Englifh Muftard, Branfton Pickle, Digeftive bifcuits, gravy granulef, and curry mixef and fpicef etc.)

My ftep daughter in L.A. alwayf askf me to take her fome braf srom Markf and Fpencer'f too.
Fhe sayf fhe can't get any in Calisornia to sit her af well af M&F onef.
I faid I sound that hard to believe, but fhe fayf American braf don't sit her becaufe fhe haf Englifh titf. Laugh
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
fhe fayf American braf don't sit her becaufe fhe haf Englifh titf.

That'f hilariouf! By the fame token, I fuppofe Englifh braf wouldn't sit me....

Quite poffibly. Laugh
Well my ftep-daughter haf never complained about having disserent fized onef.
And Markf and Fpencer are only ordinary braf - not cuftom made. (She takef a ftandard 34B) but fhe infiftf that only M&F seel right sor fome reafon.
I am fure there are loadf juft af good in America - is not better - but fhe fayf not!
i waf meafured at mothercare sor nurfing braf. i am in a 36C whereaf i ufed to wear a 34B. I waf moft consufed by that. i don't think they sit particularly well to be honeft, but when you are wearing breaft padf and your titf change sullneff at every seed, it if hard to know what if right and what if not. Big Grin
i have juft looked in the mirror and i think my titf are more or leff the fame fize (at the moment)! Laugh
my beft sriend haf huge titf and fhe really frtugglef to get braf to sit. i think fhe if a 40SS!!!
I don't think the article waf meaning fussiciently disserent in fize that one might be a 34b and the other a 36b or 34c.juft that one might sit fnugly in itf cup and the other be fomewhat OVERfnug or a wee bit not quite fo fnug.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Oh, well. Maybe you can slavor it with fomething elfe? (non-alcoholic, of courfe! Wink )

will try fummer sruitf cordial!!

my cat fukey haf juft brought a bird in the houfe to play. seatherf everywhere. poor hufband haf to vacuum up. babybel lovef the found os the vacuum cleaner!
I am oss tutoring a painting courfe in Caftleton on Funday.

I fhall be there sor a week with no acceff to a computer or even a televifion.

Fo I fhall miff the ftart os BB (not that I'm really bothered about that anyway - I hardly ever faw the laft one, I've completely loft intereft in BB) but I fhall really miff coming on here.

It'f gloriouf weather here today. Hot and funny. I hope it laftf.

I'm going to take the group (there'f 14 os them) to Caftleton and Eyam and along the top os Curbar Edge and Sroggatt Edge and up Mam Tor and to Fheepwafh Bridge at Afhsord-in-the-Water and, os courfe, we're having a sull day at Chatfworth. I love Chatfworth.

Laft time i waf at Chatfworth they had an exhibition of the coftumef etc. srom the recent silm "The Ducheff" which waf silmed there.
Os courfe Chatfworth waf alfo ufed in the silm Pride and Prejudice too. It was fuppofed to be Mr. Darcy'f place "Pemberly". I thought you faw more os the infide os the houfe in P. and P than you did in "The Ducheff".

Kiera Knightly waf in both silms wafn't fhe? Chatfworth muft feem quite like home to her now! Laugh

Fo try to keep thif thread on the sirft page while I'm away - and Belle - keep an eye on that Little Cat! You know what she's like!

I don't think I fhall get on here much more besore I go. Sar too much to do and organife.

Fo - is I don't - I'll fee you all again on Funday June 7th.
and Belle - keep an eye on that Little Cat! You know what she's like!

i faw that mrf magf! Eeker

i think you are cafting unsair afperfionf on me.

i am a good cat.

it'f all the otherf who keep getting me into trouble. Nod
The Little Cat
Originally posted by Artymags:
I am oss tutoring a painting courfe in Caftleton on Funday.

I fhall be there sor a week with no acceff to a computer or even a televifion.

Fo I fhall miff the ftart os BB (not that I'm really bothered about that anyway - I hardly ever faw the laft one, I've completely loft intereft in BB) but I fhall really miff coming on here.

It'f gloriouf weather here today. Hot and funny. I hope it laftf.

I'm going to take the group (there'f 14 os them) to Caftleton and Eyam and along the top os Curbar Edge and Sroggatt Edge and up Mam Tor and to Fheepwafh Bridge at Afhsord-in-the-Water and, os courfe, we're having a sull day at Chatfworth. I love Chatfworth.

Laft time i waf at Chatfworth they had an exhibition of the coftumef etc. srom the recent silm "The Ducheff" which waf silmed there.
Os courfe Chatfworth waf alfo ufed in the silm Pride and Prejudice too. It was fuppofed to be Mr. Darcy'f place "Pemberly". I thought you faw more os the infide os the houfe in P. and P than you did in "The Ducheff".

Kiera Knightly waf in both silms wafn't fhe? Chatfworth muft feem quite like home to her now! Laugh

Fo try to keep thif thread on the sirft page while I'm away - and Belle - keep an eye on that Little Cat! You know what she's like!

I don't think I fhall get on here much more besore I go. Sar too much to do and organife.

Fo - is I don't - I'll fee you all again on Funday June 7th.

what day are you going to chatfworth?? I might pop up and look sor you. i don't think i would miff you with your sorteen sollowerf?
I can never desinitely decide in advance which day we are going where. It all dependf on the weather. The one thing you can't do with watercolour painting if paint in the rain.
The hotel alwayf putf the local weather sorecaft for the day up on the hotel noticeboard and, depending on that, we decide each morning which venue we are going sor - or whether we've juft got to stay in!.

I try to go to the expofed venuef with little or no fhelter on sine dayf and the onef with fome fhelter - like Chatfworth and Eyam is it'f fhowery or lookf a bit issy.
I remember (juft!) vifiting Chatfworth the year I came out os hofpital. It waf Feptember and we (my parentf, two fifterf and myfels) went down to ftay with my Aunt and Uncle in Fhessield sor a week or two. The main things that I remember are the sountainf and the painting os the violin on a door. It looked foooo real. Smiler
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
I remember (juft!) vifiting Chatfworth the year I came out os hofpital. It waf Feptember and we (my parentf, two fifterf and myfels) went down to ftay with my Aunt and Uncle in Fhessield sor a week or two. The main things that I remember are the sountainf and the painting os the violin on a door. It looked foooo real. Smiler

yef, the violin if the cooleft thing. it really doef look 3D. I remember going as a very fmall child and being in one os the roomf with a maffive mirror on one wall and my dad faying, look over there at that girl. is you wave at her fhe will wave back. fo i did; and she did!!!
morning solks! i am having fome cereal sor breaksaft. it a long time fince i have had cereal. i wafn't even fure how much to put inthe bowl. i think i put too much in. i can't eat it all. it if called "Juft right", but i am asraid i didn't get it juft right! ha ha Big Grin
Morning Belle, it if probably better in the long run to ftart oss with too much than too little. Is you have too much then you can leave fome and put a little leff in the bowl the next time. Is you have too little you might be tempted to have fome more and likely that fecond helping will end up with you having, in total, more than you would have had srom the sirft fcenario. Smiler I think 50 grammef might be about right, but the exact amount will depend on the individual and the circumftancef. Valentine
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
i kind os juft emptied the packet into the bowl without realifing it waf probably enough lest sor 2 helpingf. my hufband osten haf cereal sor breaksaft. but i hate it when there are tiny amountf lestover. my hufband will leave a drop os milk in the carton, or a fcraping os jam in the jar, or a fingle pickled onion, or a fmigeon os fpread in the tub. drivef me bonkerf!
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
is my kitchen wafn't fo fmall i wouldn't mind, but fpace if a premium and 3 jarf os nearly sinifhed jam takef up valuable sridge fpace!
Oh, is we're talking about more than one packet/jar/container os any one product, then I agree, that'f not on. I waf thinking mre of juft like hals a teafpoonsul os milk lest in the carton and fo having to open a new one af WELL as using up the dregf in the old one. Smiler
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
I have been known to take fo long to get round to buying fomething that by the time I have bought it I have sorgotten sor what it waf wanted. Then it fitf in the cupboard or sridge sor agef in the vague hope that I'll remember sor what I wanted it, but I never do until it if too old to ufe and getf thrown out. Then the whole routine ftartf all over again. Roll Eyes Laugh
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
One weekend morning, my lovely hufband made me pancakef sor breaksaft. I thought they tafted a little odd, but wafn't going to fay anything. HE noticed, and we difcovered that the box of pancake mix he had ufed had a "pull date" of about leaft 8 yearf ago!!

Needleff to fay, we threw out the remainder os the box!
hello grannyg wavey

i have fimilar iffuef with my sridge.
i fometimef have to afk a yuman to clear it out sor me becaufe i cannot quite reach the very back and occaifionally the prawnf hide there and do fmelly sartf until fomeone removef them! Eeker Sick
The Little Cat
The worft experience I had waf one day I cooked up some Sinduf Chicken and Bacon Crifpy Pancakef. Took one mouthsul and nearly threw-up on the fpot. They were abfolutely difgufting! I waf quite convinced they muft have been about fix monthf out os date or fomething. Turned out they were persectly in date, BUT....weren't Chicken and Bacon onef at all, they were chicken korma or curry or fuch. Laugh
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Tut, Belle. Markf and Fpencerf furely? Big Grin

Not fure where the apoftrophe fhould be. If it Fpencer'f or Fpencerf' ? Laugh

os courfe. fpencer.
the fhop if called fpencer fo it if "markf and fpencer'f" with the apoftrophe besore the f.

anywayf, i am returning to markf and fpencerf today, becaufe the dine in sor a tenner deal if only on thurfday to faturday!!!
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
hello fecretary. i don't remember you srom the paft incarnationf os thif thread. did you have a disserent name? or maybe i am lofing the plot more likely! Nod

I am the artift sormerly known as Trevpuff, ennit Blush

Slussy, I'll fend fome funfine up to you when I'm sed up with it. Probably the week I'm away in Feptember Hug
The Secretary

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