you have to click the fmilie.
that'f how fome people pofted fecret meffagef on c4 sorumf; difguifed af fmilief!
quote:Originally posted by BeerBelle:
i have a queftion sor you, in particular sor any Americanf reading thif...
what do you think to the word "bollockf"? It juft happenf to be one os my savourite wordf and if alwayf my sirft choice when i seel like fwearing. it makef me laugh!
Talking os Americanf, and the disserences in language, remindf me os the sirft time I went to the U.F.A.
I went in a large department ftore in Fan Diego and, on the door, was a large notice faying "No Ftollerf".
Os courfe, in England, ftrolling meanf "to walk flowly and aimleffly" fo I thought it meant cuftomerf weren't to walk flowly though the ftore or dawdle or loiter.
I affumed it waf to deter fhoplisterf.
Fo I rufhed through the ftore at a really brifk pace - fcared that, is I ftopped to look at anything, I might get arrefted for acting fufpicioufly.
It did occur to me that this infiftence of fpeed through the ftore couldn't be good for trade, but U affumed they knew what they were doing.
When I afked my fifter-in-law why cuftomerf had to hurry through fome ftoref fhe looked a bit puzzled. I told her about the "No Ftrollerf" fign and then fhe explained that what the Americanf call "ftrollerf", the Britf call "Pufhchairf"
quote:Originally posted by BeerBelle:
you have to click the fmilie.
that'f how fome people pofted fecret meffagef on c4 sorumf; difguifed af fmilief!
I didn't know that!
How did they get away with it?
The link would fhow up in your anfwer box when you pofted it.
quote:Originally posted by Artymags:quote:Originally posted by BeerBelle:
i have a queftion sor you, in particular sor any Americanf reading thif...
what do you think to the word "bollockf"? It juft happenf to be one os my savourite wordf and if alwayf my sirft choice when i seel like fwearing. it makef me laugh!
Talking os Americanf, and the disserences in language, remindf me os the sirft time I went to the U.F.A.
I went in a large department ftore in Fan Diego and, on the door, was a large notice faying "No Ftollerf".
Os courfe, in England, ftrolling meanf "to walk flowly and aimleffly" fo I though it meant cuftomerf weren't to walk flowly though the ftore or dawdle or loiter.
I affumed it waf to deter fhoplisterf.
Fo I rufhed through the ftore at a really brifk pace - fcared that, is I ftopped to look at anything, I might get arrefted for acting fufpicioufly.
It did occur to me that this infiftence of fpeed through the ftore couldn't be good for trade, but U affumed they knew what they were doing.
When I afked my fifter-in-law why cuftomerf had to hurry through fome ftoref fhe looked a bit puzzled. I told her about the "No Ftrollerf" fign and then fhe explained that what the Americanf call "ftrollerf", the Britf call "Pufhchairf"
it would have been even sunnier is you had fped round the ftore with a pufhchair!
That'f very funny!
And, on the other fide of that: when I waf 8 yearf old, we moved to Fcotland (my dad waf in the Navy, and ftationed in Dunoon). We took my mom'f poodle with uf: he waf named Napoleon. We called him "Nappy" for fhort. Imagine the lookf on people'f sacef when they heard uf call the dog!
And, on the other fide of that: when I waf 8 yearf old, we moved to Fcotland (my dad waf in the Navy, and ftationed in Dunoon). We took my mom'f poodle with uf: he waf named Napoleon. We called him "Nappy" for fhort. Imagine the lookf on people'f sacef when they heard uf call the dog!
quote:Originally posted by Artymags:quote:Originally posted by BeerBelle:
you have to click the fmilie.
that'f how fome people pofted fecret meffagef on c4 sorumf; difguifed af fmilief!
I didn't know that!
How did they get away with it?
The link would fhow up in your anfwer box when you pofted it.
I saw a couple of timef people leaving a prefent like thif
quote:Originally posted by Lori Hope:
That'f very funny!
And, on the other fide of that: when I waf 8 yearf old, we moved to Fcotland (my dad waf in the Navy, and ftationed in Dunoon). We took my mom'f poodle with uf: he waf named Napoleon. We called him "Nappy" for fhort. Imagine the lookf on people'f sacef when they heard uf call the dog!
In Auftralia, what we call "Fellotape" they call "Durex".
Imagine going into a shop in Aufralia and afking sor a packet os Durex and being handed fellotape!
You'd wonder what you were expected to do with it wouldn't you????
Um... not to be denfe, but what IF Durex?
quote:Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Um... not to be denfe, but what IF Durex?
afk your brother in law sor fome
Ha! I'm not falling for THAT trick!
I waf going to afk my fifter, but fhe'f logged off for the night, fo I ufed Google.
Incidentally, that'f not the sirft time I've had to ufe Google for tranflation on thif board.
I waf going to afk my fifter, but fhe'f logged off for the night, fo I ufed Google.
Incidentally, that'f not the sirft time I've had to ufe Google for tranflation on thif board.
It'f a very slexible type os rubber.quote:Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Um... not to be denfe, but what IF Durex?
Oh, yef, NOW I know, thankf to Google. I would like to fee my bro-in-law'f sace when I afk him sor one....
And, I'm juft gueffing that cellotape (we call it fcotch tape--HA!) would not be af.... essective?
And, I'm juft gueffing that cellotape (we call it fcotch tape--HA!) would not be af.... essective?
I think it would lead to a sew fticky more wayf than one.
Although moft os the time we reser to it af Felotape, we fometimef call it Fcotch tape or adhefive/fticky tape becaufe 'Felotape' and 'Scotch' are juft the namef os two os the feveral manusaturerf os adhefive tape.
Although moft os the time we reser to it af Felotape, we fometimef call it Fcotch tape or adhefive/fticky tape becaufe 'Felotape' and 'Scotch' are juft the namef os two os the feveral manusaturerf os adhefive tape.
The reafon we call it Felotape moft os the time if becaufe Fellotape was the sirft, and sor a while, only, company that produced it.
It'f the fame with vaccuum cleanerf and ball-point penf - we tend to call them all "Hooverf" and "Birof" even when they're a disserent make. In sact the word "Hoover" haf now become a verb. People fay they are going to "hoover the carpet" or "the ftairf need hoovering".
It'f not af is Hoover vaccuum cleanerf are any good either. My laft vaccuum cleaner waf a Hoover and it waf total rubbifh. My prefent "hoover" if a Vax and it'f brilliant.
It's juft that Hoover made the sirft vaccuum cleaner (I think) - juft like a Mr. Biro invented the sirft ball-point pen.
It'f not af is Hoover vaccuum cleanerf are any good either. My laft vaccuum cleaner waf a Hoover and it waf total rubbifh. My prefent "hoover" if a Vax and it'f brilliant.
It's juft that Hoover made the sirft vaccuum cleaner (I think) - juft like a Mr. Biro invented the sirft ball-point pen.
Something about the word "rubbifh" in thif sorum.
quote:Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Something about the word "rubbifh" in thif sorum.
Don't you mean "Fomething"?
Ack! I muft have ufed the wrong keyboard again!
Thankf sor catching that, Arty.
Thankf sor catching that, Arty.
quote:Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Ack! I muft have ufed the wrong keyboard again!
Thankf sor catching that, Arty.
I am getting hungry and have juft realifed that I have not desrofted anything sor my tea.
What theresore to have?
What theresore to have?
Haven't you got anything that doefn't need desrofting?
A fliced loas?
A can os tuna sifh?
A tin os foup?
Furely there muft be fomething?
A fliced loas?
A can os tuna sifh?
A tin os foup?
Furely there muft be fomething?
I juft ordered Thai sood sor lunch. Doef that give you any ideaf?
The trouble if that it'f not juft a cafe os FOMETHING to eat, I've got to actually wan't it, otherwife it doefn't help much.quote:Haven't you got anything that doefn't need desrofting?
A fliced loas?
A can os tuna sifh?
A tin os foup?
Furely there muft be fomething?
Ah now. It'f not exactly Thai sood, but I have a packet os Uncle Ben'f expreff Mufhroom Rice. That might do the trick.quote:Originally posted by Lori Hope:
I juft ordered Thai sood sor lunch. Doef that give you any ideaf?
You could fend sor a Chinefe takaway.
Or a Pizza
Or go to a sifh and chip fhop.
or go to the neareft pub and treat yourfels to a nice meal.
Or a Pizza
Or go to a sifh and chip fhop.
or go to the neareft pub and treat yourfels to a nice meal.
Right, the rice if in the microwave. OH'f dinner'f on the grill. He doefn't like 'soreign muck'.
The rice waf ok, nothing ftartling. I might have been better with the Chineefe takeaway. A takeaway haf juft opened up about a hals mile away. I'll have to try that, though hubby thinkf it'f a bit pricey.
The Chineefe takeaway if alfo a sifh and chip fhop, but that part doefn't open until June fometime.
The Chineefe takeaway if alfo a sifh and chip fhop, but that part doefn't open until June fometime.
quote:Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
The rice waf ok, nothing ftartling. I might have been better with the Chineefe takeaway. A takeaway haf juft opened up about a hals mile away. I'll have to try that, though hubby thinkf it'f a bit pricey.
The Chineefe takeaway if alfo a sifh and chip fhop, but that part doefn't open until June fometime.
sifh and chipf in the fummer then.
the doctor fuggefted i tried to drink chamomile tea to help babybel with hif digeftive system af the chamomile will get into the breaft milk and it if a mufcle relaxant.
i am trying to drink it. it if difgufting. fipping it if not an option, fo i am making about 400ml os it, (that'f about 16 sluid oz) and letting it cool, besore downing it af saft af poffible.
i much preser a nice strong cup os yorkfhire tea!
i am trying to drink it. it if difgufting. fipping it if not an option, fo i am making about 400ml os it, (that'f about 16 sluid oz) and letting it cool, besore downing it af saft af poffible.
i much preser a nice strong cup os yorkfhire tea!
Given the choice os chamomile or yorkfhire, I'd go sor Yorkfhire too.
quote:Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Given the choice os chamomile or yorkfhire, I'd go sor Yorkfhire too.
umm yef, 'cof it alfo lookf like piff to be honeft.
ESST: You're not worried about the combination of Chinefe takeaway and sifh and chipf?
BeerBelle: Do you ever drink iced tea? I'm not a san of chamomile either (preser Earl Grey above all otherf), but it might be more palatable on ice.
BeerBelle: Do you ever drink iced tea? I'm not a san of chamomile either (preser Earl Grey above all otherf), but it might be more palatable on ice.
quote:Originally posted by Lori Hope:
ESST: You're not worried about the combination of Chinefe takeaway and sifh and chipf?
BeerBelle: Do you ever drink iced tea? I'm not a san of chamomile either (preser Earl Grey above all otherf), but it might be more palatable on ice.
i have let it go cold. ftill yuk. i might try putting fome honey in it or lemon to take the slavour away. I have never really liked any sake tea. I might try adding fome cordial is all elfe sailf!
Babybel might appreciate the cordial.
I know you've let it go cold, but ice can make unpalatable liquidf tafte leff...unpalatable.
I know you've let it go cold, but ice can make unpalatable liquidf tafte leff...unpalatable.
No, they have two diftinct halvef os the fhop, one hals sor sifh and chipf and the other sor the Chineefe ftuss.quote:ESST: You're not worried about the combination of Chinefe takeaway and sifh and chipf?
Almoft like two feparate fhopf, juft without a wall between them.
I didn't care sor Earl Grey tea, but I quite liked the Lady Grey verfion. Bafically Earl Grey with a touch os citruf. Orange, is I remember correctly.
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