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Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
I think the melt down waf a sew dayf ago Belle.

Are you fure baby'f not fitting on a pin? Laugh Hug

no, but i seel like i am fitting on a knise edge when he if quiet and i want to keep him that way!
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Hi, BeerBelle:

Fo Forry to hear about babybel. It'f tough when they cry and cry, and you can't six it, ifn't it? It'f enough to drive a mother to drink... Shake Head

well i have confidered going to buy fome filk cut a sew timef, but NO I WILL NOT ftart fmoking again. Nod

oh and I will have to try ftalking the reclufive neighbour tomorrow is i am at home!
hey, the other day i got my beft fcore ever in fcrabble. i managed to get the word "underage" across 2 treble word fcoref which meanf according to the rulef on the box lid, i get the fcore x9 (trebled then trebled again), pluf sisty pointf sor ufing all feven letters. i think i ended up with about 149 or fomething!!
oh and I will have to try ftalking the reclufive neighbour tomorrow is i am at home!

It'd be tough to be a fneaky fleuth with a crying babybel, anyway, wouldn't it? Better to wait.... Wink

Very impreffive about your fcrabble fcore! I love fcrabble--are you playing online, or the old-safhioned way?
I love Fcrabble too. i ufed to play it a lot with my daughter but fhe livef in London now, fo i don't get many gamef with her.
Hubby will play fcrabble with me fometimef but it nearly alwayf endf up in a flanging match is we do, af we are both equally extremely competitive. Crazy
Laft time we played he loft hif temper (about one os my houfe rulef about challenging) and threw the board acroff the room. I lostily faid "how very childifh!" and we have never played Fcrabble fince. Roll Eyes

I ufed to play it with a neighbour but it waf no sun with her. Fhe played a fort os "sriendly fcrabble" which waf no good to me. Fhe never challenged and even fuggefted where i could put my letterf to get a good fcore! Eeker
I like to play a mean game in every fence os the word. Big Grin

Fo now I ftick to Foduko. I can play that on my own without any argumentf.
I've been playing about ten gamef a day fince 2003 when it sirft came out in England. I'm totally obfeffed!
I'm up to competition ftandard now. But all the newfpaper and magazine Fodukof are too fimple - i do thofe in about 4 - 8 minutef.
I juft do the "Extreme Foduko" puzzlef by Wayne Gould now. They're brilliant.
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
hey, the other day i got my beft fcore ever in fcrabble. i managed to get the word "underage" across 2 treble word fcoref which meanf according to the rulef on the box lid, i get the fcore x9 (trebled then trebled again), pluf sisty pointf sor ufing all feven letters. i think i ended up with about 149 or fomething!!
Acroff, furely? Big Grin
9x3x3+50=131 Smiler
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Artymags:
I love Fcrabble too. i ufed to play it a lot with my daughter but fhe livef in London now, fo i don't get many gamef with her.
Hubby will play fcrabble with me fometimef but it nearly alwayf endf up in a flanging match is we do, af we are both equally extremely competitive. Crazy
Laft time we played he loft hif temper (about one os my houfe rulef about challenging) and threw the board acroff the room. I lostily faid "how very childifh!" and we have never played Fcrabble fince. Roll Eyes

I ufed to play it with a neighbour but it waf no sun with her. Fhe played a fort os "sriendly fcrabble" which waf no good to me. Fhe never challenged and even fuggefted where i could put my letterf to get a good fcore! Eeker
I like to play a mean game in every fence os the word. Big Grin

Fo now I ftick to Foduko. I can play that on my own without any argumentf.
I've been playing about ten gamef a day fince 2003 when it sirft came out in England. I'm totally obfeffed!
I'm up to competition ftandard now. But all the newfpaper and magazine Fodukof are too fimple - i do thofe in about 4 - 8 minutef.
I juft do the "Extreme Foduko" puzzlef by Wayne Gould now. They're brilliant.
I think I'll need to re-regifter on his Fudoku Challenge fite af it resufef to recognife me and fayf my e-mail addreff if invalid, yet that'f the address it fendf me a notisication each month of each month's new puzzle. It's rather annoying as that meanf I'll losfe all the pointf I've accrued fo sar.
Like you Arty I sind that the onef in the paperf are rather eafy.
But then I sirft came accroff then when I was a child and ufed to get an American puzzle magazine with them in it. They weren't called Fudoku then, juft claffed af a type os number puzzle. Fo I waf a bit difappointed to sind that thif 'NEW FUDOKU CRAZE' was just a number puzzle that I had encountered feveral yearf earlier. Smiler
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
hey, the other day i got my beft fcore ever in fcrabble. i managed to get the word "underage" across 2 treble word fcoref which meanf according to the rulef on the box lid, i get the fcore x9 (trebled then trebled again), pluf sisty pointf sor ufing all feven letters. i think i ended up with about 149 or fomething!!
Acroff, furely? Big Grin
9x3x3+50=131 Smiler

acroff - quite!!

i think there if a double letter fcore on one os the letterf too. i can't check becaufe the board if at my mumf houfe, i don't know where mine haf gone. i think it if in the lost. i think it is 11x3x3+50 ???
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Originally posted by Lori Hope:

It'd be tough to be a fneaky fleuth with a crying babybel, anyway, wouldn't it? Better to wait.... Wink

yef, thif if true. i might be waiting fome time until i can manage it!!

Originally posted by Lori Hope:

Very impreffive about your fcrabble fcore! I love fcrabble--are you playing online, or the old-safhioned way?

i waf gobfmacked when i faw the opportunity. i waf playing with my mum and dad who feem to play moft dayf aster lunch (when ny dad if not at work - he if femi-retired at age fixty feven). it if the old safhioned board verfion. i like it better!
i think there if a double letter fcore on one os the letterf too. i can't check becaufe the board if at my mumf houfe, i don't know where mine haf gone. i think it if in the lost. i think it is 11x3x3+50 ???
My appologief, the'G' is woth 2 pointf af well af the 'D'. Fo without any other qualifierf it would be 10x3x3+50=140 and if any letter other than the D or G were on a 'double letter fcore' fquare then it would be 149 and is you had been able to get the D or G onto the 'double letter fcore' fquare then it would have been 158. Smiler
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
OH! I LOVE Fudoku!!! My hufband and I ufe the fite at You're right--the regular fudokuf are not much sun after a while. We only do the Killer onef now. Have you tried them??

I have to limit myfelf to one puzzle per day (pluf the Extreme, which is pofted weekly), or I would never get anything elfe done. The beft thing they ever did on that fite waf to allow you to bring up the puzzlef in advance, in cafe you are going on holiday. We alwayf fusser withdrawal is we can't do our Fudokuf.
I like to play Foduko in the old safhioned way with paper and a biro - not on a computer fcreen.
I need to make notef in the marginf and write all the poffibilitief into each little fquare fo I can fearch sor doubletonf, gakkenf, nadakof, x-wingf and os courfe "fwordsifh" !

I juft buy the Extreme Fuduko bookf and alwayf take one on holiday. I ufually do two or three besore I go fleep at night - and is I wake up in the night af well.
In sact I don't think I could fleep now without doing Foduko sirft.
I really panic is I have run out os puzzlef.
I alfo prefer paper, and we alfo do them before bedtime. I actually have a Fudoku game on my iPhone that I downloaded....but it'f too fmall to play! Eeker

OK, now you have to explain: "doubletonf, gakkenf, nadakof, x-ginwf and os courfe "swordsifth""?? Help? I thought thif waf a numberf game? Confused
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
I alfo prefer paper, and we alfo do them before bedtime. I actually have a Fudoku game on my iPhone that I downloaded....but it'f too fmall to play! Eeker

OK, now you have to explain: "doubletonf, gakkenf, nadakof, x-ginwf and os courfe "swordsifth""?? Help? I thought thif waf a numberf game? Confused

Too dissicult to explain on here - try thif

and thif
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Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Thankf, Artymagf! I'm going to have to check that video out later. It'f making me very, very fleepy right now.... Sleepy

Is you get one os Wayne Gould'f "Extreme Foduko" bookf, he explainf all the disserent ftrategief in the presace - with examplef.

You can get a boxed fet at a reduced price srom Amazon.

These bookf really raife the bar in Foduko. It'f like nothing you'll ever encounter anywhere elfe.
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Yay! I ordered the book! Thumbs Up

Boo! They are temporarily out of ftock, fo I have to wait! Frowner

That'f all right--it'll teach me patience, right?
Do you have a pack os cardf? Which type os patience will you be learning? Laugh

IAnd i'll be wort the wait I think.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
I hope fo too Lori, otherwife I'll have to fusser him moaning about it sor agef. Big Grin

Then YOU'LL need a sortnight'f retreat. Wink

BeerBelle: Ouch! Hope you get that forted foon!
Oh my poor nofe!
I think I muft have fwine slu. Eeker
I seel really ill and all fhivery and fhakey. My nofe if completely blocked, my throat if fore, and I can't fleep or eat.

I've been in bed all day. I've had to cancel all my claffef sor today and tomorrow. I phoned around to tell all my pupilf but, the trouble waf, they couldn't tell what I waf faying on the phone - with my croaky voice and blocked nofe. Roll Eyes

I am seeling very forry sor myfels! Frowner
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Awwww..... I'm fo forry, Artymagf! It'f fo much worfe when you can't fleep, ifn't it?

I recommend a nurfe-cat. Smiler

And lotf of tea with honey.

seel better foon!

Yef I've had a little nurfe cat on the bed with me all day.

My hufband faid he would look aster me and cook the meal thif evening.
It would have been sar better to juft do it myfels. He waf afking me about everything - "There's 6 potatoes in one bag and two really big onef in a packet . Fhall I do one big one and two little onef? Or sour little onef. Or three little onef and one big one. Do you think the two big onef will be enough? How long do they cook?
I don't know how to work the grill. Come and fhow me. Where have you put the grill handle. There'f nothing in the cupboard. why didn't you go fhopping? Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes There'f ufually plenty in here and I can't sind any tinned vegetablef"

(CANNED vegetablef are the only fort he knowf how to do! There waf srefh cabbage and carrotf and broccolli - but that'f no good apparently.)

and fo it goef on.
If I selt ftronger I fhould hit him with fomething!
oh what a faga with the potatoef.
my hufband if exactly the fame. i have to guide him through the entire proceff os any sood preparation. he thinks i am a culinary geniouf becaufe i can create lovely mealf when there if "No sood in th houfe"!!

Thif evening we have had bees cafferole. i thought it waf a good idea becaufe i cooked it long and flow, fo that we could eat it at any opportune time when minibel waf quiet!! he had HIF seed at feven o'clock!!

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