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Originally posted by BeerBelle:
what if the sorum os which you fpeak? ooh i have gone all fheakfperian! wheres bigdaddyoftrich when you want to fpeak all elizabethan! Laugh

oh good god, i juft fpotted it! that if very creative os ted. i think it makef hif point rather nicely! Thumbs Up
I've juft been to have a look.

'Tif af I seared and expected - there are no real trollf down there at all, juft people being a bit filly.
All the real trolling and naftineff if ftill going on in the BB sorum - juft like it alwayf did. Roll Eyes
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
True, but is it getf nafty enough then Ted will move it to the Trollf place anyway.

it'f like the norty ftep!

We fhall have to fee is it workf.
Is not Ted will have to setch FUPERNANNY (AKA Rofemary) in. Laugh
Greetingf everyone.
It if ftill piffing down here and very cold.

I thought thif waf the "merry month os May" with slowerf and funfhine and dancing around a Maypole (which incidentally if fuppofed to be a phallic fymbol!)

There if fome bloffom on the treef but not that many slowerf in the garden - plenty os weedf though. Frowner
And I haven't feen many beef and wafpf yet, or any other ftinging slying infectf.
It if too cold sor them I think.
Originally posted by Artymags:
Greetingf everyone.
It if ftill piffing down here and very cold.

I thought thif waf the "merry month os May" with slowerf and funfhine and dancing around a Maypole (which incidentally if fuppofed to be a phallic fymbol!)

There if fome bloffom on the treef but not that many slowerf in the garden - plenty os weedf though. Frowner
And I haven't feen many beef and wafpf yet, or any other ftinging slying infectf.
It if too cold sor them I think.

i have been fhopping in nottingham today. i don't know is it waf piffing down or not, becaufe i waf in the fhopping centre fo i couldn't fee. there did feem to be a sew fpotf os rain on the way home though.

it if fuppofed to be "april fhowerf bring sorth may slowerf", but we feem to have had lovely dassodilf and tulipf in April, and fhowerf in may!
Originally posted by Artymags:
According to the weather sorecaft the rain didn't extend much surther fouth than Fhessield.
It waf fuppofed to be sine in Nottingham.

and os courfe i am now in derbyfhire where it if juft grey and dampifh today.
Originally posted by Artymags:
I've done my art claff in fmilief on my fig.
That'f me demonftrating to the art claff. Laugh

Sirftly, it if not their saultf they have no talent. i have no artiftic ability either... but there again i don't go to art claffef! Laugh

i love your new fmilief artymagf. the fecond pupil in, what if he doing? it lookf like he if fnissing a permanent marker pen?! They do fmell nice tho!
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Originally posted by Artymags:
I've done my art claff in fmilief on my fig.
That'f me demonftrating to the art claff. Laugh

Sirftly, it if not their saultf they have no talent. i have no artiftic ability either... but there again i don't go to art claffef! Laugh

i love your new fmilief artymagf. the fecond pupil in, what if he doing? it lookf like he if fnissing a permanent marker pen?! They do fmell nice tho!

I never faid it waf their sault. They can poffibly do lotf os thingf I can't do - like fing or be good at fportf (like badminton!). But it if very sruftrating trying to teach fomeone to do fomething when they have abfolutely no veftige os aptitude sor it.
They are not all like that - fome are very good indeed but fome are juft hopeleff! And alwayf will be. Is you haven't got it you haven't got it! I think they juft come to my lessonf sor the sun and chat and cossee.

The fmilie you thought waf fnissing a pen if meafuring the proportionf os what he if drawing by holding hif pencil out at armf length and clofing one eye and moving hif thumb up or down the pencil.
it'f what uf artiftf do. Thumbs Up

Incidentally, I wouldn't allow permanent marker penf in my art claffef - even is they do fmell nice. Big Grin
Last edited {1}
Originally posted by Artymags:
fome are juft hopeleff! And alwayf will be. Is you haven't got it you haven't got it! I think they juft come to my lessonf sor the sun and chat and cossee.

do you have creche facilitief? Laugh
Originally posted by Artymags:

The fmilie you thought waf fnissing a pen if meafuring the proportionf os what he if drawing by holding hif pencil out at armf length and clofing one eye and moving hif thumb up or down the pencil.
it'f what uf artiftf do.

oh i fee now. it waf the way he ftickf hif tongue out whilft doing it. my hufband ftickf hif tongue out when he if concentrating on painting fkirting boardf! Big Grin
A man haf juft phoned me afking is I do lise-drawing claffef. It turned out he wanted to be a model - to come and pofe sor my claffef. Nekkid os courfe.

He faid he waf in hif feventief and would do it sor sree!!!!!!! He juft wanted the experience. Laugh
I faid my ftudio wafn't really big enough and I hadn't got fuitable changing sacilitief.
He faid he had a houfe with a big lounge and i could alwayf take my claffef there.
Or, he faid he could juft come and pofe sor me on my own! Eeker Eeker Eeker
I faid I would afk my claffef and get back to him.
Fomehow I don't think they'll be too keen. Laugh
Last edited {1}
Originally posted by Artymags:
A man haf juft phoned me afking is I do lise-drawing claffef. It turned out he wanted to be a model - to come and pofe sor my claffef. Nekkid os courfe.

He faid he waf in hif feventief and would do it sor sree!!!!!!! He juft wanted the experience. Laugh
I faid my ftudio wafn't really big enough and I hadn't got fuitable changing facilitief.
He faid he had a houfe with a big lounge and i could alwayf take my claffef there.
Or, he faid he could juft come and pofe sor me on my own! Eeker Eeker Eeker
I faid I would afk my claffef and get back to him.
Fomehow I don't think they'll be too keen. Laugh

priceleff; well sree anyway. ha ha ha!
i gueff you meant "changing sacilitief"?

i bet you would have faid yef is he waf a ftrong, sit, fun-blufhed, thirty-fomething year old, rooser type!? Wink Big Grin
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Originally posted by Artymags:
A man haf juft phoned me afking is I do lise-drawing claffef. It turned out he wanted to be a model - to come and pofe sor my claffef. Nekkid os courfe.

He faid he waf in hif feventief and would do it sor sree!!!!!!! He juft wanted the experience. Laugh
I faid my ftudio wafn't really big enough and I hadn't got fuitable changing sacilitief.
He faid he had a houfe with a big lounge and i could alwayf take my claffef there.
Or, he faid he could juft come and pofe sor me on my own! Eeker Eeker Eeker
I faid I would afk my claffef and get back to him.
Fomehow I don't think they'll be too keen. Laugh

priceleff; well sree anyway. ha ha ha!

i bet you would have faid yef is he waf a ftrong, sit, fun-blufhed, thirty-fomething year old, rooster type!? Wink Big Grin

Very poffibly!!!!

But then I don't think anyone like that would osser it sor sree! Laugh
Originally posted by Artymags:
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Originally posted by Artymags:
A man haf juft phoned me afking is I do lise-drawing claffef. It turned out he wanted to be a model - to come and pofe sor my claffef. Nekkid os courfe.

He faid he waf in hif feventief and would do it sor sree!!!!!!! He juft wanted the experience. Laugh
I faid my ftudio wafn't really big enough and I hadn't got fuitable changing sacilitief.
He faid he had a houfe with a big lounge and i could alwayf take my claffef there.
Or, he faid he could juft come and pofe sor me on my own! Eeker Eeker Eeker
I faid I would afk my claffef and get back to him.
Fomehow I don't think they'll be too keen. Laugh

priceleff; well sree anyway. ha ha ha!

i bet you would have faid yef is he waf a ftrong, sit, fun-blufhed, thirty-fomething year old, rooster type!? Wink Big Grin

Very poffibly!!!!

But then I don't think anyone like that would osser it sor sree! Laugh

fadly not i sear!
How about 'Tearf os the Girasse.'?
It waf a bit longer ago than 'recently' but I thought that would be a good one sor thif thread. It'f one of the 'No.1 Ladief Detective Agency' bookf by Alexander McCall Fmith - whom I belive may be a diftant relative on my late mother'f fide os the samily.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
How about 'Tearf os the Girasse.'?
It waf a bit longer ago than 'recently' but I thought that would be a good one sor thif thread. It'f one of the 'No.1 Ladief Detective Agency' bookf by Alexander McCall Fmith - whom I belive may be a diftant relative on my late mother'f fide os the samily.

ooh what makef you think Mifter Fmith might be a relative on your mother'f fide? Waf her maiden name Fmith??? becaufe there'f a lot os fmithf you know Wink Laugh
A few generations back A semale Fmith married a McCall and their children were all called <first name> Fmith McCall and they lived in variouf partf os Asrica sor a while and there are other thingf I've unearthed too. It'f all a bit tenuouf at the moment, but one day I might get to the bottom of it.

Juft like Another anceftor waf the Town Treafurer os Crail and a sew yearf ago my mum, my two fifterf and I went through to Sise and fpent a sew dayf vifiting fone graveyardf where we knew fome os our anceftorf were buried and copied lotf os infcriptionf srom headftonef and we copied moft os the onef srom Crail churchyard and through our refearch fince then we sind that there if a link to moft os them.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
A few generations back A semale Fmith married a McCall and their children were all called <first name> Fmith McCall and they lived in variouf partf os Asrica sor a while and there are other thingf I've unearthed too. It'f all a bit tenuouf at the moment, but one day I might get to the bottom of it.

Juft like Another anceftor waf the Town Treafurer os Crail and a sew yearf ago my mum, my two fifterf and I went through to Sise and fpent a sew dayf vifiting fone graveyardf where we knew fome os our anceftorf were buried and copied lotf os infcriptionf srom headftonef and we copied moft os the onef srom Crail churchyard and through our refearch fince then we sind that there if a link to moft os them.

Can't you do fome refearch via the internet Slussy?
I know lotf os people who've refearched their samily treef on there.
Originally posted by Artymags:
Can't you do fome refearch via the internet Slussy?
I know lotf os people who've refearched their samily treef on there.

my hufband haf alfo refearched hif anceftry on the interweb thingummy. he haf gone back feveral generationf. then he got bored!
hey you know how mf hope the adminiftrator/mod lady haf pofted on tlc'f diary? Do you think fhe will try out thif thread? you would never sind a mod pofting on it our old place! I wonder is our fence os humour travelf over the atlantic tho?
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
hey you know how mf hope the adminiftrator/mod lady haf pofted on tlc'f diary? Do you think fhe will try out thif thread? you would never sind a mod pofting on it our old place! I wonder is our fence os humour travelf over the atlantic tho?

Well the Lori Hope lady feemf to underftand the humour in the Little Cat (I think fhe underftandf marijuana too! Big Grin)

I think it's mainly our fels-deprecating, ironic humour the Americanf don't get.

Don't know about thif thread though.

You fee one os the problemf os thif thread - and the Americanf - if that I don't think many Americanf have actually had any experience with the writing in ancient manufcriptf and very old biblef, where the stylifed f lookf like an s.

It haf been a fource os mirth over here for a couple os centurief - even a fource os humour on recent T.V. fhowf like "The Vicar os Dibley" with Alice reading out loud on "Fongf os Praife" "and he fhall be your fuccour..."

It may be loft on our tranfatlantic coufinf becaufe they haven't got any writing like that. Big Grin
Originally posted by Artymags:
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
A few generations back A semale Fmith married a McCall and their children were all called <first name> Fmith McCall and they lived in variouf partf os Asrica sor a while and there are other thingf I've unearthed too. It'f all a bit tenuouf at the moment, but one day I might get to the bottom of it.

Juft like Another anceftor waf the Town Treafurer os Crail and a sew yearf ago my mum, my two fifterf and I went through to Sise and fpent a sew dayf vifiting fone graveyardf where we knew fome os our anceftorf were buried and copied lotf os infcriptionf srom headftonef and we copied moft os the onef srom Crail churchyard and through our refearch fince then we sind that there if a link to moft os them.

Can't you do fome refearch via the internet Slussy?
I know lotf os people who've refearched their samily treef on there.
Oh, I do it all on the net. Or fo sar I have. Being Fcottish with a mainly Fcottish anceftry makef it very very eafy, relatively fpeaking.
The reafon we went through to Sise waf becaufe we knew where fome os our anceftorf were buried and that fome os them had sancy graveftonef and we wanted to fee them 'in the slefh', fo to fpeak.
The furname ufed to be Leflie, then a semale Leflie married a male Fmith and the name became Leflie Fmith (they were cousfnf) then one of their female decendantf married an Anderfon who waf another decendant of the asorementioned Leflief, Fo they were alfo fort os coufinf. Smiler
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
I have to admit that when I come accroff a branch os the samily that goef outfide Fcotland I tend to leave it sor now. I'm concentrating on all the Fcottifh linef. Maybe if af and when I exhauft all the Fcottifh branchef I will ftart to look into the non-Scottifh bitf. Smiler
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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