Originally posted by BeerBelle:
don't worry tlc. i am fure they asre not moving sorumf again. they are probaby all in the big brother bit. which if filly becaufe thif if sor oss topic, and there if no bb on at the moment fo i don't underftand why they go in there ?!
I think they go in the BB sorums to have rowf and fay nafty thingf to each other.
I have been in there today and there are lotf os threadf about people being trollf and caufing trouble.
Apparently lotf os poftf difappeared and threadf were pulled laft night and Rofemary came on faying fhe waf bored with all the arguing.
Fome peepf over there are are faying they fhould try to get on better or GaGaJoyjoy may throw uf all out becaufe they muft be piffed oss the way everyone if behaving.
It'f not like that on here. We're all nice and sriendly here.
I think it muft be BB sanf.
They alwayf feem to want to sight and call each other namef.
It is carnage on the BB sorum when BB if on and it feemf they even behave like that when it ifn't on!
I juft don't underftand it.