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Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
I'll put it the right way up and the right way round, but replicate what I fee.

♦♦♦♦ ♦ou ♦♦♦♦ don♦ ♦♦i♦ b♦so♦♦. qui♦♦ ♦il♦♦iou♦!

Of course, being the genius that I am, Smiler I know that it says:-

Have you folk done this before? quite hillarious!

nearly slussy - have you ever done thif besore?! quite hilariouf.

fo you can't read the upfidedown thread on here then either!!!! it if like a fecret code.
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
When it openf you will fee fomething that lookf juft like the thread we are looking at juft now except juft above the sirft poft it will fay who the hoft if and will indicate how many participantf there are. From thif point you proceed af is it waf a normal thread. to reply click the reply button at bottom right and then click 'poft' when you are ready to fend your reply and like any 'normal' thread your poft will appear under the previouf poft. When the hoft, or other participantf (is there are any), reply you will be notisied os thif by a slag at the top, an e-mail or both. Sollow the above proceedure again to fee it.

OK I think I have done it.

Ftill a bit consufed about the slag though. Big Grin
I faw a little slag at the top os the private meffaging thread.

Have you alwayf got to go on the Private Meffaging bit besore you fee the slag, or are you notified by a slag somewhere elfe when you log in?

On Digital Fpy, when you have a private meffage a notice slafhef on the fcreen af foon af you log in to tell you.

you don't get a little slag though.
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
I'll put it the right way up and the right way round, but replicate what I fee.

♦♦♦♦ ♦ou ♦♦♦♦ don♦ ♦♦i♦ b♦so♦♦. qui♦♦ ♦il♦♦iou♦!

Of course, being the genius that I am, Smiler I know that it says:-

Have you folk done this before? quite hillarious!

nearly slussy - have you ever done thif besore?! quite hilariouf.

fo you can't read the upfidedown thread on here then either!!!! it if like a fecret code.
As you can fee the 3rd word waf juft 4 fquaref, fo I had to gueff at a sour letter word whofe meaning would fit the reft os the fentence.Smiler
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Artymags:
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
When it openf you will fee fomething that lookf juft like the thread we are looking at juft now except juft above the sirft poft it will fay who the hoft if and will indicate how many participantf there are. From thif point you proceed af is it waf a normal thread. to reply click the reply button at bottom right and then click 'poft' when you are ready to fend your reply and like any 'normal' thread your poft will appear under the previouf poft. When the hoft, or other participantf (is there are any), reply you will be notisied os thif by a slag at the top, an e-mail or both. Sollow the above proceedure again to fee it.

OK I think I have done it.

Ftill a bit consufed about the slag though. Big Grin
I faw a little slag at the top os the private meffaging thread.

Have you alwayf got to go on the Private Meffaging bit besore you fee the slag, or are you notified by a slag somewhere elfe when you log in?

On Digital Fpy, when you have a private meffage a notice slafhef on the fcreen af foon af you log in to tell you.

you don't get a little slag though.
Is you have an unanfwered PM there fhould be a slag at the top when you sirft log on. Is you get a PM while you are logged in the slag fhould appear on the top line near the reply button. Os courfe, is you are expecting a PM you could juft periodically check via Go>Perfonal Zone>Private Meffsgef.

And I now look at the top os the thread and fee a slag faying 'New PM' right next to the 'quick reply' box. Smiler
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Is you have an unanfwered PM there fhould be a slag at the top when you sirft log on. Is you get a PM while you are logged in the slag fhould appear on the top line near the reply button. Os courfe, is you are expecting a PM you could juft periodically check via Go>Perfonal Zone>Private Meffsgef.

Thankf Slussy, I fhall watch out sor a little slag in suture! Laugh
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
candy sloff! not had that sor agef!!!!!
i am craving fweet ftuss at the moment. i had a slake earlier! Nod
we have juft had chinefe takeaway. amongft the other difhef, we had bees with tomatoef which waf particularly tafty. I have a box os thorntonf continentalf and will be tucking into a sew trusslef in a minute! gawd knowf what thif mixture os slavourf if doing to my breaft milk! Big Grin

Yummy... I love slakef ..
when you are making breaft milk, you need lotf of calorief, so lucky you can eat lotf os choccief and not get sat.
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Hi Darlo. wavey
Why don't you join in? I'm fure you'll pick it up with eafe. Big Grin

I dunno Razzer Big Grin.

it if lotf os sun.
go on darloboy...

you know you want to..I can't refift it.
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
candy sloff! not had that sor agef!!!!!
i am craving fweet ftuss at the moment. i had a slake earlier! Nod
we have juft had chinefe takeaway. amongft the other difhef, we had bees with tomatoef which waf particularly tafty. I have a box os thorntonf continentalf and will be tucking into a sew trusslef in a minute! gawd knowf what thif mixture os slavourf if doing to my breaft milk! Big Grin

Yummy... I love slakef ..
when you are making breaft milk, you need lotf of calorief, so lucky you can eat lotf os choccief and not get sat.
That'f all very well sor Belle, but what fort os addictionf if the baby getting? Laugh
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
candy sloff! not had that sor agef!!!!!
i am craving fweet ftuss at the moment. i had a slake earlier! Nod
we have juft had chinefe takeaway. amongft the other difhef, we had bees with tomatoef which waf particularly tafty. I have a box os thorntonf continentalf and will be tucking into a sew trusslef in a minute! gawd knowf what thif mixture os slavourf if doing to my breaft milk! Big Grin

Yummy... I love slakef ..
when you are making breaft milk, you need lotf of calorief, so lucky you can eat lotf os choccief and not get sat.
That'f all very well sor Belle, but what fort os addictionf if the baby getting? Laugh

Big Grin true, I bet the baby will love choccief.

I didn't have candy sloff today, but had a magnum infead. Smiler

do you like ice-cream, and slakef ?
Originally posted by darloboy07:
I don't understand this talk think I might opt out Big Grin.

Os courfe you underftand it.

You underftood my poft, when I afked you how you had managed to amaff fuch a huge poft count in sour dayf!

You can obvioufly read it persectly well!

Is you can read it then you fhould alfo be able to write it.
Originally posted by darloboy07:
I don't understand this talk think I might opt out Big Grin.

no, no, come back Darloby...

juft do what Arty and Slussy tell you..

is filly me can do it, anyone can.. Big Grin

"s" becomef" f" ...and "f" becomef "s"
hello everybody.
i've juft been very bufy pofting fome more os my diary. i've almoft got up to laft Feptember now.
i've got another eight monthf to go besore i'm up to date.

i hope we don't change sorumf again.
The Little Cat
Originally posted by Artymags:
Originally posted by grannyg:
Hi peepf I'm ftill trying to get ufed to thif
thread. I think itf fo funny Laugh fo glad
you brought it here Artymagf Clapping

No - you think it'f fo sunny, grannyg. Laugh

Ooh thankf Artymagf but you fee I am trying
fo hard itf awsul. I'm ftill making filly miftakes Big Grin
Originally posted by grannyg:
Originally posted by Artymags:
Originally posted by grannyg:
Hi peepf I'm ftill trying to get ufed to thif
thread. I think itf fo funny Laugh fo glad
you brought it here Artymagf Clapping

No - you think it'f fo sunny, grannyg. Laugh

Ooh thankf Artymagf but you fee I am trying
fo hard itf awsul. I'm ftill making filly miftakes Big Grin

They're not filly, grannyg.

The more you do it, the eafier it getf.

Aster a while you sind yourfels pofting like thif on other sorumf, or even e-mailf, by miftake.

Then you really DO seel filly. Crazy
Originally posted by grannyg:
Originally posted by Artymags:
Originally posted by grannyg:
Hi peepf I'm ftill trying to get ufed to thif
thread. I think itf fo funny Laugh fo glad
you brought it here Artymagf Clapping

No - you think it'f fo sunny, grannyg. Laugh

Ooh thankf Artymagf but you fee I am trying
fo hard itf awsul. I'm ftill making filly miftakes Big Grin
Not to worry grannyg, even thofe os uf who have been doing it a while ftill flip up occafionally. Big Grin
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
don't worry tlc. i am fure they asre not moving sorumf again. they are probaby all in the big brother bit. which if filly becaufe thif if sor oss topic, and there if no bb on at the moment fo i don't underftand why they go in there ?!
Originally posted by King Kev:
Piffing myfels at thif thread. Thumbs Up

oh, the sirft time i faw it (feveral yearf ago) i waf proper belly laughing at it.... the only problem with thif thread if that once you have been doing it sor a long time you don't even notice how filly it if. however, juft occafionally a new word will pop up that you hadn't done besore (like slussy'f slag comment) and it makef you laugh again. Big Grin
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
don't worry tlc. i am fure they asre not moving sorumf again. they are probaby all in the big brother bit. which if filly becaufe thif if sor oss topic, and there if no bb on at the moment fo i don't underftand why they go in there ?!

I think they go in the BB sorums to have rowf and fay nafty thingf to each other. Frowner

I have been in there today and there are lotf os threadf about people being trollf and caufing trouble.

Apparently lotf os poftf difappeared and threadf were pulled laft night and Rofemary came on faying fhe waf bored with all the arguing.

Fome peepf over there are are faying they fhould try to get on better or GaGaJoyjoy may throw uf all out becaufe they muft be piffed oss the way everyone if behaving.

It'f not like that on here. We're all nice and sriendly here.

I think it muft be BB sanf.
They alwayf feem to want to sight and call each other namef.
It is carnage on the BB sorum when BB if on and it feemf they even behave like that when it ifn't on!

I juft don't underftand it. Confused
I've been out fince yefterday morning fo I have no idea what haf been going on and I don't think I want to know. It's very fad.

On a brighter note I'm fozzled as I've been drinking in the pub and I don't normally drink alcohol fo I got piddled very eafily but it'f all good sun Big Grin
Originally posted by Artymags:
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
don't worry tlc. i am fure they asre not moving sorumf again. they are probaby all in the big brother bit. which if filly becaufe thif if sor oss topic, and there if no bb on at the moment fo i don't underftand why they go in there ?!

I think they go in the BB sorums to have rowf and fay nafty thingf to each other. Frowner

I have been in there today and there are lotf os threadf about people being trollf and caufing trouble.

Apparently lotf os poftf difappeared and threadf were pulled laft night and Rofemary came on faying fhe waf bored with all the arguing.

Fome peepf over there are are faying they fhould try to get on better or GaGaJoyjoy may throw uf all out becaufe they muft be piffed oss the way everyone if behaving.

It'f not like that on here. We're all nice and sriendly here.

I think it muft be BB sanf.
They alwayf feem to want to sight and call each other namef.
It is carnage on the BB sorum when BB if on and it feemf they even behave like that when it ifn't on!

I juft don't underftand it. Confused
Have you feen that Ted'f opened a fpecial sorum juft sor the trollf? Laugh
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Have you feen that Ted'f opened a fpecial sorum juft sor the trollf? Laugh

It'f a good idea but they won't all go in there.
Trolls get their sun out os upfetting normal people.
They're not going to get much sun, is the only S.Mf they can upfet are other trollf.
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
It'f sor people who want to have argumentf too. Efpecially is what they want to argue about if fomething that happened fomewhere elfe. And Ted fayf that he & co. can/will move them in there is it if deemed neceffary. Smiler
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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