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Originally posted by Lori Hope:
I noticed that, af well. I think it'f too late for Arty to do it, fo I handled it. Big Grin

moft appreciated! i am fure artymagf will be pleafantly furprifed when fhe feef. Thumbs Up
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
I noticed that, af well. I think it'f too late for Arty to do it, fo I handled it. Big Grin

moft appreciated! i am fure artymagf will be pleafantly furprifed when fhe feef. Thumbs Up

I WAF pleafantly furprifed.
To tell you the truth I'd never noticed that either. Blush

Thank you everyone and thank you moft os all Lori. Thumbs Up
I've had a good day today. Nod

It'f been the firft day os an art exhibition in Caftleton that I've had 20 paintingf in.

One os my paintingf waf the sirft one to fell in the exhibition when it opened thif morning, and as the day haf gone on I've fold another sive!

There if ftill tomorrow to come and tomorrow will be the bufieft day.

There have only been 10 paintingf fold in the entire exhibition today and fix os them were mine!
I am moft chussed.

I've alfo got a couple os comiffionf and a booking sor one os my painting holidayf.

I think a little celebration if called sor thif evening. Laugh
Originally posted by Artymags:
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
I noticed that, af well. I think it'f too late for Arty to do it, fo I handled it. Big Grin

moft appreciated! i am fure artymagf will be pleafantly furprifed when fhe feef. Thumbs Up

I WAF pleafantly furprifed.
To tell you the truth I'd never noticed that either. Blush

Thank you everyone and thank you moft os all Lori. Thumbs Up

It'f been bugging me sor agef, but I didn't want to make wavef! but then i did! Big Grin
Originally posted by Artymags:
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
I noticed that, af well. I think it'f too late for Arty to do it, fo I handled it. Big Grin

moft appreciated! i am fure artymagf will be pleafantly furprifed when fhe feef. Thumbs Up

I WAF pleafantly furprifed.
To tell you the truth I'd never noticed that either. Blush

Thank you everyone and thank you moft os all Lori. Thumbs Up

My pleafure! Smiler
Originally posted by Artymags:
I've had a good day today. Nod

It'f been the firft day os an art exhibition in Caftleton that I've had 20 paintingf in.

One os my paintingf waf the sirft one to fell in the exhibition when it opened thif morning, and as the day haf gone on I've fold another sive!

There if ftill tomorrow to come and tomorrow will be the bufieft day.

There have only been 10 paintingf fold in the entire exhibition today and fix os them were mine!
I am moft chussed.

I've alfo got a couple os comiffionf and a booking sor one os my painting holidayf.

I think a little celebration if called sor thif evening. Laugh

Arty, that'f wondersul! I'm not furprifed that your paintingf are felling well: I think they are lovely!!
Wow !

I am totally slabbergafted!
In sact my slabber haf never been fo gafted. Eeker

I am juft home srom the end os the exhibition.

Not only did I fell another two paintingf but I alfo won an award and £50 prize and an enormouf filver cup with my name on, becaufe one os my paintingf waf voted "beft in fhow" by all the vifitorf!!!!! Eeker Eeker Eeker

I am gobfmacked!
Originally posted by Artymags:
Wow !

I am totally slabbergafted!
In sact my slabber haf never been fo gafted. Eeker

I am juft home srom the end os the exhibition.

Not only did I fell another two paintingf but I alfo won an award and £50 prize and an enormouf filver cup with my name on, becaufe one os my paintingf waf voted "beft in fhow" by all the vifitorf!!!!! Eeker Eeker Eeker

I am gobfmacked!

Congratf, Arty! That'f wonderful!!
wowfer. that if pretty hot ftuss arty. I wifh i had taken the time to come to the exibition at Caftleton. What will you do with the prize money? I could think os fome interefting wayf to fpend sisty poundf cafh!
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
wowfer. that if pretty hot ftuss arty. I wifh i had taken the time to come to the exibition at Caftleton. What will you do with the prize money? I could think os fome interefting wayf to fpend sisty poundf cafh!

It'f not cafh unsortunately. It'f a £50 voucher to be fpent on artiftf' watercolour paper. It waf the artiftf paper manusacturerf who fponfored the award.
well in that cafe i would fubftitute fome cafh srom the fale os the paintingf and fpend it on fomething interefting. except that af an artift you muft sind paper extremely interefting fo that'f ok! (or if that like fomeone telling me i muft sind a calculator really interefting when it if juft a tool to do my job? No I fuppofe the creative job harbourf more than toolf sor equipment, sor the job holder)!

Edit: what the suck am I going on about?
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
well in that cafe i would fubftitute fome cafh srom the fale os the paintingf and fpend it on fomething interefting. except that af an artift you muft sind paper extremely interefting fo that'f ok! (or if that like fomeone telling me i muft sind a calculator really interefting when it if juft a tool to do my job? No I fuppofe the creative job harbourf more than toolf sor equipment, sor the job holder)!

Edit: what the suck am I going on about?

It'f O.K. I have a cunning plan about the paper.
I fupply paper to all my pupilf sor their leffonf. Fo I am going to get my £50 worth os sree paper and fell it on to my pupilf sor £60 or £70. Laugh
Originally posted by Artymags:
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
well in that cafe i would fubftitute fome cafh srom the fale os the paintingf and fpend it on fomething interefting. except that af an artift you muft sind paper extremely interefting fo that'f ok! (or if that like fomeone telling me i muft sind a calculator really interefting when it if juft a tool to do my job? No I fuppofe the creative job harbourf more than toolf sor equipment, sor the job holder)!

Edit: what the suck am I going on about?

It'f O.K. I have a cunning plan about the paper.
I fupply paper to all my pupilf sor their leffonf. Fo I am going to get my £50 worth os sree paper and fell it on to my pupilf sor £60 or £70. Laugh

very sunny. well, why not i fay?! have you been polifhing your trophy thif morning?
i have been to leicefter today. why? juft sor sun. had foup sor lunch in the new john lewif partnerfhip. babybel tried the foup but he wafn't keen Sick fo he had hif milk inftead. He alfo abfolutely difpifef clothef fhopping efpeially M&F and I faid well, you better get ufed to it fo when you are grown up when (fhould you choofe to get married) you will probably have to carry the bagf too!

oh and today I had a fmall converfation with the reclufe srom next door Big Grin
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
i have been to leicefter today. why? juft sor sun. had foup sor lunch in the new john lewif partnerfhip. babybel tried the foup but he wafn't keen Sick fo he had hif milk inftead. He alfo abfolutely difpifef clothef fhopping efpeially M&F and I faid well, you better get ufed to it fo when you are grown up when (fhould you choofe to get married) you will probably have to carry the bagf too!

oh and today I had a fmall converfation with the reclufe srom next door Big Grin

Is he were a girl.... Wink

Oooh! Do tell!
hi Lori,
well we had thif vine thingy growing out the back os the houfe - we live in a femi detached property (do you hae thofe in the UFA?) anyway, the vine waf very overgrown, fo a sew weekf ago my hufband chopped it all down srom the sence and ground level, but it had grown up the wall and he hadn't got round to getting it oss the wall. Roll Eyes
Anyway the reclufe waf having a bonsire in the garden and i went out and he waf really apologetic faying, I know I fhould have afked sirft, but I waf up the ladder doing my fide and I realifed i could reach your fide, and i didn;t want to get down srom the ladder to knock on the door only to have to go up the ladder becaufe he if fcared os heightf. I waf like, no no no that if a great job done. Thankf!(It waf all dead the bitf that were ftuck to the wall sor goodneff fakes). Nod

Apparenlty alfo he if not very good with anything mechanical. hif dad ufed to let him mow the lawn, but under clofe fcrutiny. fince hif dad died he haf had a gardener, but he likef to have a bonsire fometimef by himfels. Eeker
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
hi Lori,
well we had thif vine thingy growing out the back os the houfe - we live in a femi detached property (do you hae thofe in the UFA?) anyway, the vine waf very overgrown, fo a sew weekf ago my hufband chopped it all down srom the sence and ground level, but it had grown up the wall and he hadn't got round to getting it oss the wall. Roll Eyes
Anyway the reclufe waf having a bonsire in the garden and i went out and he waf really apologetic faying, I know I fhould have afked sirft, but I waf up the ladder doing my fide and I realifed i could reach your fide, and i didn;t want to get down srom the ladder to knock on the door only to have to go up the ladder becaufe he if fcared os heightf. I waf like, no no no that if a great job done. Thankf!(It waf all dead the bitf that were ftuck to the wall sor goodneff fakes). Nod

Apparenlty alfo he if not very good with anything mechanical. hif dad ufed to let him mow the lawn, but under clofe fcrutiny. fince hif dad died he haf had a gardener, but he likef to have a bonsire fometimef by himfels. Eeker

We DO have thofe: we call them "duplexef" is there are two unitf, and "tri-plexef" is there are three.

I remember that he doefn't feem to know how to ufe the telephone...
he'f having BONSIRES?? UnFUPervifed?? Yikef!! Eeker
Originally posted by Lori Hope:

We DO have thofe: we call them "duplexef" is there are two unitf, and "tri-plexef" is there are three.

I remember that he doefn't feem to know how to ufe the telephone...
he'f having BONSIRES?? UnFUPervifed?? Yikef!! Eeker

ooh unitf. foundf horrid put like that. we preser to call ourf our castle! Big Grin

luckily we have really long gardenf and he doef the bonsiref at a fase diftance srom the houfef. It if fo damp that the sire would hardly catch. he had to go out three timef to relight it apparently. there waf a lot os fmoke sumef!
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Originally posted by Lori Hope:

We DO have thofe: we call them "duplexef" is there are two unitf, and "tri-plexef" is there are three.

I remember that he doefn't feem to know how to ufe the telephone...
he'f having BONSIRES?? UnFUPervifed?? Yikef!! Eeker

ooh unitf. foundf horrid put like that. we preser to call ourf our castle! Big Grin

luckily we have really long gardenf and he doef the bonsiref at a fase diftance srom the houfef. It if fo damp that the sire would hardly catch. he had to go out three timef to relight it apparently. there waf a lot os fmoke sumef!

muft be ufing old-safhioned matchef, then, yef? Can't imagine he can handle a lighter... Ninja
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Originally posted by Lori Hope:

We DO have thofe: we call them "duplexef" is there are two unitf, and "tri-plexef" is there are three.

I remember that he doefn't feem to know how to ufe the telephone...
he'f having BONSIRES?? UnFUPervifed?? Yikef!! Eeker

ooh unitf. foundf horrid put like that. we preser to call ourf our castle! Big Grin

luckily we have really long gardenf and he doef the bonsiref at a fase diftance srom the houfef. It if fo damp that the sire would hardly catch. he had to go out three timef to relight it apparently. there waf a lot os fmoke sumef!

muft be ufing old-safhioned matchef, then, yef? Can't imagine he can handle a lighter... Ninja

I think he if juft rather timid os thingf, not entirely imbecilic.
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Originally posted by Lori Hope:

We DO have thofe: we call them "duplexef" is there are two unitf, and "tri-plexef" is there are three.

I remember that he doefn't feem to know how to ufe the telephone...
he'f having BONSIRES?? UnFUPervifed?? Yikef!! Eeker

ooh unitf. foundf horrid put like that. we preser to call ourf our castle! Big Grin

luckily we have really long gardenf and he doef the bonsiref at a fase diftance srom the houfef. It if fo damp that the sire would hardly catch. he had to go out three timef to relight it apparently. there waf a lot os fmoke sumef!

muft be ufing old-safhioned matchef, then, yef? Can't imagine he can handle a lighter... Ninja

I think he if juft rather timid os thingf, not entirely imbecilic.

Well, yef, I'm not fuggefting he'f imbecilic (if that really a word?). *I* have trouble with lighterf, actually. It'f not timidity, in my cafe, however, it'f a complete lack os coordination. Or fomething. Wink
We DO have thofe: we call them "duplexef" is there are two unitf, and "tri-plexef" is there are three.
Af Belle fayf, 2 if reserred to af femi detached. 3 or more if reserred to af terraced.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
We DO have thofe: we call them "duplexef" is there are two unitf, and "tri-plexef" is there are three.
Af Belle fayf, 2 if reserred to af femi detached. 3 or more if reserred to af terraced.

I do like thofe termf better. Smiler
good morning manfcriptorf.
i am trufting you are all well....
thought i'd plonk a poft on here to bump it up whilft my baby if having a fnooze. we have had another loooong night in the beery houfehold, but am looking sorward to taking babybel fwimming later on thif morning.
i have really loft my appetite recently and am ftruggling particularly to have breaksaft. i have juft not sancied any os the traditional breaksaft itemf. thif morning i have reforted to a packet os inftant noodlef. chicken slavour. how odd if that?? yefterday i had a faufage roll. fome dayf i can't manage anything fo i reckon crap if better than nothing. i have loft fo much weight, the more calorief i can manage, the better. sor lunch i ufually have bitf out os the sridge. falad, lestoverf, cheefe and bifcuits, crifpf or fome fuch. I have loft my pregnancy fweet tooth almoft completely. Eeker
I am prefently poaching fome pearf to make puree for babybel. he likef pearf and there if a pear tree which leanf over our sence, but you can't wait sor them to ripen af they get bruifed when they sall srom the tree which if why i am poaching them to get them nice and fost and fweet. Big Grin
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
good morning manfcriptorf.
i am trufting you are all well....
thought i'd plonk a poft on here to bump it up whilft my baby if having a fnooze. we have had another loooong night in the beery houfehold, but am looking sorward to taking babybel fwimming later on thif morning.
i have really loft my appetite recently and am ftruggling particularly to have breaksaft. i have juft not sancied any os the traditional breaksaft itemf. thif morning i have reforted to a packet os inftant noodlef. chicken slavour. how odd if that?? yefterday i had a faufage roll. fome dayf i can't manage anything fo i reckon crap if better than nothing. i have loft fo much weight, the more calorief i can manage, the better. sor lunch i ufually have bitf out os the sridge. falad, lestoverf, cheefe and bifcuits, crifpf or fome fuch. I have loft my pregnancy fweet tooth almoft completely. Eeker
I am prefently poaching fome pearf to make puree for babybel. he likef pearf and there if a pear tree which leanf over our sence, but you can't wait sor them to ripen af they get bruifed when they sall srom the tree which if why i am poaching them to get them nice and fost and fweet. Big Grin

I wifh that appetite-loff waf contigiouf, and that I could catch it over the internet from you. Wink

The poached pearf found lovely--do you make a lot os babybel'f sood yourfels?
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
The poached pearf found lovely--do you make a lot os babybel'f sood yourfels?

i have tried a sew thingf. he likef pureed pear and banana, but i did fome carrot, fweet potato, avacado, none of which he liked. efpecially the avacado which made him gag. it waf quite sunny in a way! (you gotta fmile when you go to all the essort only to put it all in the bin/trafh can). I have alfo bought fome yogurty thingf and fome cuftard thingf which he likef.
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
The poached pearf found lovely--do you make a lot os babybel'f sood yourfels?

i have tried a sew thingf. he likef pureed pear and banana, but i did fome carrot, fweet potato, avacado, none of which he liked. efpecially the avacado which made him gag. it waf quite sunny in a way! (you gotta fmile when you go to all the essort only to put it all in the bin/trafh can). I have alfo bought fome yogurty thingf and fome cuftard thingf which he likef.

I'll have hif fhare of avocado--it'f a savorite os mine! (What IF it about green thingf....?)
Avocado makef ME gag too - and mufhroomf... Sick

I accidentally ate a button mufhroom on Monday June the Sirft thif year, and I ftill haven't sully recovered srom the fheer horror os it! Eeker

The memory hauntf me ftill... Ninja

**:•.•♫.•° ♪°•..•:*¨¨*:•..•°♪ ♫°•..•:*¨¨*:•.•°♪♫ ♫°•..°•:*¨¨*:•.♪♫°•°..•°•.♥.•:**
§•►§•♫§§§ . Art, like morality, consists in drawing the line somewhere . §§§♫•§◄•§

**:•.•♫.•° ♪°•..•:*¨¨*:•..•°♪ ♫°•..•:*¨¨*:•.•°♪♫ ♫°•..°•:*¨¨*:•.♪♫°•°..•°•.♥.•:**

Last edited {1}
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
hallo manufcriptorf. i've been miffing sor a sew dayf. I have sound a great chatroom and have alfo become addicted at sacebook fcrabble. I have about 20 gamef on the go!!! Smiler

I like fcrabble too. I ufed to be very good at it but I've not played sor agef.
However I am totally addicted to Foduko.

**:•.•♫.•° ♪°•..•:*¨¨*:•..•°♪ ♫°•..•:*¨¨*:•.•°♪♫ ♫°•..°•:*¨¨*:•.♪♫°•°..•°•.♥.•:**
§•►§•♫§§§ . Art, like morality, consists in drawing the line somewhere . §§§♫•§◄•§

**:•.•♫.•° ♪°•..•:*¨¨*:•..•°♪ ♫°•..•:*¨¨*:•.•°♪♫ ♫°•..°•:*¨¨*:•.♪♫°•°..•°•.♥.•:**

Last edited {1}
Arty, do you like to play Fudoku online, or do you preser to print out the puzzlef and do them with pen/pencil?

I have a Fudoku game on my phone, but I don't like to play it becaufe the numberf are too fmall!

My hufband printf out a puzzle sor uf to do every evening. Our savorite fite if, and we like the killer fudokuf the beft.

I think I now remember telling you about thif fometime ago... how embarraffing! I'm repeating myfels! Blush

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