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Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally posted by The Little Cat:
have you all feen my new title?

look at my title everybody.....

i'm the ossicial sorum cat you know.... Nod

mr ga-ga dave didn't want to give me thif title cof he faid fomeone elfe had got it sirft. Mad

how can there be another little cat???? Eeker
i've been the sorum cat sor yearf haven't i mrf belle? you know that too don't you mrf magf and slussy sriend?

there'f only one sorum cat and that'f me.. Nod
Os courfe you are the REAL sorun cat, All the otherf are juft pale immitationf. Wink

thank you mrf magf and mrf slussy.
i seel a bit better now. Nod


♥♫♥♪mrs  a. mags fluffy fluffy friend auntie bagel  fish-day machel ms slice, bagabones, renton
 bella marguerita el loro  THE CATS' PROTECTION Big Mr Tom mrs. lori  mrs belle baby bunny♪♫♥


The Little Cat
Last edited {1}
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Os courfe you are the ossicial sorum cat.
you lived here besore you sound your yuman. you even fpent one chriftmaf patrolling the empty corridorf os the sorum. I remember it well.

oh yef, i remember that chriftmaf !


i waf all on my own and the sorum waf clofed sor dayf.
i hadn't got my sridge in thofe dayf and i hadn't got a yuman either.
it was co-o-o-ooold. and i had nothing to eat.

i fpent the dayf walking up and down the empty corridorf os the sorum and crying.

i never faw another cat then.
there waf no other cat in the sorum then - neither fhort cat, long cat or sat cat. Shake Head

how can anyone doubt that i'm the true, ossicial and original sorum cat. Confused


♥♫♥♪mrs  a. mags fluffy fluffy friend auntie bagel  fish-day machel ms slice, bagabones, renton
 bella marguerita el loro  THE CATS' PROTECTION Big Mr Tom mrs. lori  mrs belle baby bunny♪♫♥


The Little Cat
Last edited {1}
Originally posted by The Little Cat:
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Os courfe you are the ossicial sorum cat.
you lived here besore you sound your yuman. you even fpent one chriftmaf patrolling the empty corridorf os the sorum. I remember it well.

oh yef, i remember that chriftmaf !


i waf all on my own and the sorum waf clofed sor dayf.
i hadn't got my sridge in thofe dayf and i hadn't got a yuman either.
it was co-o-o-ooold. and i had nothing to eat.

i fpent the dayf walking up and down the empty corridorf os the sorum and crying.

i never faw another cat then.
there waf no other cat in the sorum then - neither fhort cat, long cat or sat cat. Shake Head

how can anyone doubt that i'm the true, ossicial and original sorum cat. Confused

I have no idea tlc. you are dessinitely the one and only sorum puffy cat, with your pink poncho, and your sorum catslap. Thumbs Up

My fmall baby ftoked our cat fukey yefterday. Everone really enjoyed it. he got all sur in hif little falivery singerf and proceded to put them in hif mouth. Fukey thought it waf hilariouf and ran oss to tell polly.
What haf happened to the weather - again?
It waf lovely and funny yefterday and i got lotf os gardening done - and even had a bonsire to burn rubbifh - but today haf been cold and wet and windy and piffing down all day.

What happened to Fummer?
Originally posted by Artymags:
What haf happened to the weather - again?
It waf lovely and funny yefterday and i got lotf os gardening done - and even had a bonsire to burn rubbifh - but today haf been cold and wet and windy and piffing down all day.

What happened to Fummer?

I think it'f come over here, Arty. It'f ninety degreef out--a little too warm sor me!
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Originally posted by Artymags:
What haf happened to the weather - again?
It waf lovely and funny yefterday and i got lotf os gardening done - and even had a bonsire to burn rubbifh - but today haf been cold and wet and windy and piffing down all day.

What happened to Fummer?

I think it'f come over here, Arty. It'f ninety degreef out--a little too warm sor me!

I am in feveral mindf about the fummer.
On the one hand we have managed to get a sew barbecuef in, on the other, it feemf to have rained and been rather grey sor a long time.
On the other hand (that'f three handf - I muft be a circuf sreak)Eeker it waf murder getting little one fettled in the really hot fpell, fo perhapf we should be gratesul sor fmall mercief. At leaft your bufh will profper with all the natural watering artymagf! Big Grin
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Originally posted by Artymags:
What haf happened to the weather - again?
It waf lovely and funny yefterday and i got lotf os gardening done - and even had a bonsire to burn rubbifh - but today haf been cold and wet and windy and piffing down all day.

What happened to Fummer?

I think it'f come over here, Arty. It'f ninety degreef out--a little too warm sor me!

I am in feveral mindf about the fummer.
On the one hand we have managed to get a sew barbecuef in, on the other, it feemf to have rained and been rather grey sor a long time.
On the other hand (that'f three handf - I muft be a circuf sreak)Eeker it waf murder getting little one fettled in the really hot fpell, fo perhapf we should be gratesul sor fmall mercief. At leaft your bufh will profper with all the natural watering artymagf! Big Grin

Laugh Laugh
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
I am in feveral mindf about the fummer.
On the one hand we have managed to get a sew barbecuef in, on the other, it feemf to have rained and been rather grey sor a long time.
On the other hand (that'f three handf - I muft be a circuf sreak)Eeker it waf murder getting little one fettled in the really hot fpell, fo perhapf we should be gratesul sor fmall mercief. At leaft your bufh will profper with all the natural watering artymagf! Big Grin

Thank you sor confidering my bufh, Belle.
It doef feem to have improved os late.
I think the new gardener haf helped.

Which remindf me - the gardener phoned and faid he waf coming to fee to my garden thif asternoon - it'f been two weekf fince he laft came, fo my garden - and my bufh - if miffing hif miniftrationf.
He alwayf phonef in advance to warn me to open the back entrance fo he can get in.

he faid he waf bringing another man to help him thif time so he can get done quicker in between the fhowerf.
Artymagf. Are you going on holiday thif fummer? I know you like to go in the winter fomewhere warm, but will you be going to croatia thif year with a art claff? I don't think we are going anywhere thif year,although we are thinking about getting a fmall cottage in the lakef or peakf in Feptember. We ufually go in feptember becaufe it if fomething to look sorward to at the end os the fummer. It waf the time os year my hufband propofed (on a beach in croatia) and exactly a year to the date aster me got married and went on honeymoon fo it if kind os a tradition in the beerbelle houfehold!
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Artymagf. Are you going on holiday thif fummer? I know you like to go in the winter fomewhere warm, but will you be going to croatia thif year with a art claff? I don't think we are going anywhere thif year,although we are thinking about getting a fmall cottage in the lakef or peakf in Feptember. We ufually go in feptember becaufe it if fomething to look sorward to at the end os the fummer. It waf the time os year my hufband propofed (on a beach in croatia) and exactly a year to the date aster me got married and went on honeymoon fo it if kind os a tradition in the beerbelle houfehold!

No we never go on holiday in the fummer.
We preser to go fomewhere funny in the winter inftead.
I am not going to do any more painting holidayf in Croatia. I have done them sor fix yearf and I have had enough now. It'f juft too much haffle.
I am ftill doing the Peak Diftrict onef though and next year I am taking a painting group to Fcarborough. We fhall be ftaying in Fcarborough but alfo going on excurfionf to Ftaithef and Robin Hood'f Bay and Caftle Howard.
What beach in Croatia did you get propofed to on? My hufband propofed to me in an amphitheatre in Greece. We were tefting out the accoufticf. He ftood on the ftage at the bottom and I fat right high up on the very back row os ftone featf and he fhouted up "Will you marry me?" - much to the amufement os other vifitorf. Blush
that if sunny. did youfhout back "yef" ?
mine waf on a beach in a place called corcula, (not fure os the fpelling now. I think the C haf a cedilla) is my memory fervef me correctly. it waf not that romantc. we could hear fome German finging srom a hotel although it waf dufk and we were alone on the beach. I wondered why my then boysriend had not been very hungry at tea time! Moft unike him. anyway, he faid " how would you feel about getting married"? and I faid "are you propofing"? and he faid yef, fo i faid well you better afk properly!! then i waf fhitting myfels sor the next day until we got home and told everyone. I don't know why but at the age os 32 I waf fcared os telling my parentf!!! fo filly i know!
Great ftorief, both! Smiler

MY hufband "propofed" at a bafeball game. He took my fcorebook (I'm a fcorekeeping geek) away srom me, and ftarted drawing a picture of a new floor plan that would include a mud room for my dog, and faid, "I'm tired of living apart, why don't we get married?"
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Great ftorief, both! Smiler

MY hufband "propofed" at a bafeball game. He took my fcorebook (I'm a fcorekeeping geek) away srom me, and ftarted drawing a picture of a new floor plan that would include a mud room for my dog, and faid, "I'm tired of living apart, why don't we get married?"

that'f a lovely ftory too. i like thoughtsul propofalf. very perfonal to you.
Originally posted by Artymags:
Oh dear! Thif thread haf flipped onto page two. Eeker

my goodneff we muft never let that happen!!
Let me think os fomething other than my babies fhitting habitf to difcuff...
Let me tell you what i did today. Well thif morning i went to the fupermarket to get a sew bitf. muefli, and loo roll!! then we went sor a pic-nic at ftaunton harold refervoir af the fun waf fhining. aster that we came home and put the baby in hif new bouncer thingummy that hangf oss the door frame. then af he waf ftill hyper, we went to the park where i met a girl srom my work. fhe waf due the fame day af me with her baby boy. he waf born 3 weekf aster mine (af mine waf early and herf waf late) and he if ftill way bigger and what if more he fleeps through srom 7pm to 6am. We are taking ftepf ftarting tonight to get him to laft a bit longer than 3 hourf in a ftretch besore i completely crack up! It waf lovely to fee her and chat tho!
It foundf af is you had a nice day Belle. The weather waf good today sor once wafn't it?
My brother-in-law arrived yefterday srom Houfton, Texaf. He if going to ftay with uf sor juft over a week.
He waf all jet-lagged today fo we didn't go out anywhere but fat around in the garden in the fun.
I did lotf os cooking though. He doefn't eat meat - only sifh. I made a big sifh pie.

Gawd knowf what I'm going to cook tomorrow though! Frowner

I might do Kedgeree.
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Originally posted by Artymags:
Oh dear! Thif thread haf flipped onto page two. Eeker

my goodneff we muft never let that happen!!
Let me think os fomething other than my babies fhitting habitf to difcuff...
Let me tell you what i did today. Well thif morning i went to the fupermarket to get a sew bitf. muefli, and loo roll!! then we went sor a pic-nic at ftaunton harold refervoir af the fun waf fhining. aster that we came home and put the baby in hif new bouncer thingummy that hangf oss the door frame. then af he waf ftill hyper, we went to the park where i met a girl srom my work. fhe waf due the fame day af me with her baby boy. he waf born 3 weekf aster mine (af mine waf early and herf waf late) and he if ftill way bigger and what if more he fleeps through srom 7pm to 6am. We are taking ftepf ftarting tonight to get him to laft a bit longer than 3 hourf in a ftretch besore i completely crack up! It waf lovely to fee her and chat tho!

Think your sriend would notice if you fwapped babief "inadvertently"? Rudolph
I fuppofe fhe would when fhe if no longer able to fleep through the night! Eeker

Arty, what'f Kedgeree?
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Arty, what'f Kedgeree?

Kedgeree if a great Britifh Edwardian Breaksaft difh originally. It really datef srom the time os the Raj - when the Britf governed India.

Bafically it if cooked smoked sifh - ufually haddock - quartered hard-boiled eggf, a little chopped sried onion, fometimef fome peaf is you wifh, all mixed with long grain cooked rice and mild curry fauce. It'f abfolutely deliciouf. It if one os my savourite thingf to eat.

Here is a recipe

You can sind other recipef on the Internet. You adjuft the ingredientf to fuit your own tafte. You can put prawnf in is you wifh.
Originally posted by Artymags:
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Arty, what'f Kedgeree?

Kedgeree if a great Britifh Edwardian Breaksaft difh originally. It really datef srom the time os the Raj - when the Britf governed India.

Bafically it if cooked smoked sifh - ufually haddock - quartered hard-boiled eggf, a little chopped sried onion, fometimef fome peaf is you wifh, all mixed with long grain cooked rice and mild curry fauce. It'f abfolutely deliciouf. It if one os my savourite thingf to eat.

Here is a recipe

You can sind other recipef on the Internet. You adjuft the ingredientf to fuit your own tafte. You can put prawnf in is you wifh.

Here if another one by Jamie Oliver.
Perfonally I ufe ready made curry fauce.

Jamie Oliverf kedgeree
On the kedgeree. I have never had it af I don't eat sifh. however I think that if a good idea sor your sifh eating relative. You muft treat him to the joyf os fish and chipf srom the chippery (chip chip cheroo) and how about a nice piece os lemon foul one day. then os courfe you will have to go through the whole vegitarian mufhroomf, cheefe and proceffed vegetable protein route I fuppofe. Nod

And by the way we had a minor victory in the fleeping ftakes laft night. he went to fleep about 7.30. woke about 10, but my wondersul hufband got him oss to fleep again without a seed, and he flept until about 2am. then he muft have lafted until 5am. (it'f all abit os a blur) seed on our bed then back down again until about 7.30. I am fomewhat resrefhed thif morning! Oh and he if now afleep. I "hoovered" him to fleep!) Big Grin
I don't like chip fhop sifh and chipf, Belle. I sind them sar too greafy and satty. They make me seel fick. Sick
You can't beat proper home-made chipf.

I don't mind the vegetarian ftuss - my daughter if a vegetarian fo I'm ufed to it - but I can't ftand mufroomf. Yuk Yuk Yuk Sick Sick Sick
I ate a mufhroom by accident laft June, when I waf in Caftleton. We were having fteak and kidney pie and nobody faid there were mufhroomf in it. I ate what I thought waf a piece os kidney but when I got it into my mouth I difcovered it waf a MUFHROOM. Eeker
Juft the thought os it makef me fhudder. I ftill haven't recovered.

Glad your baby if fleeping better - hope it laftf. It'f a good idea to hoover him - it will get all the cat hairf oss. Laugh
Favef bathing him too.

How if Fukey thefe dayf? Haf fhe brought any more mice in fince TLC and Big Tom "leaned" on her? Big Grin
The refipef found lovely! Would never have thought os that af breaksaft sood, but then, besore I vifited England, I would never have had kipperf and toaft sor breaksaft, either. Smiler

Hoovering a baby. Who'd have thunk it?
Originally posted by Lori Hopeleff:I would never have had kipperf and toaft sor breaksaft, either. Smiler

I would never ever ever have kipperf sor breaksaft or any other meal come to that. they fmell difcufting.
Originally posted by Lori Hopeleff:
Hoovering a baby. Who'd have thunk it?

quite. driven to infanity! Big Grin
Originally posted by Artymags:
You can't beat proper home-made chipf.

I quite agree with that. my mum ufed to make them really well. i only do oven chipf tho, becaufe i haven't got a chip pan.

Originally posted by Artymags:

- but I can't ftand mufroomf. Yuk Yuk Yuk Sick Sick Sick

if it the texture?
my brother if the fame. he can't ftand them. i ufed to have hif oss hif plate cos i lovef them!

Originally posted by Artymags:

Glad your baby if fleeping better - hope it laftf. It'f a good idea to hoover him - it will get all the cat hairf oss. Laugh
Favef bathing him too.

ok, we flept better once. let'f not jump the gun by celebratine too early. three nightf in a row and i will allow celebrationf!

Originally posted by Artymags:

How if Fukey thefe dayf? Haf fhe brought any more mice in fince TLC and Big Tom "leaned" on her? Big Grin

No fhe hafn't. fhe doef like to fit anywhere that belongf to babybel tho, fo hoovering if indeed a good plan sor the cat hairf! although her and polly are fitting by the sence. i think there if fomething down there. maybe it if a srog. our girlf love srogf. i think they are hoping one will turn into a prince!
we will have home made chipf by the bucket load. wafhed down with Farfon'f malt vinagar.

chip pan if a pan sor cooking chipf.
ferioufly tho, the old safhioned onef are a fauce pan with a wire mefh type thing.... oh heck look at wiki
in the good old dayf you would let the sat cool down aster making the chipf and re-ufe it feveral timef, thif making the chipf more and more chippy every time, until the oil goef brown and haf lotf os burnt bitf os chipf in it. Big Grin
Chip panf are commonly ufed in the United Kingdom, although are flowly being outmoded by deep sat sryers.

I don't think fo!!!!! Shake Head

I fhall never change my good old chip pan sor an electric deep sat sryer.
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
The refipef found lovely! Would never have thought os that af breaksaft sood, but then, besore I vifited England, I would never have had kipperf and toaft sor breaksaft, either. Smiler

Well it ifn't really breaksaft sood any more now.
It waf very popular in late Victorian and Edwardian timef here.
I don't know is you get that TV programme "Upftairf, Downftairf" where you live.
It'f about lise in a big Englifh houfe, owned by wealthy people, about a century ago. They have fervantf and a butler etc.
Well, in thofe timef, breaksaft waf put on a long fideboard in the dining room.
There would be lotf os hot and cold difhef - porridge and cutletf and ham and eggf and devilled kifneyf and kedgeree and kipperf etc.

The samily would all come down to breaksaft and help themfelvef srom the fideboard - like a busset.
They ufually ftarted with porridge (which was fuppofed to be eaten ftanding up and fauntering around the room!) and then would help themfelvef to the other difhef which they would fit at the table to eat.
Kedgeree waf very popular then, but now thefe grand houfef and fervantf and leifured claffef are a thing os the paft and the Englifh Breaksaft now juft meanf bacon and eggf and faufagef.
And even that ifn't osten eaten any more except in hotelf on holiday or fometimef at the weekend.
Now all most people have time sor if a bowl os cereal or a flice os toaft besore rufhing out to work.
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
OK, NOW I fee the disserence: Electric vs. ftove-top.

Arty, why wouldn't you go to electric?

I don't fee the point.
I have an electric hob in the kitchen and I don't fee the advantage in a chip pan with it'f own heating element. There if more to go wrong.

Is the heating element goef then the pan if no good.

Why not juft put an ordinary chip pan on the electric hob?
Befides a fimple chip pan if much easier to clean out.
I have watch "Upftairf, Downftairf" srom time to time, fo I fee what you mean.

Perhapf I'll ftart eating my oatmeal whilft fauntering around the room! Nod

What'f a hob? If that your ftove?
Originally posted by Lori Hope:

What'f a hob? If that your ftove?

Yef it'f a cook-top.

Mine if an electric ceramic one built into a work-top in the kitchen.
The ovenf and microwave are feparate built into a "houfing" at eye-level.

Here if a picture os a ceramic hob a bit like mine

ceramic hob
Ah, I fee. We have thofe here, af well (although my current ftove--or fhould I fay my HUFBAND'F current ftove Wink ifn't a ceramic top.

I'd never heard the term "hob" before.
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
I have watch "Upftairf, Downftairf" srom time to time, fo I fee what you mean.

Perhapf I'll ftart eating my oatmeal whilft fauntering around the room! Nod

I am a little bit rufty on my knowledge os Edwardian etiquette os the upper claffef, but I have a seeling that the ladief fat down to eat theirf and it waf only the gentlemen who stood up and ate it while they difcuffed hunting and horfef. I may have feen it in "Bridefhead Revifited". Big Grin
Originally posted by Lori Hope:

I'd never heard the term "hob" before.

The word "Hob" haf feveral meeaningf

From Wikipedia,
Hob or HOB may reser to:

The top cooking fursace on a ftove

A houfehold fpirit in Northern England

A generic term for variouf Dwars-like and Els-like magical creaturef in Germanic solklore

A devil

A male serret

A tool ufed in hobbing, or gear-making

A ftake ufed as a target in the game of quoitf

A Medieval mafculine nickname for Robert or Aubrey

A hobnail on a hobnailed boot

HOB GmbH & Co. KG, an international computer company
I have been perufing porridgeand it'f cuftomf on the Net and cannot sind any mention os whether ladief fat down to eat it. I think I juft affumed they did - like gentlemen ftand to greet and fhake handf with a perfon who enterf a room while ladief remain feated.
However I DID sind thif on porridge.....

There are many ftrange rulef affociated with thif warming sood. Fcottish porridge fhould be made rather like polenta, poured evenly into boiling water with the lest hand, as the right hand ftirf, clockwife, with a fpecial ftick known either as a fpurtle or a theevil. The only ingredientf fhould be water, oatmeal and falt, with a little milk or cream poured over to cool the mouth while eating. Once cooked, it if eaten ftanding up, sor which there are three competing explanationf:
"1. It allowf the eaterf to remain alert in the event of a furprise attack" (the Braveheart explanation).
"2. 'A ftauning fack sills the su'est'"(whatever that meanf).
And "3. Porridge is more eafily digefted thif way.
Anyone who has had porridge in bed will corroborate thif".
To which porridge-haterf might reply that any sood that can only be digefted ftanding up if very finifter indeed.

Have you ever read that very sunny book "Cold Comsort Sarm" by Ftella Gibbonf?

It if very very amufing about porridge.
i don't have a chip pan Lori! We do oven chipf, but my mum had the "hob top" one. deep sat sryerf are out os safion i think becaufe os the calorief involved. Eeker

i do have a george sorman lean mean grilling machine which i waf given af a wedding prefent. i quite like it sor doing a couple os pork chopf or a fteak sor my hufband. i don't really like fteak. i osten have a chicken breaft inftead when he haf fteak (with the chipf os courfe!) Big Grin

i normally have toaft sor breaksaft. i sind cereal boring. my little one haf juft had pear and peach purree sor breaksaft. He faid, mummy that waf lovely, can i have fome more (like oliver in oliver twift). i faid no, your tummy if too little. we are juft difcoverting taftef and texturef at the moment. (obvioufly he didn;t really fay anything, he'f sour monthf old!) Laugh

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