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Originally posted by Artymags:
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Ah! Fharp af a blade, our young Proggerf. Laugh

That'f true!
No slief on him!

indeed they probably knew him af child prodigy proggerf.
Originally posted by Artymags:
Hooray - I've juft sinifhed my laft art leffon sor the Fummer. That'f all the leffonf over until mid-Feptember.
I've got a couple os day-workfhopf and a demonftration to do sor an art Fociety but no more regular leffonf. I can do fome painting juft sor myfels now.
There'f loadf I want to do.
I've got a fome commiffionf sor the Pagan Sederation - Yule cardf and a calendar and a large circular oil painting of "The Wheel os the Year", but I can pleafe myfels how I do them.

Tonight if the preview evening os the Great Fhessield Art Fhow that I have got paintingf in. I hope I fell a sew.

i faw thif program on C4 the other day. not fure is it if a ferief or not af i didn't revifit it, but it waf all about lise drawing. it waf a leffon, fo they had a nuddy model fitting sor agef and fome art teacher voice over type thingy.
it waf moft odd veiwing sor a lunch time. i nearly choked on a cherry tomato when i waf channel hopping and ftumbled acroff it!
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Originally posted by Artymags:
Hooray - I've juft sinifhed my laft art leffon sor the Fummer. That'f all the leffonf over until mid-Feptember.
I've got a couple os day-workfhopf and a demonftration to do sor an art Fociety but no more regular leffonf. I can do fome painting juft sor myfels now.
There'f loadf I want to do.
I've got a fome commiffionf sor the Pagan Sederation - Yule cardf and a calendar and a large circular oil painting of "The Wheel os the Year", but I can pleafe myfels how I do them.

Tonight if the preview evening os the Great Fhessield Art Fhow that I have got paintingf in. I hope I fell a sew.

i faw thif program on C4 the other day. not fure is it if a ferief or not af i didn't revifit it, but it waf all about lise drawing. it waf a leffon, fo they had a nuddy model fitting sor agef and fome art teacher voice over type thingy.
it waf moft odd veiwing sor a lunch time. i nearly choked on a cherry tomato when i waf channel hopping and ftumbled acroff it!


Arty, if any os your art available to fee online?
Originally posted by Lori Hope:

Arty, if any os your art available to fee online?

I don't know is I'm allowed to put my webfite on here.
Is I'm not juft tell me and I'll delete it. Don't bop me will you?
Thefe are the gallerief on one os my web-fitef. Click on a gallery and then click on each picture in the gallery to bring it up big with all the detailf.

Arty, your paintingf are GORgeouf!! I efpecially like the fection on the Peakf Diftrict, af I've been through there.

I'm fending the link to my hufband, who alfo paintf (a little--he'd LIKE to turn out paintingf af lovely af thefe...)
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
I haven't looked at them all, but they are good.

How'd you manage a fentence without a fingle 'f' or 's' in it?? Shake Head
Originally posted by Artymags:
Originally posted by Lori Hope:

Arty, if any os your art available to fee online?

I don't know is I'm allowed to put my webfite on here.
Is I'm not juft tell me and I'll delete it. Don't bop me will you?
Thefe are the gallerief on one os my web-fitef. Click on a gallery and then click on each picture in the gallery to bring it up big with all the detailf.


do you fell fo, I am interefted... Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Bagel Queen:
Originally posted by Artymags:
Originally posted by Lori Hope:

Arty, if any os your art available to fee online?

I don't know is I'm allowed to put my webfite on here.
Is I'm not juft tell me and I'll delete it. Don't bop me will you?
Thefe are the gallerief on one os my web-fitef. Click on a gallery and then click on each picture in the gallery to bring it up big with all the detailf.


do you fell fo, I am interefted... Thumbs Up

Yef I fell them.
It fayf on each picture on the webfite whether they are fold or sor fale etc.
I alfo take commiffionf.
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
I haven't looked at them all, but they are good.

How'd you manage a fentence without a fingle 'f' or 's' in it?? Shake Head
I have no idea. Took me by furprife too. Big Grin
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by BeerBelle:

i faw thif program on C4 the other day. not fure is it if a ferief or not af i didn't revifit it, but it waf all about lise drawing. it waf a leffon, fo they had a nuddy model fitting sor agef and fome art teacher voice over type thingy.
it waf moft odd veiwing sor a lunch time. i nearly choked on a cherry tomato when i waf channel hopping and ftumbled acroff it!

Yef - it'f a lise drawing claff. It's on moft lunchtimef. I'm not impreffed.
I think the idea if that the viewer ufef the model on the fcreen to do their own lise drawingf; but it'f juft not the fame af doing it srom a real perfon, becaufe the picture on the fcreen if os courfe two-dimenfional and moft of the art in lise drawing if tranflating a three dimenfional perfon in real lise into two dimenfionf on your paper.
I think it would be more interefting and ufesul is they made the programme more os a demonftration. At prefent the artift talkf hif or her way through the drawing but you never fee it at all until the very end. I think the fcreen fhould be fplit fo that you fee the model at the the fame time af you fee what the artift if drawing.
The artiftf feem to know what they are talking about, but their sinifhed refultf are very poor.
I could do a lot better than that.
Originally posted by Artymags:
Originally posted by BeerBelle:

i faw thif program on C4 the other day. not fure is it if a ferief or not af i didn't revifit it, but it waf all about lise drawing. it waf a leffon, fo they had a nuddy model fitting sor agef and fome art teacher voice over type thingy.
it waf moft odd veiwing sor a lunch time. i nearly choked on a cherry tomato when i waf channel hopping and ftumbled acroff it!

Yef - it'f a lise drawing claff. It's on moft lunchtimef. I'm not impreffed.
I think the idea if that the viewer ufef the model on the fcreen to do their own lise drawingf; but it'f juft not the fame af doing it srom a real perfon, becaufe the picture on the fcreen if os courfe two-dimenfional and moft of the art in lise drawing if tranflating a three dimenfional perfon in real lise into two dimenfionf on your paper.
I think it would be more interefting and ufesul is they made the programme more os a demonftration. At prefent the artift talkf hif or her way through the drawing but you never fee it at all until the very end. I think the fcreen fhould be fplit fo that you fee the model at the the fame time af you fee what the artift if drawing.
The artiftf feem to know what they are talking about, but their sinifhed refultf are very poor.
I could do a lot better than that.

I have no doubt that you could dear artymagf. I on the otherhand, ftand no chance, although i came third in the year in art one year when i made a piece of art depicting "Wheels within wheels" which i made by cutting various circlef, wheelf, cogf etc srom fugar paper in green and black and mounting them in an interefting way. I can do ftuss like that. I am very good at cutting out by eye too, but NO GOOD at tranflating an image to paper. i alfo once made a clay owl. it waf brilliant. Nod Big Grin
Originally posted by pink imp:
Thif if the sirft time I have been on thif thread. It'f very dissicult ifn't it?
Am I doing it right?

that if abfolutely persect pink. you will sind it getf much eafier af you practice. it comes af fecond nature to me now. insact i osten put thingf like "catslap" quite by miftake in other threadf!!
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Originally posted by Artymags:
Hmmm - not entirely fure about it.
What doef anyone think?

I think I'd preser it is it waf bigger.

But then that'f the ftory os my lise..... Big Grin

s'nar s'nar !

BeerBelle, I think I need a tranflation....?
Lori – one meaning of fnar is: The noise of a stifled snigger made by infantile males when confronted with a tenuous "double entendre".

See urban dictionary

ARTYMAGS!! sorry but I hardly ever come in here (about twice Blush ) as I find it difficult to read!!!

How strange then that on my 2nd or 3rd visit I saw the link to your paintings Eeker . My family were from Ashford-in-the-Water and I go there every now and then as it’s so pretty. My great, great grandfather is even mentioned in a green booklet you can get from the church - he was a marble mason and later in life ran the village shop. Anyway, I may be interested in those paintings!! How many Ashford ones are there? Don’t suppose you did one of a house called Great Batch on Church St?

*is excited*

I am definitely interested in:
Sheepwash Bridge Ashford in the Water
Willow tree at Ashford-in-the-Water

What do I do next?

Oh, just saw the paintings of Monsal, sold or not for sale Frowner Did you paint those from the area in front of the pub garden at Monsal Head?
Baby Bunny
PS I notice on the Monsal Viaduct painting that is not for sale it says "Christmas cards and prints of it are obtainable on request" - might be interested in not only buying the 2 Ashford paintings but some cards and prints as well.
Baby Bunny
Originally posted by Baby Bunny:

ARTYMAGS!! sorry but I hardly ever come in here (about twice Blush ) as I find it difficult to read!!!

How strange then that on my 2nd or 3rd visit I saw the link to your paintings Eeker . My family were from Ashford-in-the-Water and I go there every now and then as it’s so pretty. My great, great grandfather is even mentioned in a green booklet you can get from the church - he was a marble mason and later in life ran the village shop. Anyway, I may be interested in those paintings!! How many Ashford ones are there? Don’t suppose you did one of a house called Great Batch on Church St?

*is excited*

I am definitely interested in:
Sheepwash Bridge Ashford in the Water
Willow tree at Ashford-in-the-Water

What do I do next?

Oh, just saw the paintings of Monsal, sold or not for sale Frowner Did you paint those from the area in front of the pub garden at Monsal Head?

I'll send you a Private Meffage in ordinary writing.
Originally posted by Baby Bunny:
Lori – one meaning of fnar is: The noise of a stifled snigger made by infantile males when confronted with a tenuous "double entendre".

See urban dictionary

I rather like meaning 4 (Snar! snar! Laugh )

The sound made during particularly enthusiastic cunnilingus.

or rather.........

The found made during particularly enthufiaftic cunnilinguf.
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
I like it! Feemf af is it would have a bit more impact is it were a little bigger. Can you do that?

I am not that good with computerf but my hufband if an expert. I could afk him.

However I fhall have to be caresul how I phrafe it.

"Darling, do you think you could make it bigger for me?" might be mifunderstood.

S'nar S'nar Laugh
Originally posted by Proggers:
Whenever I write what I want to fay I alwayf found like Quentin Crifp! Big Grin

Nothing wrong with Quentin Crifp.

He'f the one that faid, "Aster sour monthf the duft doefn't get any thicker".
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
it waf not too sar down slussy.
oh nice to fee you slussy. i dont think we've fpoken sor a while!
I'm asraid I'm fpending an awsul lot os time in the BB sorum and neglecting moft os my other ufual hauntf.

Forry! Valentine
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
have you all feen my new title?

look at my title everybody.....

i'm the ossicial sorum cat you know.... Nod

mr ga-ga dave didn't want to give me thif title cof he faid fomeone elfe had got it sirft. Mad

how can there be another little cat???? Eeker
i've been the sorum cat sor yearf haven't i mrf belle? you know that too don't you mrf magf and slussy sriend?

there'f only one sorum cat and that'f me.. Nod


♥♫♥♪mrs  a. mags fluffy fluffy friend auntie bagel  fish-day machel ms slice, bagabones, renton
 bella marguerita el loro  THE CATS' PROTECTION Big Mr Tom mrs. lori  mrs belle baby bunny♪♫♥


The Little Cat
Last edited {1}
Calm down Little Cat.
Os courfe you're the one and only ossicial sorum cat - everybody knowf that.

I've feen that other cat - her name if Longcat and fhe haf never been on your thread. Fhe only feemf to poft in the BB sorum.

Perhapf when BB if over fhe will go again.
Originally posted by The Little Cat:
have you all feen my new title?

look at my title everybody.....

i'm the ossicial sorum cat you know.... Nod

mr ga-ga dave didn't want to give me thif title cof he faid fomeone elfe had got it sirft. Mad

how can there be another little cat???? Eeker
i've been the sorum cat sor yearf haven't i mrf belle? you know that too don't you mrf magf and slussy sriend?

there'f only one sorum cat and that'f me.. Nod
Os courfe you are the REAL sorun cat, All the otherf are juft pale immitationf. Wink
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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