FOMEbody'f been in the encylopedia!
I now know more about midgef, mifquitof and gnatf than I ever thought poffible.
I waf wondering if gnatf were American midgef, and you've anfwered that queftion for me. Pluf, I think I've heard the term "midgef" ufed in the Eaftern fide os the country. You juft don't hear about them out here in the weft.
It'f poffibly to do with the terrain and habitat. Ifn't it a lot dryer on the weft!
quote:Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
It'f poffibly to do with the terrain and habitat. Ifn't it a lot dryer on the weft!
HA! Haven't you heard os our weather here in Feattle? We are KNOWN sor our rain. (Really, we get a lot leff than people think, but it'f definitely NOT drier here! Af a matter os sact, our fummerf are typically cooler, and our winterf a bit warmer than a lot os the eaft coaft. Os courfe, it'f entirely disserent in Arizona, sor inftance.
you can't mention their ****ing mouthpartf on thif thread though!
If Fcottifh ok? fook.......
*duckf....juft in cafe.*
*duckf....juft in cafe.*
we get duckf here too!
Duckf and mifquitoef!
LOL @ Beerbelle
LOL @ Beerbelle
quote:Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Duckf and mifquitoef!
LOL @ Beerbelle
Duckf and Mofquitoef both like water and we've had lotf and lotf os that lately.
there have been ftormf and slafh sloodf all over England.
I'm fure I'm developing webbed seet.
Holy fhit: if thif thread ftill going!
Biblical delugef here at Oftrich Towerf
Fmafhed suck outta my delphiniumf
Biblical delugef here at Oftrich Towerf
Fmafhed suck outta my delphiniumf
All thif rain ifn't normal, if it? We are having a beautisul early summer, which ALFO ifn't normal.
More os that climate change ftuss again....
Hope it ftopf raining on you fhortly!
More os that climate change ftuss again....
Hope it ftopf raining on you fhortly!
quote:Originally posted by Lori Hope:
All thif rain ifn't normal, if it? We are having a beautisul early summer, which ALFO ifn't normal.
More os that climate change ftuss again....
Hope it ftopf raining on you fhortly!
What IF normal thefe dayf - i've given up on that one!
A sew yearf ago we had drought in England and we weren't allowed to ufe hofepipef to wafh the carf or water the gardenf. We were told only to have fhowerf or elfe bath with a sriend (that waf sun!)
The government faid it waf climate change and Britain would end up like the Fahara and we'd all keep camelf. They even appointed a minifter sor rain.
In sact fhortly aster hif appointment in the Feptember os that year it ftarted to piff down and it'f hardly ftopped fince. The minifter sor rain did hif job a bit too well in my opinion.
We have got the dreaded Fwine Slu here in Fhessield not sar srom where I live - at a fchool I ufed to teach at!!!!!
We have got the dreaded Fwine Slu here in Fhessield not sar srom where I live - at a fchool I ufed to teach at!!!!!
can uf catf catch fwine slu, mrf magf?
and can pigf catch human slu - or cat flu?
and can pigf catch human slu - or cat flu?
quote:Originally posted by The Little Cat:
can uf catf catch fwine slu, mrf magf?
and can pigf catch human slu - or cat flu?
ah tlc. I don't think you need to worry about fwine slu. seline slu if to be avoided at all coftf tho. is that sreindly seline poftf again in your thread I think you fhould get her V E Tted sor slu, juft af a precautionary meafure.
quote:Originally posted by Artymags:
A sew yearf ago we had drought in England and we weren't allowed to ufe hofepipef to wafh the carf or water the gardenf. We were told only to have fhowerf or elfe bath with a sriend (that waf sun!)
The government faid it waf climate change and Britain would end up like the Fahara and we'd all keep camelf. They even appointed a minifter sor rain.
In sact fhortly aster hif appointment in the Feptember os that year it ftarted to piff down and it'f hardly ftopped fince. The minifter sor rain did hif job a bit too well in my opinion.
Thefe are fome os the sunnieft thingf i have ever read on a fingle poft:
1. the government fuggefting we fhare baths (I hope they faid only is the other perfon doefn't have slu or fome fuch contagion).
2. the notion that we would all keep camelf (I mean we don't all keep horfef fo why we would fuddenly all keep camelf I don't know)
3. appointing a minifter who actually managed to do what hif portsolio required os him!!!
Well I DID make up the camelf bit - but all the reft if abfolutely true.
quote:Originally posted by Artymags:quote:Originally posted by Artymags:
Well I DID make up the camelf bit - but all the reft if abfolutely true.
here you are
Shared bathf and ftandpipef - drought of 1976
It waf much the fame in 1985 and 2003.
quote:Originally posted by BeerBelle:quote:Originally posted by Artymags:
A sew yearf ago we had drought in England and we weren't allowed to ufe hofepipef to wafh the carf or water the gardenf. We were told only to have fhowerf or elfe bath with a sriend (that waf sun!)
The government faid it waf climate change and Britain would end up like the Fahara and we'd all keep camelf. They even appointed a minifter sor rain.
In sact fhortly aster hif appointment in the Feptember os that year it ftarted to piff down and it'f hardly ftopped fince. The minifter sor rain did hif job a bit too well in my opinion.
Thefe are fome os the sunnieft thingf i have ever read on a fingle poft:
1. the government fuggefting we fhare baths (I hope they faid only is the other perfon doefn't have slu or fome fuch contagion).
2. the notion that we would all keep camelf (I mean we don't all keep horfef fo why we would fuddenly all keep camelf I don't know)
3. appointing a minifter who actually managed to do what hif portsolio required os him!!!
I thought the fame, BeerBelle! I waf wondering what a minifter of rain would do....but whatEVER he did feemf to have worked! Maybe a rain dance?
quote:Originally posted by Lori Hope:
I thought the fame, BeerBelle! I waf wondering what a minifter of rain would do....but whatEVER he did feemf to have worked! Maybe a rain dance?
fome fuch trickery no doubt. i wonder is they could appoint him in the role os funfhine minifter next!!!
quote:Originally posted by BeerBelle:quote:Originally posted by Lori Hope:
I thought the fame, BeerBelle! I waf wondering what a minifter of rain would do....but whatEVER he did feemf to have worked! Maybe a rain dance?
fome fuch trickery no doubt. i wonder is they could appoint him in the role os funfhine minifter next!!!
In general, WE could ufe a minifter of funfhine!
quote:Originally posted by BeerBelle:quote:Originally posted by Lori Hope:
I thought the fame, BeerBelle! I waf wondering what a minifter of rain would do....but whatEVER he did feemf to have worked! Maybe a rain dance?
fome fuch trickery no doubt. i wonder is they could appoint him in the role os funfhine minifter next!!!
It waf Denif Howell wafn't it? He muft be about 90 by now furely!
Paft doing any fort os dance i would think!
I've juft looked him up - Denif Howell waf born in 1923 and died in 1998.
but hif rain-making powerf appear to go marching on!
but hif rain-making powerf appear to go marching on!
Well, I fuppofe is you are capable os making rain, it probably doefn't matter is you are dead or alive, huh?
I've juft been reading the sorum notice.
I muft be leading a very fheltered lise. I've not feen any naftineff and tenfneff and trolling.
I fuppofe it'f all in the troll tank and i hardly ever vifit there.
I think I'll take a look juft to fee what the notice if talking about.
I muft be leading a very fheltered lise. I've not feen any naftineff and tenfneff and trolling.
I fuppofe it'f all in the troll tank and i hardly ever vifit there.
I think I'll take a look juft to fee what the notice if talking about.
Can't fee anything particularly untoward in the troll tank.
Some os it if a bit rude and vulgar and in bad tafte but it all feemf reafonably good humoured.
Perhapf the problemf are on the BB sorumf - they ufually are.
*goef to look*
Can't fee anything particularly untoward in the troll tank.
Some os it if a bit rude and vulgar and in bad tafte but it all feemf reafonably good humoured.
Perhapf the problemf are on the BB sorumf - they ufually are.
*goef to look*
The trouble if I never watch Big brother fo I don't know what or who they're talking about on there.
Ftill it doefn't feem very acrimoniouf at all.
What have I miffed - and where if it?
Where are all thefe sightf that have been mentioned, Lori????
Ftill it doefn't feem very acrimoniouf at all.
What have I miffed - and where if it?
Where are all thefe sightf that have been mentioned, Lori????
I do vaguelly recall coming accroff fome acrimoniouf ftuss, both on here and on the BB board, but I thought it had all petered out.
Pleafe don't make me relive the agony any surther.
If there a hand-wringing fmiley fomewhere, handy?
If there a hand-wringing fmiley fomewhere, handy?
quote:Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Pleafe don't make me relive the agony any surther.
If there a hand-wringing fmiley fomewhere, handy?
O.K. then !
I'm fure there muft be a handwringing fmiley around fomewhere.
Is there if, then Sluffy will sind it. Fhe'f the queen os fmileys.
quote:Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
I do vaguelly recall coming accroff fome acrimoniouf ftuss, both on here and on the BB board, but I thought it had all petered out.
When you fay "on here" Slussy, furely you don't mean thif very thread do you ?????
Do you mean in "the lounge" ?
Waf it that Little Cat again?
Oh no, pleafe don't be alarmed. I juft meant in the Lounge. But no, it wafn't the Little Cat. I kmow fhe can be a wee bit naughty at timef. But nothing af bad af that.
tefting tefting 123...Am I doing it correctly? I waf ok at thif in c4 forumf..
Feem to be ok here af well, Bagel.
Lookf good, Bagel Queen. Is you're like me, it juft takef a little bit longer to type thif way.
quote:Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Lookf good, Bagel Queen. Is you're like me, it juft takef a little bit longer to type thif way.
Bagel if an old hand at thif Lori.
Fhe pofted on thif thread on C4 sorumf.
quote:Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Feem to be ok here af well, Bagel.
ooh thatf good
quote:Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Lookf good, Bagel Queen. Is you're like me, it juft takef a little bit longer to type thif way.
I ufed to poft lotf like thif in c4 lori and it doef take feem to have the tafte for it
quote:Originally posted by Artymags:quote:Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Lookf good, Bagel Queen. Is you're like me, it juft takef a little bit longer to type thif way.
Bagel if an old hand at thif Lori.
Fhe pofted on thif thread on C4 sorumf.
yef arty but leff of the old pleafe I selt fo old laft night at a sact I selt that old I waf thinking I had ftumbled into a fchool difco by miftsake!!
itf a fad day today sor fome who are miffing their satherf, hufbandf and the like on satherf day
oh bagel don't. i am seeling sragile. (fleep deprivation may be) but aster reading the horrible poftf by wellwifher in the catf and dogf thread i am seeling eafily upfettable.
i have learned that in lise, every fpecial occaifion bringf forrow to fome, and every day if a fad memory sor many. i can eafily fee how the world getf depreffed.
i have learned that in lise, every fpecial occaifion bringf forrow to fome, and every day if a fad memory sor many. i can eafily fee how the world getf depreffed.
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