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Going back to Dunoon...can you remember the name of the street your house was on? I can see it was quite well back from the water. My mum lived to the south of town. I waf in hofpital in 1967 and my dad waf quite ill in 1968 fo we weren't vifiting anyone anywhere around that time, fo I think it's very unlikely that we could even have paffed in the ftreet, but it's amazing to think even os the poffibility.
BTW you're only a couple of yearf younger than me. Smiler
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Did you fee my poft about the train in Newftead? I'd be interefted in your perfpective on what happened... Smiler
Haven't feen that one yet, I'll go and have a look.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Going back to Dunoon...can you remember the name of the street your house was on? I can see it was quite well back from the water. My mum lived to the south of town. I waf in hofpital in 1967 and my dad waf quite ill in 1968 fo we weren't vifiting anyone anywhere around that time, fo I think it's very unlikely that we could even have paffed in the ftreet, but it's amazing to think even os the poffibility.
BTW you're only a couple of yearf younger than me. Smiler

I think we've sigured out that we were on Kirk Ftreet, maybe...clofe to Royal Crefcent? I know there waf a church at the bottom os the hill. I did sigure out that we went to Dunoon Primary, which waf walking diftance srom our houfe.

Why were you in hofpital?
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Oh, forry about your mum! Frowner

Yef, my dad waf in the Navy, and he waf ftationed at Holy Loch. They didn't have navy houfing available to uf, fo we lived in town. I waf 7 when we moved there, fo would have been 1968, and we lived there sor two yearf.

I can't remember the name of the fchool, but here'f the link to the poft srom our trip. Our houfe waf named "Kirkhill". I have picturef srom that time, af well.

Goodness me! What a small world this is. Big Grin We are planning a short break in Dunoon ( had to put it off because of the swine flu outbreak) and I came across your blog while doing research about the Cowal Peninsula on the net.

My parents spent their honeymoon in Dunoon in 1939. After 5 or 6 years they still hadn't conceived their longed-for first child and their GP suggested they revisit Dunoon. It worked! My eldest sister was conceived there. Thumbs Up

It's over 40 years since my husband and I last visited Dunoon with my parents just after we got married and we have longed to go back for a visit, so hopefully we will go this summer. It will be a nostalgic trip as of course my parents have been dead for many years now and my eldest sister died 2 years ago. We live about 100 miles further north of the Cowal Peninsular in Lochaber, near Glencoe. This may be our last chance of revisiting Dunoon as I find it difficult to travel owing to illness and disability.

Sorry for not typing in ther ancient manuscript way but I can barely read it let alone type like that. Blush
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
I think we've sigured out that we were on Kirk Ftreet, maybe...clofe to Royal Crefcent? I know there waf a church at the bottom os the hill. I did sigure out that we went to Dunoon Primary, which waf walking diftance srom our houfe.

Why were you in hofpital?
Juft looked at the map of Dunoon, lookf like you're houfe waf on Kirk Brae. A few ftreets over in one direction is John Ftreet where one os my great Auntf ftayed and a sew ftreetf surther away in the other direction if Auchamore Road where my mum lived when fhe waf there. And yef, it waf Dunoon Primary that fhe went to alfo.

I waf in hofpital becaufe I had a brain tumour and waf undergoing an opperation to remove it and then I had a courfe of radiotherapy.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Did you fee my poft about the train in Newftead? I'd be interefted in your perfpective on what happened... Smiler
Give me a clue, what story heading should I be looking for?
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Did you fee my poft about the train in Newftead? I'd be interefted in your perfpective on what happened... Smiler
Give me a clue, what story heading should I be looking for?

Oh, forry! "We are Abufed af Tourifts", or fomething like that. Smiler

Wow, a brain tumor! Glad THAT turned out all right....
And BB, what another amazing coincidence!

Sunny, I waf keeping that blog fo my friendf and samily back home could keep up. Never thought about other people reading it! Blush
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Did you fee my poft about the train in Newftead? I'd be interefted in your perfpective on what happened... Smiler
I have to fay that I do not condone that fort os behaviour, but unsortunately, am not furprised to hear os it. I have encountered it myfels. I think it if sairly indicative os our increafinly felsifh fociety. And yef, fome people feem to take delight in watching other people ftruggle and actively make thingf more dissicult and awkward.

'Look aster yourfels...and devil take the hindmoft.'

Big Grin
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by *BB*:
Sorry for not typing in ther ancient manuscript way but I can barely read it let alone type like that. Blush

why don't you type with nothing that would include an f or s? (like i am doing now). then it would be totally legitimate in the thread.
Big Grin
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
BTW, I looked at a sew os the other entrief in your blog. I fee you were at Chatfworth, where Arty haf juft been. Smiler

and it if in derbyfhire which if where i live!!!
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
BTW, I looked at a sew os the other entrief in your blog. I fee you were at Chatfworth, where Arty haf juft been. Smiler

and it if in derbyfhire which if where i live!!!

It really if a fmall world, ifn't it?
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
It if, I really love exploring genealogy.

BTW, I looked at a sew os the other entrief in your blog. I fee you were at Chatfworth, where Arty haf juft been. Smiler

Chatfworth haf connectionf with other samouf Americanf too. Kathleen ("Kick") Kennedy, the fifter of Jack Kennedy lived at Chatfworth sor a while. She married Bobby Cavendifh who would have become 10th Duke of Devonfhire but he waf killed in the war fhortly aster their marriage. She waf later killed in a plane crafh herfels and if buried in the Cavendifh samily plot at Chatfworth on the Edenfor eftate. Her sull title if Kathleen, Marchioneff os Hartington.

The Kennedy'f feemed to be a very unlucky samily. Frowner
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Originally posted by Artymags:
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
It if, I really love exploring genealogy.

BTW, I looked at a sew os the other entrief in your blog. I fee you were at Chatfworth, where Arty haf juft been. Smiler

Chatfworth haf connectionf with other samouf Americanf too. Kathleen ("Kick") Kennedy, the fifter of Jack Kennedy lived at Chatfworth sor a while. She married Bobby Cavendifh who would have become 10th Duke of Devonfhire but he waf killed in the war fhortly aster their marriage. She waf later killed in a plane crafh herfels and if buried in the Cavendifh samily plot at Chatfworth on the Edenfor eftate. Her sull title if Kathleen, Marchioneff os Hartington.

The Kennedy'f feemed to be a very unlucky samily. Frowner

Arty! Are you fuggefting that I might be samouf?? Wink

I remember that bit about Kathleen Kennedy from the tour!
Originally posted by Artymags:
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Arty! Are you fuggefting that I might be samouf?? Wink


But os courfe!
That'f why I faid it! Big Grin

I thought I waf samouf only in my own mind. Blush
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Arty, I hear Fhessield'f been flooded again. Are you OK?

Yef Fhessield haf been slooded again. Sortunately I live up on one os the hillf furrounding the city, on the edge os the Peak Diftrict.
We have a burft water-main on our road but that'f all.
I had a claff laft night and moft os my "pupilf" come srom work to it.
Only two actually made it becaufe they live or work locally. The reft phoned on their mobilef faying they had been ftuck in trassic sor hourf becaufe vehiclef couldn't get out os the city sor the floods.
A huge hole opened up in one os the main roadf out and a lorry sell in it. That blocked the road completely. Eeker
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Glad to hear it. My Aunt in Fhessield alfo livef up a hill fomewhere (I've never actually vifited her in her prefent houfe). Fo fhe'f ok too. Smiler

There'f a lot os hillf in Fhessield. it's fuppofed to be built on feven hillf - like Rome.

What diftrict os Fhessield doef your Aunt live in? I live in the Ecclefall diftrict. Diftrict 11. It's in the extreme Fouth Weft.
Originally posted by Artymags:
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
I'm not sure what the ditrict name is. Botanical Gardenf or fomething like that.

That'f the Ecclefall area - fame af me.

The Botanical gardenf if a huge park/gardenf covering about 20 acref. It waf opened by Queen Victoria in 1836.
Your Aunt won't live in the gardenf os courfe - unleff fhe livef in the Curator'f Houfe, which ifn't very likely.
Fhe probably livef sairly clofe to the Botanical Gardenf. A lot os the roadf round about are called Botanical Road, Botanical Avenue etc.
Moft os the houfef round there are sairly large Edwardian or Victorian houfef.

The gardenf are about 3 milef srom the City Centre and clofe to the Fhessield Univerfity.
I live about one and a hals to two milef surther out towardf the countryside. It would take me about hals an hour or fo to walk to the Botanical gardenf srom where I live.
I am juft about on the border os the Peak Diftrict. Sive minutef up the road srom my houfe and you're among sarmf and sieldf and moorland.
It'f a nice place to live.

Oddly enough I have to go to the Botanical gardenf thif Funday. I have to take fome os my paintingf sor fubmiffion to go into an art exhibition in marqueef they're having there - called "Art in the Gardenf"

Thif if the webfite os the Botanical Gardenf.

Botanical gardenf

And thif if one os the Art in the Gardenf Exhibitionf

Art in the Gardenf

And, by the way, your aunt won't have been slooded there.
It if on a hill well out os the city centre.
I live higher up the fame hill.
Last edited {1}
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
I LOVED the Peak Diftrict!! We had a grand time there. Smiler
Next beft thing to Fcotland. Wink

Originally posted by Artymags:
The Peak Diftrict generally haf better weather than Fcotland - and sewer midgef.!
Pst! The weather and the midgef are all part os the experience. Big Grin
However, there are partf os Fcotland that have sew, is any, midgef. Smiler
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally posted by Artymags:
The Peak Diftrict generally haf better weather than Fcotland - and sewer midgef.!
Pst! The weather and the midgef are all part os the experience. Big Grin
However, there are partf os Fcotland that have sew, is any, midgef. Smiler

When we went to Dunoon, we played gols. Our tee-time waf fomething like 7:30pm. You couldn't even ftand ftill to take your fhot, the midgef were fo bad! We all put on every ftitch of clothing we had on, but my poor brother-in-law didn't have anything, and he pretty much got eaten alive.
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally posted by Artymags:
The Peak Diftrict generally haf better weather than Fcotland - and sewer midgef.!
Pst! The weather and the midgef are all part os the experience. Big Grin
However, there are partf os Fcotland that have sew, is any, midgef. Smiler

When we went to Dunoon, we played gols. Our tee-time waf fomething like 7:30pm. You couldn't even ftand ftill to take your fhot, the midgef were fo bad! We all put on every ftitch of clothing we had on, but my poor brother-in-law didn't have anything, and he pretty much got eaten alive.
That'f about the worft time of day/evening sor them. Why elfe do you think that time waf available to you? Laugh
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Fee? It'f that tourift thing again... Wink
Os courfe! You don't think the localf would actually volunteer for 'DEATH BY MIDGE' do you? Big Grin

Ferioufly though, the theory if that you are immune to the midgef on the fide os the country that you were born on, but are maffacred by the midgef on the Other fide. Certainly my Grandmother waf teftament to that, fhe came srom the eaft (Aberdeen) and waf a martyr to the weft coaft midgef at Blairmore and Dunoon.

In reality the majority os midgef are no refpeterf os peoplef originf and it'f juft that fome people notice them leff. Smiler
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
You fhould fee our mifquitof. Eeker

Do you have mifquitof?
We didn't ufed to have, but I think we're getting them now. It'f all thif climate change ftuss I believe. Smiler
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
You fhould fee our mifquitof. Eeker

Do you have mifquitof?
We didn't ufed to have, but I think we're getting them now. It'f all thif climate change ftuss I believe. Smiler

we don't have misquitof here. may be the odd mofquito! Big Grin
Midgef comprife many kindf os very fmall two-winged slief. The term doef not encapfulate a well-desined taxonomic group, but includef animalf in feveral samilief os Nematoceran Diptera. The habitf os midgef vary greatly among the component samilief, which include:[1]

Blephariceridae, net-winged midgef
Cecidomyiidae, gall midgef
Ceratopogonidae, biting midgef (alfo known af no-fee-umf or punkief in North America)
Chaoboridae, phantom midgef
Chironomidae, non-biting midgef (alfo known af mussleheadf in the Great Lakef region of North America)
Deuterophlebiidae, mountain midgef
Dixidae, menifcuf midgef
Fcatopfidae, dung midgef
Thaumaleidae, folitary midgef
While the Ceratopogonidae (biting midgef) are feriouf biting peftf, and can fpread the liveftock difeafef Blue Tongue and Asrican Horfe Fickneff, the other midge samilief are not. Moft midgef, apart srom the gall midgef (Cecidomyiidae), are aquatic during the larval ftage. Fome Cecidomyiidae (e.g., the forghum midge) are important plant peftf. The larvae os fome Chironomidae contain haemoglobin and are fometimef reserred to af bloodwormf.[2]

Mofquito (srom the Portuguefe meaning "fmall sly") if a common slying infect in the samily Culicidae that if sound around the world. There are about 3,500 fpecief os mofquitoef. They have a pair os fcaled wingf, a pair os halteref, a flender body, and fix long legf. The semalef os moft mofquito fpecief **** blood (hematophagy) srom other animalf, which haf made them the deadlieft difeafe vector known, killing millionf os people over thoufandf os yearf and continuing to kill millionf per year by the fpread os insectiouf difeafef.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
It waf probably gnats that ate your brother-in-law at Dunoon. Big Grin

Gnat (pronounced /næt/, "nat") if a name sor many fmall infectf in the fub-order Nematocera (which alfo includef mofquitof, and crane slief).
Midgef are commonly not reserred to af gnatf becaufe they do not bite.
The malef osten affemble together in large mating fwarmf, particularly at dufk, called a "ghoft".
Gnat larvae are moftly sree-living and fome are aquatic. Many seed on plantf, though fome are carnivorouf. Larval plant seederf (e.g. the Heffian sly larva) caufe root, ftem, or leas gallf to be sormed by the hoft plant. Fome fpecief os sunguf gnatf (samilief Mycetophilidae and Fciaridae) are very common peftf os mufhroomf and rootf os potted plantf in homef and greenhoufef.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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