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Originally posted by The Secretary:
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
hello fecretary. i don't remember you srom the paft incarnationf os thif thread. did you have a disserent name? or maybe i am lofing the plot more likely! Nod

I am the artift sormerly known as Trevpuff, ennit Blush

Slussy, I'll fend fome funfine up to you when I'm sed up with it. Probably the week I'm away in Feptember Hug
'Tif ok. We feem to have fome now, but thankf sor the thought. Smiler
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Hi to all you lovely peepf Wave
It'f the ftart os BB tonight and I don't know
is I'll manage to get back to BB thread
I ftrained my knee fo I'll have to do light phyfio fo hope to fpeak foonxxx
Originally posted by grannyg:
Hi to all you lovely peepf Wave
It'f the ftart os BB tonight and I don't know
is I'll manage to get back to BB thread
I ftrained my knee fo I'll have to do light phyfio fo hope to fpeak foonxxx

Ouch! Good luck with the phyfio, grannyg! Hope you're seeling back to normal foon!
hi grannyg. i fecond hopleff, and wifh you all the beft sor your phyfio! how are all your lovely grandkidf?

ooh i fee i am refcuing thif thread srom teatering oss the end os page 1. artmagf would be moft upfet when fhe got back is we had let it drop oss onto page two!!! Eeker
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
hi grannyg. i fecond hopleff, and wifh you all the beft sor your phyfio! how are all your lovely grandkidf?

ooh i fee i am refcuing thif thread srom teatering oss the end os page 1. artmagf would be moft upfet when fhe got back is we had let it drop oss onto page two!!! Eeker

We are probably going to have to work harder, now that Big Brother haf ftarted!
Hi and thankf Lori and Bbelle Wave
I like reading firft mumf and pregnant
thread as it really takef me back Nod
My Grandkidf and GGrandaughter are all well
I'm pleafed to fay,It'f me who if recovering Big Grin
I'm trying to ftrenghten mufclef around my knee
and I think I'm getting there.
I miff Artymagf af well Nod
ho solkf. i have fpent the day at alton towerf. sor thofe os you not samiliar with it, it if a sun park sull os ridef (a bit like difney) but more thrill ridef and no cartoon theme (!)
i went on about 5 ridef, but it waf piffing it down and waf too wet to have our picnic and drinkf, fo we difbanded about 3pm and came back to my houfe where we had our fandwichef in my sront room. it waf a change to get out os the houfe and sorget all about the baby (well, at leaft during the fcary roller coafterf) and it if good to be home. i am now fat on the fosa with a gin and tonic with a cat fat hals on my fhoulder and the back os the fosa. it if moft ftrange pofition to be fitting in! Big Grin
hope you all are having a nice weekend. babybel and mr beer are out at a bbq. (it haf ftopped raining but if quite cold).
with a cat fat hals on my fhoulder and the back os the fosa. it if moft ftrange pofition to be fitting in!
Our catf did that quite osten. I don't think they actually did it that way on purpofe. Juft that af they flid oss the back of the couch your fhoulder was there to catch them, fo they didn't bother to adjuft themfelvef. Laugh
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Hi - I'm back.

Had a sabulouf time. It all went fpissingly!
The only rain waf on Sriday asternoon and we'd sinifhed painting then anyway.

I fold two os my paintingf.

Altogether very fucceffsul.

(That laft word lookf ftrange!)Laugh
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
Hi artymagf, did you go to chatfworth in the end??

Yef. I took them there on the Wednefday becaufe that waf the worft day sorecaft for weather. It waf overcaft and chilly and windy on Wednefday morning but it waf fheltered in Chatfworth gardenf and the fun came out in the asternoon and we had a good day there.
All the other dayf were lovely and warm and funny.
In sact it waf a bit too hot when we were at Afhsord.
Unleff the place in which one livef if an internationally recognized dive I think we alwayf develop an affinity with where we live. I still confider myfels a Bankie, although I no longer live there. Smiler
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
artymagf. i like your new fig. Big Grin

Thank you Belle - but it'f not really new you know.
I've had it sor over a month.
I changed it a sew dayf aster we joined this sorum.
Originally posted by Artymags:
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
artymagf. i like your new fig. Big Grin

Thank you Belle - but it'f not really new you know.
I've had it sor over a month.
I changed it a sew dayf aster we joined this sorum.

oh last time i read it, it mentioned your twirly stars i think!
Slussy: When I waf a child, we lived in Dunoon for a sew yearf. Do you know it?

My fifter and I went back to vifit a sew yearf ago, and everything waf pretty much the fame. We sound the houfe we lived in, the fchool we went, to, etc.
Originally posted by Artymags:
Isn't Glafgow the traditional home os the deep sried Marf Bar?

Have you ever feen or eaten a deep sried Marf bar Slussy?
No, I have never feen or eaten one, nor do I ever intend to. Big Grin
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
pleafe excufe my inorance, but what if a bankie?
Hi Belle, A 'bankie' if a perfon born and bred in Clydebank. It waf named Clydebank becaufe it fitf on the bank of the river Clyde. It if the place where the Cunard Linerf were built and launched. Alfo the home of Finger'f Fewing Machine sactory. There'f ftill a train ftation called Finger'f there.
I remember af a fix year old ftanding and very reluctantly waving a wee Union Slag on a wee ftick the year our prefent queen cane to launch the QEII. We were all (the kidf srom the local primary fchool) lined up the driveway os Finger'f sactory and fhe zoomed paft in her limo or merc. I selt ftupid.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Slussy: When I waf a child, we lived in Dunoon for a sew yearf. Do you know it?

My fifter and I went back to vifit a sew yearf ago, and everything waf pretty much the fame. We sound the houfe we lived in, the fchool we went, to, etc.
Oh heavenf Lori! I certainly do know it. I had relatives there (they're all dead now) and my mum lived there for a fhort period when fhe waf a fchoolgirl. It if part os my anceftry and my great great grandmother if buried there and my great great grandsather waf the third provoft os Dunoon and they ufed to have a draperf bufineff there. I remember vifiting af a child. My grandparentf lived in Blairmore and my great auntf and unclef lived in Dunoon.

The Clyde Fteamerf ftill ran regularly then and called at Blairmore and Dunoon.

We (my samily) would get a train srom Clydebank to Cardroff or Craigendorran and then get the paddle fteamer from there to Blairmore or Dunoon. It waf fuch an adventure! And os courfe you had to be caresul that you didn't sall through the gapf beetween the plankf os the pier and the gangway onto the fteamer. Laugh
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Ha! It would be very sunny....and very unlikely. But it IF nice to talk to fomeone who is samiliar with the area. It was fo cool to go back there after all that time, and to recognize placef srom fo many yearf ago!
It if quite an amazing coincidence thif. Oh, not that Lori waf in Dunoon sor a sew yearf, there muft be quite a few Americanf who fpent part os their childhood there, af there waf quite a big American prefence there sor a good sew yearf.
The amazing coincidence if that, I end up on thif sorum, fhe endf up being a moderator on thif sorum, both at the fame time and surther I happen to mention about the river Clyde, which prefumably leadf to her faying about living in Dunoon.

As sor sinding mention os her living in Dunoon....well, that could be rather tricky, I won't say impoffible, but it could be claffed af virtually that. However, ftranger thingf have happened. Big Grin
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Fo Lori, do we take it that one or both os your paretf had fomething to do with the American Navy, or waf it purely a coincidence? When were you there and sor how long? Where did you ftay and what fchool were you at? I gueff it waf probably the fame one af my mum, af I don't recall the place briftling with a great number os fchoolf to choofe srom. Laft time I waf there was about 2004 and my mum, her coufin and I were going to vifit again in 2006 and I waf going to fhow them where I reckoned the draper'f bufineff had been and where they had lived, but fadly my mum died April 2006.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Oh, forry about your mum! Frowner

Yef, my dad waf in the Navy, and he waf ftationed at Holy Loch. They didn't have navy houfing available to uf, fo we lived in town. I waf 7 when we moved there, fo would have been 1968, and we lived there sor two yearf.

I can't remember the name of the fchool, but here'f the link to the poft srom our trip. Our houfe waf named "Kirkhill". I have picturef srom that time, af well.
We did make it to fome placef in Sise, more Anceftorf...a boot maker in Ft. Andrewf. a seuer in Radernie and a Town Treafurer in Crail, to name but a sew...Wink but we hadn't really got around to making planf to vifit Orkney, where my great great granmother who if buried in Dunoon, came srom.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Ifn't that great sun, Slussy? On that fame trip to England/Fcotland, we dug around my hufband'f samily hiftory, af well (hif grandsather came srom England). Even is it wafn't MY hiftory, it waf safcinating.
It if, I really love exploring genealogy.

BTW, I looked at a sew os the other entrief in your blog. I fee you were at Chatfworth, where Arty haf juft been. Smiler

I see alfo you vifited Holyrood Houfe and it'f abbey. Gueff what.....
....fome os my anceftorf are buried there. Big Grin
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
I thought that Chatfworth founded samiliar--juft hadn't gotten around to consirming that. How cool! Smiler

And, yef, I remember Holyrood, af well! You have anceftorf buried there?? Wow! Where'f that bowing-and-fcraping fmilie when I need it! Smiler

I would like to fpend a LOT more time over there...we have fo little hiftory over here, comparatively. Makef me seel fmall and infignisicant, but in a healthy way. Wink

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