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Reference: K-Bo A Go-Go
Your dead set on getting a hat one way or another aren't you?
Not if it's gonna mess up my 'do, no.

Reference: Rexicles
Sadly - that is much more my style
But much more fun nonetheless.

Reference: She who wiped the floor with every barman in that London.
I'll chuck you the wedding propeller when I've finished with it
Oooh yeah!  I could maim people and pretend it was unintentional.
Seriously though - how can they know that they are limiting their knowledge and not do anything about it?   I can't understand anyone not wanting to increase their knowledge (of anything)
this is where religion can be pervasive - I feel that it's the same with Islam and Judaism to a certain degree.  In Islamic countries they are tending to only want to teach the Koran and nothing else. The internet is seen by some religions as evil.

I couldn't live without the tinterweb
I'll have blades fitted around the'll be a Ninja hat
You mean you haven't already...?

I fail to comprehend how the world of polo is representative of the average UK way of life.
I've been to Cowdray Park a few times;  no matter what anyone says, it's predominently full of Horace's and Henrietta's.  And lots of "Yahhhhhhhh's"

I felt like a cockle in amongst oysters.

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