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it's a really interesting programme...........but i'm left thinking the amish men have the better deal.......the 2 girls are full of 'you must cover up so you don't offer temptation to men'......whilst the lads get their shorts on for a swim..and 'we cook for the men'......added to 'music is the work of satan' and such seems to be a cult more than anything
but i'm left thinking the amish men have the better deal.......the 2 girls are full of 'you must cover up so you don't offer temptation to men'......
Sounds like any religion though spongey. When you look at a Catholic nun, she's dressed like women were depicted in biblical times. Ok, the face is out in the open, but nothing else. I do realise that things are changing and nuns have much more freedom, but that's a fairly resent developement.
cologne 1
I might be completely wrong here, but were is the point in giving your children all that security to make them strong for a life of what? Staying in the same community, not exploring the world? I like them less and less
I guess looking at it from their point of view it's keeping up what they consider tradition.  There are quite a few religions that are like that although I don't know of any that cut themselves off from the rest of the world.

I think they fear pollution from the outside world so prefer to cocoon themselves away.  In theory it seems idyllic but practically it can't work totally    just my own stupid ramblings.
Giving their children a chance to make up their minds doesn't seem fair if they are not allowed back into the community after deciding to stay away. It's emotional blackmail.
I must admit that I quite like the Amish lifestyle but the only thing that I don't like is the shunning which is as you say emotional blackmail. I would find it hard to be shunned and unable to communicate with the rest of my family 
KT, it sounds hard work for no reward. Giving their children a chance to make up their minds doesn't seem fair if they are not allowed back into the community after deciding to stay away. It's emotional blackmail.
I suppose that their reward is the happiness and wellbeing of the family and community. It's not a path I could ever follow...because religion plays no part in my life...I suppose they are being emotionally blackmailed to remain within the community, but at least they have a choice, albeit a heart-wrenching one
I guess looking at it from their point of view it's keeping up what they consider tradition. There are quite a few religions that are like that although I don't know of any that cut themselves off from the rest of the world. I think they fear pollution from the outside world so prefer to cocoon themselves away. In theory it seems idyllic but practically it can't work totally just my own stupid ramblings.
It's the idea of Eldorado. I think most people would like to live in a world were they aren't bothered by all the distractions, but it just doesn't seem fair on the youngsters. Life moves on and IMHO, they could give a little bit. TBF, they have changed their religious views often enough.
cologne 1
Have a word with Zaph - he might put one on your avi for you
D'ya think it'd be too much with the sunnies, Pengy? And what about my wonky up-do..?
As long as it doesn't obscure the Bolly, I suppose it's worth a go.

And no I don't like the weirdy beardy look on a fella either;  it has that look of Save It For Later (in respect of snacking etc...)

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