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You can diss whoever you like BUT Take That are sacred. Robbie however is a knob.

and herein lies the problem. Take that are thinking of having rob the nob back in with them. they dont need him-- he needs them after his latest flops.
You are so right - and he is acting like jack the bloody lad about it all

God I despise him
they dont need him-- he needs them after his latest flops
That's very true but I don't think they're daft. They know it'll be major monies in their pockets with a tour and hype and singles if Robbie's back on stage with them, especially after all these months of speculation. I don't think they should take him back, especially after the way he behaved and the things he said when he was flying high as a solo artist. I mean he absolutely caned them, particularly Gary. But it's up to them I suppose. I for one will not be investing in tena ladies for the excitement at his return!
That's very true but I don't think they're daft. They know it'll be major monies in their pockets with a tour and hype and singles if Robbie's back on stage with them, especially after all these months of speculation. I don't think they should take him back, especially after the way he behaved and the things he said when he was flying high as a solo artist. I mean he absolutely caned them, particularly Gary. But it's up to them I suppose. I for one will not be investing in tena ladies for the excitement at his return!
I saw them in both their tours after they reformed and they were great.
They all obviously get on well and are comfortable.
The only thing is I hope they get loads of money but I do have to say I  lost a little respect for them when they agreed to take him back.
Oh yes!
Now why am I not surprised

Reference: Slimfern
Me Karma!...some Okayish tunes..but meh! can live without em! Having said that Bohemian Rhapsody was my first eva record!
I still don't get Bohemian thingy but I like it

Reference: MMD/Man from Milk Tray
NO.... they breathed a breath of fresh air into the music scene. Now Freddies gone though they wont be the same.
God forbid I should be around for that!
I'm usually OK then. I might have a mad moment (usually within the confines of my own home - I say usually, it might sneak out during a phone call) but then I have a moment of clarity where I roll my eyes at myself and remember I am pre-menstrual, and then laugh at myself.
That's very true but I don't think they're daft. They know it'll be major monies in their pockets with a tour and hype and singles if Robbie's back on stage with them, especially after all these months of speculation. I don't think they should take him back, especially after the way he behaved and the things he said when he was flying high as a solo artist. I mean he absolutely caned them, particularly Gary. But it's up to them I suppose. I for one will not be investing in tena ladies for the excitement at his return!
It will be a management decision i think as to wether he is on the tour or not. They dont need him IMO. and i dont need Tennas thank you.
I still don't get Bohemian thingy but I like it
I only got it cos my bro had joined the merchant navy & everytime the ship went portside so did the stylus on his I got the stereo & hence the record! ....was 12 & didn't understand a bar of it...but know all the words
Still not getting em though....overhyped for me!
I only got it cos my bro had joined the merchant navy & everytime the ship went portside so did the stylus on his I got the stereo & hence the record! ....was 12 & didn't understand a bar of it...but know all the words Still not getting em though....overhyped for me!
Reckon it was a personal message from Freddie meself.
ABBA, too many classics to write them off. It would be like dismissing The Beatles (to a lesser extent obviously). Great harmonies too. You don't get harmonies much these days except in boy/girl bands where loads of useless twits howl something vaguely in tune alongside the one good singer while doing crap Fred Astaire impersonations.

Harmonies, them were the days. I'm just gonna get me bovril and slippers...

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