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I really don't get AC/DC.  I don't mind some Heavy Metal but just don't see it with them at all.  All their songs sound the same and are one dimensional.
The thing is Carnelion, i think it depends on what era of AC/DC you are listening too.  If you are listening to their last 3 albums, I would agree they are shit.  However, if you listen to their early stuff when Bon was singing, then after he dies the first 6 albums with Brian, their albums were great. After that, even I as a massive fan raised an eyebrow.  

However, see them live and they are the dogs bollocks, as old as they may be they can rock a venue.  

My husband who is such a George Michael (and that sort of music fan) LOVED AC/DC when I first took him too see them at Milton Keynes, they blew his socks off.
Oh, and it's not Heavy's rock there is a difference
Sounds like HM to me!  I know lots of bands don't like to be pigeon holed into a specific genre because it exposes them to the fortunes of musical fashion, But it really does sound like heavy metal to me.  U2 like to be described as a 'rock band' and it sounds a lot closer to Deep Purple and Led Zeppelin than it does to U2.
I've just realised that although I mentioned all boy/girl band for a stabbing, I feel I owe an extra stab to Robbie Williams. One for Take That (obviously) and another GIANT stab for that pitiful excuse for a song Patience not just for the song but because the stupid little twerp insists on pronouncing it 'payshawnce' OMG let's hope that second stab was fatal 
Not sure I caught you Cinds, I'm tired though. 'top half or 'bottom half' ? when I watch again tomorrow ?
Top half of the stage (as you look at the screen).  Where the run way is u the middle of the screen, look about 1 cm above it, they take someone over the barrier about 1 minute before then I get pulled over and you see my white top (on screen about the size of an ant). 
I've just realised that although I mentioned all boy/girl band for a stabbing, I feel I owe an extra stab to Robbie Williams. One for Take That (obviously) and another GIANT stab for that pitiful excuse for a song Patience not just for the song but because the stupid little twerp insists on pronouncing it 'payshawnce' MG let's hope that second stab was fatal
Now I am cross

To begin with... it was Gary Barlow who wrote and sung Patience.

Take That are GREAT - they sing live, they write good pop songs - not angst ridden dirges about girlfriends in comas. They write about life and love and their hopes and dreams.
No they may not be the best bloody singers in the world but they are a good band.
They do fantastic live performances and NEVER pretend to be something they are not.

Unlike just about every other band that broke up and reformed they actually were successful.

You can diss whoever you like BUT Take That are sacred.

Robbie however is a knob.
and another GIANT stab for that pitiful excuse for a song Patience
Have to agree on Patience. Even worse it used to come on the radio when I'd be stuck in traffic which made me twitch even more.

Shine is very good though! (but I know you'll say it's not). I am also sick to the colon of Robbie William's 'Angels'. Yes I know it's a classic, no-one can do it like him yada yada yada but overplayed isn't the word. I hear that piano and I just feel this grey cloud over my head with a great big pigeon in the middle of it ready to offload.
hine is very good though! (but I know you'll say it's not). I am also sick to the colon of Robbie William's 'Angels'. Yes I know it's a classic, no-one can do it like him yada yada yada but overplayed isn't the word. I hear that piano and I just feel this grey cloud over my head with a great big pigeon in the middle of it ready to offload.
Angels is a terrible song.
Reference: Cinds
Top half of the stage (as you look at the screen). Where the run way is u the middle of the screen, look about 1 cm above it, they take someone over the barrier about 1 minute before then I get pulled over and you see my white top (on screen about the size of an ant).
C&P post into a mail to myself to watch tomorrow

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