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Get yer hankies ready, cuz this is it. My announcement....


*breaths, holds back tears*


I am leaving. I am off to pastures new in the far away land of South Korea - to teach English.


I don't know my official flight dates yet, but I know its after the 24th and before the 30th, and providing nothing untoward happens, i shall be off.


I know how most of you must be feeling. But fret not, you will all be in my thoughts as I explore this new, undiscovered far away land. As you all put up with the miserable summer or rain and chills - i shall be venturing into insane humidity and a season of typhoons.


So please don't cry, i will be having the time of my life (hopefully), and it is only but 1 year that my contract is for, so I may return to your arms before long.


As now, I must bid you all adieu. Chin up, for what is life if it is not lived?



*cue rousing, dramatic background music*


Oh, and I'm gonna ave da internet so i'll be back on these boards once I've settled, innit. It will be like you never got rid of me


Anyway, I'm still around for a week at least.


Replies sorted oldest to newest


Oh wait.. what's that about internet connection..... 


*slaps Rawks about the head*


Seriously..... go you !  I hope you have a brilliant time - and remember we want all the details of your life of sin and debauchery in those mysterious foreign parts.... 

and south Korea.   


I have no kids.. but I feel like I'm seeing one off to a first day at school.

Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:




Oh, and I'm gonna ave da internet so i'll be back on these boards once I've settled, innit. It will be like you never got rid of me


Anyway, I'm still around for a week at least.





good luck Rawky, but if you're going to be around for another week and then have interweb when you get there.... we'll not even know you've gone 


Seriously, enjoy every minute of it and looking forward to the updates 

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:




Oh, and I'm gonna ave da internet so i'll be back on these boards once I've settled, innit. It will be like you never got rid of me


Anyway, I'm still around for a week at least.






good luck Rawky, but if you're going to be around for another week and then have interweb when you get there.... we'll not even know you've gone 



stop raining on my dramatics Damey!!!

Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:




good luck Rawky, but if you're going to be around for another week and then have interweb when you get there.... we'll not even know you've gone 



stop raining on my dramatics Damey!!!



sorry Rawky  it's not like we expect you to be dramatic or anything like that.... anyway, you better log on, we'll miss your sarcasm... not the gold ties though 

Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:




Oh, and I'm gonna ave da internet so i'll be back on these boards once I've settled, innit. It will be like you never got rid of me


Anyway, I'm still around for a week at least.






good luck Rawky, but if you're going to be around for another week and then have interweb when you get there.... we'll not even know you've gone 



stop raining on my dramatics Damey!!!

You're going to the land of typhoons... you better learnt to deal with it


Right... well...  without going all morbid on your arse... 



firstly - THANK YOU...  you've said a few things to me last week or whenever it was (I am seriously losing track of time atm) that have stayed with me...   I mean it - words go round my head, and some of them are yours.  so thank you.


Secondly - now, more than ever... I understand where you are coming from & I want you to go out there & conquer the world... and live life to the max.   Cos now more than ever, I know how bloody much you deserve to.


Go for it Rawky Roo!!!       Have the best time of your life...    


Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

I've just noticed that my thread title is full of grammar mistakes. 

Cough, cough... I'm no expert, but think that should say 'grammatical errors'

Hey, what's the chance of them noticing such minutiae in South Korea!

Good luck Rawks, hope you have a fabulous and supercalifragilisticexpialidocous time x

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

Right... well...  without going all morbid on your arse... 



firstly - THANK YOU...  you've said a few things to me last week or whenever it was (I am seriously losing track of time atm) that have stayed with me...   I mean it - words go round my head, and some of them are yours.  so thank you.


Secondly - now, more than ever... I understand where you are coming from & I want you to go out there & conquer the world... and live life to the max.   Cos now more than ever, I know how bloody much you deserve to.


Go for it Rawky Roo!!!       Have the best time of your life...    


Now that ^^^^ did made me rl cry...and that really, really doesn't happen at all often


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