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Originally posted by Blizzie:
Did anyone hear Freddie and Sree talking last night?

At one point Sree talked about what he knew about Freddie, which included Freddie going to Oxford and being a "Dyslexia student".

It was a perfectly civilised conversation and obvious that Sree did not mean it as an insult. I think this is another example of Sree's English being completely misunderstood! Glance
No way Blizzie... Sree knows what he is saying. He has no respect for anyone.. ( and ultimately for himself) and it comes out in everything he does.
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by Justafriend:
Sree can only win an arguement by being nasty, he only said it cos the others were there to hear it, he thought it would raise a was a cheap dig at freddie and low.

But it wasn't a dig. It was actually the opposite!

Telling Freddie that he may be the 'Dyslexia student from Oxford', but that he was no better than Sree. He then went on to the maths question,in order to show that he was better at maths than Freddie!

dont see it like that at all it was sree being his normal nasty horrible self, just hitting low blows to gain a laugh form the little gang.
Originally posted by sciencewasrobbed:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Did anyone hear Freddie and Sree talking last night?

At one point Sree talked about what he knew about Freddie, which included Freddie going to Oxford and being a "Dyslexia student".

It was a perfectly civilised conversation and obvious that Sree did not mean it as an insult. I think this is another example of Sree's English being completely misunderstood! Glance
No way Blizzie... Sree knows what he is saying. He has no respect for anyone.. ( and ultimately for himself) and it comes out in everything he does.

Nod Absolutely Science! he's completely aware of what he's doing, and COMPLETELY aware of the fact that, he might have been judged (rightly) by the viewers for his manipulative antics towards he's trying very hard to "redeem" himself, in order to be liked/endearing by the gullible..
As well as that comment did anybody notice that when Sree was in full on rant mode at Freddie he started using the exact same stuff that Noirin had used against Angel 2 days before.

stuff like 'you don't cook' 'you don't clean' 'you don't do anything around the house' etc.. All of which wasn't true in Freddie's case..

it was as if he couldn't think of anything original to say in an argument (which he was clearly losing and he seemed to completely overreact to .. unless something occurred earlier which we never saw that lead to him boiling over so quickly and irrationally) he had to nick insults off somebody else. .

or of course he could have been 'only joking'

**his use of those two words after every nasty thing he does makes me want to hurt him a lot Mad**
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Did anyone hear Freddie and Sree talking last night?

At one point Sree talked about what he knew about Freddie, which included Freddie going to Oxford and being a "Dyslexia student".

It was a perfectly civilised conversation and obvious that Sree did not mean it as an insult. I think this is another example of Sree's English being completely misunderstood! Glance

I wouldn't say it was a civilised conversation with Sree shouting at Freddy and insulting him. I don't think you can blame it on Sree's command of the English language at all - that is just making excuses for him. He knew perfectly well what he was saying. Nasty man.

Yes Olly I agree!
I'm not saying he wasn't being a complete twat, but the Dyslexia comment was not a dig or an insult.

He called Freddie a 'Dyslexia student' last night, in another conversation. It's his way of saying 'someone who's overcome dyslexia in order to become a student'.

You are right that he knows exactly what he's saying.

Unfortunately most of the viewers don't! Wink
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Did anyone hear Freddie and Sree talking last night?

At one point Sree talked about what he knew about Freddie, which included Freddie going to Oxford and being a "Dyslexia student".

It was a perfectly civilised conversation and obvious that Sree did not mean it as an insult. I think this is another example of Sree's English being completely misunderstood! Glance

I wouldn't say it was a civilised conversation with Sree shouting at Freddy and insulting him. I don't think you can blame it on Sree's command of the English language at all - that is just making excuses for him. He knew perfectly well what he was saying. Nasty man.

Yes Olly I agree!

If you read my post, I'm talking about a conversation they had on live feed last night.

Sree talked about what he knew about Freddie and included the term 'dyslexia student'. He does not mean it as an insult, he means it as an achievement.

In the argument shown on the HL, he was implying that Freddie thought he was better than others because he was a 'dyslexia student from Oxford', which is totally different to insulting him for having dyslexia.
Originally posted by Blizzie:
I'm not saying he wasn't being a complete twat, but the Dyslexia comment was not a dig or an insult.

He called Freddie a 'Dyslexia student' last night, in another conversation. It's his way of saying 'someone who's overcome dyslexia in order to become a student'.

You are right that he knows exactly what he's saying.

Unfortunately most of the viewers don't! Wink

Unfortunately, Blizz, I suspect that he intended it to appear that he meant 'someone who's overcome dyslexia in order to become a student' (i.e. "Me being nice and understanding again") but in the context it was used it seemed to me to be more a jibe masquerading as compliment. He's a pretty smooth operator with a whole deck of passive-aggressive cards constantly poised for play.

Of course, you may be right. Valentine
subatomic partygirl
Originally posted by subatomic partygirl:

Unfortunately, Blizz, I suspect that he intended it to appear that he meant 'someone who's overcome dyslexia in order to become a student' (i.e. "Me being nice and understanding again") but in the context it was used it seemed to me to be more a jibe masquerading as compliment. He's a pretty smooth operator with a whole deck of passive-aggressive cards constantly poised for play.

Of course, you may be right. Valentine

That's how I took it.
Originally posted by subatomic partygirl:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
I'm not saying he wasn't being a complete twat, but the Dyslexia comment was not a dig or an insult.

He called Freddie a 'Dyslexia student' last night, in another conversation. It's his way of saying 'someone who's overcome dyslexia in order to become a student'.

You are right that he knows exactly what he's saying.

Unfortunately most of the viewers don't! Wink

Unfortunately, Blizz, I suspect that he intended it to appear that he meant 'someone who's overcome dyslexia in order to become a student' (i.e. "Me being nice and understanding again") but in the context it was used it seemed to me to be more a jibe masquerading as compliment. He's a pretty smooth operator with a whole deck of passive-aggressive cards constantly poised for play.

Of course, you may be right. Valentine

Yes I think you've hit the nail on the head, he is a sly one.
Originally posted by subatomic partygirl:
Unfortunately, Blizz, I suspect that he intended it to appear that he meant 'someone who's overcome dyslexia in order to become a student' (i.e. "Me being nice and understanding again") but in the context it was used it seemed to me to be more a jibe masquerading as compliment. He's a pretty smooth operator with a whole deck of passive-aggressive cards constantly poised for play.

Of course, you may be right. Valentine

I don't want to sound like I'm defending him in that argument. He was completely wrong and ridiculousy petulent, but people are misunderstanding that one comment, IMO, and having heard him use it again last night, in a completely different context, I'm convinced that it wasn't an insult, but the opposite.

I hate to see offence taken, when it is not meant!
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by subatomic partygirl:
Unfortunately, Blizz, I suspect that he intended it to appear that he meant 'someone who's overcome dyslexia in order to become a student' (i.e. "Me being nice and understanding again") but in the context it was used it seemed to me to be more a jibe masquerading as compliment. He's a pretty smooth operator with a whole deck of passive-aggressive cards constantly poised for play.

Of course, you may be right. Valentine

I don't want to sound like I'm defending him in that argument. He was completely wrong and ridiculousy petulent, but people are misunderstanding that one comment, IMO, and having heard him use it again last night, in a completely different context, I'm convinced that it wasn't an insult, but the opposite.

I hate to see offence taken, when it is not meant!

Me too. We can only go on our perceptions of what was said in the context of who said it and what we 'know'of that person (the character and history of the person who said it). I'm afraid I don't see him as benign as you do. Frowner
subatomic partygirl
It makes no sense that in the middle of what must go down as one of the stupidest arguments in BB....when Sree ran out to gather troops, ranted without listening, continually threw false accusations at fredster e.g you dont cook/clean, you are selfish with your food....would sree have decided to throw a compliment in the middle.
Originally posted by fz:
It makes no sense that in the middle of what must go down as one of the stupidest arguments in BB....when Sree ran out to gather troops, ranted without listening, continually threw false accusations at fredster e.g you dont cook/clean, you are selfish with your food....would sree have decided to throw a compliment in the middle.

Well quite
Originally posted by fz:
It makes no sense that in the middle of what must go down as one of the stupidest arguments in BB....when Sree ran out to gather troops, ranted without listening, continually threw false accusations at fredster e.g you dont cook/clean, you are selfish with your food....would sree have decided to throw a compliment in the middle.

he meant it alright...he's nasty. Glance
it was an opportunity to have a go at freddy just before eviction night..who knows he might hit a few soft spots in the audience.
he is a calculating little turd! Glance
Originally posted by hal:
Originally posted by fz:
It makes no sense that in the middle of what must go down as one of the stupidest arguments in BB....when Sree ran out to gather troops, ranted without listening, continually threw false accusations at fredster e.g you dont cook/clean, you are selfish with your food....would sree have decided to throw a compliment in the middle.

he meant it alright...he's nasty. Glance
it was an opportunity to have a go at freddy just before eviction night..who knows he might hit a few soft spots in the audience.
he is a calculating little turd! Glance

Sree is a horrid man. I do not understand why the other HM's cannot see this.
Originally posted by Skylark24:
I do think Sree was trying to belittle Freddie, there may this "lost in translation" thing , but the glint in his eye spoke volumes, he was trying to do a Noiren rant but it didnt quite come off, he was left looking like a right twat

The point he was making was that he wasn't going to feel belittled by Freddie, just because he had dyslexia, but still managed to get into Oxford.
He went straight into the 15 times 15 question, trying to point out that he was better at maths than Freddie.

I'm not saying that he threw in a compliment in the middle of an argument. I'm saying that the dyslexia comment was not an insult, it was purely his way of saying "I know you had dyslexia and still managed to get into Oxford, but that doesn't make you better than me. Therefore I can still knick your garlic"! Glance
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by Skylark24:
I do think Sree was trying to belittle Freddie, there may this "lost in translation" thing , but the glint in his eye spoke volumes, he was trying to do a Noiren rant but it didnt quite come off, he was left looking like a right twat

The point he was making was that he wasn't going to feel belittled by Freddie, just because he had dyslexia, but still managed to get into Oxford.
He went straight into the 15 times 15 question, trying to point out that he was better at maths than Freddie.

I'm not saying that he threw in a compliment in the middle of an argument. I'm saying that the dyslexia comment was not an insult, it was purely his way of saying "I know you had dyslexia and still managed to get into Oxford, but that doesn't make you better than me. Therefore I can still knick your garlic"! Glance

a sree translator Glance
Originally posted by fz:
It makes no sense that in the middle of what must go down as one of the stupidest arguments in BB....when Sree ran out to gather troops, ranted without listening, continually threw false accusations at fredster e.g you dont cook/clean, you are selfish with your food....would sree have decided to throw a compliment in the middle.
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by Skylark24:
I do think Sree was trying to belittle Freddie, there may this "lost in translation" thing , but the glint in his eye spoke volumes, he was trying to do a Noiren rant but it didnt quite come off, he was left looking like a right twat

The point he was making was that he wasn't going to feel belittled by Freddie, just because he had dyslexia, but still managed to get into Oxford.
He went straight into the 15 times 15 question, trying to point out that he was better at maths than Freddie.

I'm not saying that he threw in a compliment in the middle of an argument. I'm saying that the dyslexia comment was not an insult, it was purely his way of saying "I know you had dyslexia and still managed to get into Oxford, but that doesn't make you better than me. Therefore I can still knick your garlic"! Glance
yes i see your point, that made me laugh, either way he wasnt getting his garlic back much to others dismay, there was A LOT of the stuff!
Don't get me wrong here, because I absolutely cannot stand Sree, BUT, having heard Sree make the dyslexia comment in the 'garlicgate' row and then again in a different conversation on lf last night , I don't think he was putting Freddie down about his dyslexia. He seemed to be saying it in a kind of 'you've overcome adversity and done well' BUT that doesn't mean you're better than me kind of way. It came across worse the first time as they were having a row and voices were raised, but I think, on balance, that he probably meant it in the same way both times. Much as most of the guy's behaviour really annoys me, I do think sometimes the cultural differences and the fact that English is not his first language mean he is misunderstood and sometimes what he says/does seems worse than it it really is.
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Don't get me wrong here, because I absolutely cannot stand Sree, BUT, having heard Sree make the dyslexia comment in the 'garlicgate' row and then again in a different conversation on lf last night , I don't think he was putting Freddie down about his dyslexia. He seemed to be saying it in a kind of 'you've overcome adversity and done well' BUT that doesn't mean you're better than me kind of way. It came across worse the first time as they were having a row and voices were raised, but I think, on balance, that he probably meant it in the same way both times. Much as most of the guy's behaviour really annoys me, I do think sometimes the cultural differences and the fact that English is not his first language mean he is misunderstood and sometimes what he says/does seems worse than it it really is.

Thank goodness, I wasn't the only one to see it!

They are all busy phoning OFCOM on DS, not only for the dyslexia comment, but the "Do you think I'm a monkey?" comment, which they think is his attempt at causing a race row. That is another Indianism, which is totally lost in translation! Glance
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Much as most of the guy's behaviour really annoys me, I do think sometimes the cultural differences and the fact that English is not his first language mean he is misunderstood and sometimes what he says/does seems worse than it it really is.

I'd have to agree.....but would add that I suspect that a lot of what he does / says is worse than it appears.
subatomic partygirl
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Don't get me wrong here, because I absolutely cannot stand Sree, BUT, having heard Sree make the dyslexia comment in the 'garlicgate' row and then again in a different conversation on lf last night , I don't think he was putting Freddie down about his dyslexia. He seemed to be saying it in a kind of 'you've overcome adversity and done well' BUT that doesn't mean you're better than me kind of way. It came across worse the first time as they were having a row and voices were raised, but I think, on balance, that he probably meant it in the same way both times. Much as most of the guy's behaviour really annoys me, I do think sometimes the cultural differences and the fact that English is not his first language mean he is misunderstood and sometimes what he says/does seems worse than it it really is.

Thank goodness, I wasn't the only one to see it!

They are all busy phoning OFCOM on DS, not only for the dyslexia comment, but the "Do you think I'm a monkey?" comment, which they think is his attempt at causing a race row. That is another Indianism, which is totally lost in translation! Glance

On one level i have to agree with the comments...but he can be very lucid when he wants to (no exact proof to back that up), he wasn't being nice to freddy and its not just because of the garlic. Glance
Originally posted by Blizzie:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:

Thank goodness, I wasn't the only one to see it!

They are all busy phoning OFCOM on DS, not only for the dyslexia comment, but the "Do you think I'm a monkey?" comment, which they think is his attempt at causing a race row. That is another Indianism, which is totally lost in translation! Glance

Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Don't get me wrong here, because I absolutely cannot stand Sree, BUT, having heard Sree make the dyslexia comment in the 'garlicgate' row and then again in a different conversation on lf last night , I don't think he was putting Freddie down about his dyslexia. He seemed to be saying it in a kind of 'you've overcome adversity and done well' BUT that doesn't mean you're better than me kind of way. It came across worse the first time as they were having a row and voices were raised, but I think, on balance, that he probably meant it in the same way both times. Much as most of the guy's behaviour really annoys me, I do think sometimes the cultural differences and the fact that English is not his first language mean he is misunderstood and sometimes what he says/does seems worse than it it really is.

Thank goodness, I wasn't the only one to see it!

They are all busy phoning OFCOM on DS, not only for the dyslexia comment, but the "Do you think I'm a monkey?" comment, which they think is his attempt at causing a race row. That is another Indianism, which is totally lost in translation! Glance

No wonder there's no L/F. Hug Blizzie Smiler
cologne 1
Originally posted by hal:
On one level i have to agree with the comments...but he can be very lucid when he wants to (no exact proof to back that up), he wasn't being nice to freddy and its just because of the garlic. Glance

He can be, but his speech is always flowery and rambling.

In the conversation with Freddie last night, Freddie listened to Sree and said "You always speak in a stream of consciousness", which is true.

It was actually a very interesting conversation and I think they both understood each other better by the end of it!
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by hal:
On one level i have to agree with the comments...but he can be very lucid when he wants to (no exact proof to back that up), he wasn't being nice to freddy and its just because of the garlic. Glance

He can be, but his speech is always flowery and rambling.

In the conversation with Freddie last night, Freddie listened to Sree and said "You always speak in a stream of consciousness", which is true.

It was actually a very interesting conversation and I think they both understood each other better by the end of it!

Good for them.

I also get the feeling that freddy doesn't like sree that much from the very beginning.

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