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Texting has enabled quicker, wider, convenient communication with others.
Where it was once not possible or very difficult and slow, it has now become an easy and very available way of communicating.
I don't like the "text speak" language, so I have never even bothered to learn it. I text in full.

But my point here is that apart from the advantages of text communications, it has also brought many disadvantages and problems.
It seems that adultery and extra-marital affairs and `playing around` uses text to make secret arrangements. It can also lead to being found out. People check out other people's phone (often without their knowledge or permission.)
Texting can also enable deceit, cheating, lack of honesty, intrigue - these can be made easier by texting. (To say nothing of the hideous use of texting and phones while driving.)

So do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? Can texting cause major problems?

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Hmmm, I do know it can cause problems as Karma said. i think you can misinterpret how things are meant to be said in text as some people use punctuation to give the meaning, others don' friend had rowed with her BF the other day and he text and didn't put a kiss on the end, she was upset about that.....she was also annoyed when he previously text a female friend of his and put kisses at the end!!!

I struggle to read text speak, i use abit of it like 'txt' or 2 instead of the word, but apart from that is is another language....
The Devil In Diamante
Texts are great for a quick message like am running late etc.. but I hate people who only ever correspond that way.. pick up a phone occasionally and talk on it. .

my bluddy cousin in Ireland only ever uses texts, it  costs a flipping mint since they changed the tariffs a few years back..  and she has been taken over by the txt speak crew too so I have no idea what she's on about.. plus  she doesn't even have a landline so that I can call using Call 1899 for a cheapy penny a minute chat..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
heya DID's. . 

1899 is for making cheaper calls overseas and if you have a BT landline I think it's free calls in the Uk too.. I am on Virgin so tis half a penny per minute..

you call a freephone number from your landline then inpuit the number you want to connect to followed by the hash key.. there's a small one time connection fee (5p i think) and then for places like Ireland (southern), France Denmark and Holland,  where I mainly call people,   [and possibly other European Countries] tis only a penny a minute for as long as you want..  also some 0870 munber that can't be found on 'Saynoto0870numbers' are cheaper thru them as well

you can find em Here 

 They bill you quarterly and deduct direct from your bank.. I average about ÂĢ2 per quarter which is quite a lot of talk time 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Personally - I think if you're having an illicit affair you'd be bloody stupid not to delete incriminating text messages. My daughter has recently come out of an eleven year relationship (she's 27 and had been with her partner since she was 16) ................................the skank in question texted her partner relentlessly - she (my daughter) only caught a few of the messages but ...........................although I think mobile phones have their uses - flirty texting has a lot to answer for IMO.
Soozy Woo
heya DID's. . 1899 is for making cheaper calls overseas and if you have a BT landline I think it's free calls in the Uk too.. I am on Virgin so tis half a penny per minute.. you call a freephone number from your landline then inpuit the number you want to connect to followed by the hash key.. there's a small one time connection fee (5p i think) and then for places like Ireland (southern), France Denmark and Holland, where I mainly call people, [and possibly other European Countries] tis only a penny a minute for as long as you want.. also some 0870 munber that can't be found on 'Saynoto0870numbers' are cheaper thru them as well you can find em Here They bill you quarterly and deduct direct from your bank.. I average about ÂĢ2 per quarter which is quite a lot of talk time
Hey Olly

Thanks, I'll have a look at that, I have alot of friends in Ireland...
The Devil In Diamante

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