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"Any amount of sexual health education is not going to reduce Britain’s high teen pregnancy rates, whilst the ‘rewards’ for becoming an unmarried teen mother remain so [relatively] attractive. The cycle of girls getting pregnant by man A, then being allocated a council flat & welfare benefits, then getting pregnant by man B, and being allocated a bigger council flat & more benefits, then getting pregnant by man C, and being allocated a council house & yet more benefits has got to STOP. It leads to all sorts of social problems, resulting from mothers who are not mature enough to parent effectively, and end up raising dysfunctional families in poverty. It also costs tax payers a lot of money, to fund these ‘alternative’ lifestyles. Furthermore, people who have been on housing waiting lists for several years, and who conduct themselves in a responsible manner, find themselves being ‘queue-jumped’ by these feckless members of society.

So, I suggest that there be no council flats and no welfare benefits available to unmarried mothers under the age of 21. Instead they will be placed in ‘mother & baby homes’. Here they will receive academic education aswell as parenting classes, plus courses covering all aspects of their social development. The homes will be run by ‘matron’ type figures. The homes should not be ‘institution’ like, but at the same time there will be rules which must be adhered to; such as a curfew of approx 9pm, a dress code which states skirts must come to at least the knees & no cleavage to be on show. Failure to comply with the homes’ rules will result in the mother being sent to prison, and the baby being taken in to care.

This is not a short-term remedy, but a long-term solution. Eventually I believe the implementation of this policy will result in a vast decrease in teenage girls becoming pregnant – as the consequences will be positively unattractive. Of course, teenage pregnancies will never be completely eradicated, and the homes will allow for the girls who do still become teen mothers to learn how to be good parents, whilst not being fast-tracked to the top of the housing queue.

If an 18-20 year old pregnant woman is married [marriage should not be an option available to 16/17 year olds, even with parental consent] and her husband has a job, then she will be exempt from going in to one of the homes."

Ooooh did I read right, will young mums be thrown into prison for wearing skirts above knee-level?

"rules which must be adhered to; such as a curfew of approx 9pm, a dress code which states skirts must come to at least the knees & no cleavage to be on show. Failure to comply with the homes’ rules will result in the mother being sent to prison, and the baby being taken in to care."

Replies sorted oldest to newest

What a disgraceful attitude, I can't believe it! Perhaps these people would do well to ask why it is that young girls get themselves into these situations in the first intance. I was dispatched to a home in 1977 for having the audacity to shame my family by getting pregnant in my teens. I can say from personal experience that this is no solution to the problem. Prevention is better than "cure" imho. Let's help our young women to build on their self esteem, give them hope for the future and encourage them to be the best they can be!
Originally posted by MoFo:
Ooooh did I read right, will young mums be thrown into prison for wearing skirts above knee-level?

"rules which must be adhered to; such as a curfew of approx 9pm, a dress code which states skirts must come to at least the knees & no cleavage to be on show. Failure to comply with the homes’ rules will result in the mother being sent to prison, and the baby being taken in to care."

Doesn't that sound a bit like something the BNP would say those nasty forriners want to impose on us, and thats why we have to get rid of them as they are infringing on our way of life?! How do they walk and chew gum at the same time? Skull
All that was missing fom that was a commitment to ship over a boatload of Irish Catholic nuns to give them their daily whipping Roll Eyes

But perhaps they just don't want to announce that part of their plan yet due to the immigration bit Ninja
Originally posted by DanceSettee:
All that was missing fom that was a commitment to ship over a boatload of Irish Catholic nuns to give them their daily whipping Roll Eyes

But perhaps they just don't want to announce that part of their plan yet due to the immigration bit Ninja

Hahahaha Laugh
Originally posted by Lil misz:
Thank god there not in charge Id been giving the death sentance with some of my skirtsNinja


Got pics? Wink

Laugh Laugh Big Grin

What a bunch of feckin idiots they are. Bunch of Nazi *****s!

Roll Eyes
Originally posted by electric6:
Zackly Saz!

"Oooh noooez these evil forrin women dressing modestly."...Of course "our" women should too...but it's different.

They are complete idiots!

Pleased its not just me who saw that!

Right, my blood pressure is far too high now, so I'm off to get pizza with my oppressive boyfriend Wink
Originally posted by Butter$:
No council flat til theyre 25. Leave em live with their parents who failed to educate em in the first place. It wouldnt be long stopping.

You are getting on my norks Mad Ninja
Originally posted by pepsi:
And people actually vote for this Party? Shake Head

It's quite easy to tell who does though mate. They drag their knuckles behind them when they walk and they can't speak and breath at the same time. Roll Eyes
The BNP are a bunch of fascist pissflaps who can kiss my Moon.

Apart from the first paragraph being entirely innacurate and just a re-gurgitation of tabloid lies, the rest appears to have been written by someone stuck in 1950 by their malfunctioning time machine.

They have the combined intellectual capacity of a teaspoon.

Mad feckwits
Here they will receive academic education aswell as parenting classes

Wonder why the "academically educated" author of this tripe didn't know "as" and "well" are two separate words...

Honestly, to think some daft people actually voted for this lot! Crazy
Originally posted by skive:
The BNP are a bunch of fascist pissflaps who can kiss my Moon.

Apart from the first paragraph being entirely innacurate and just a re-gurgitation of tabloid lies, the rest appears to have been written by someone stuck in 1950 by their malfunctioning time machine.

They have the combined intellectual capacity of a teaspoon.

Mad feckwits

OHG says why couldn't teachers be like this when he was at achool? Laugh Laugh
I have known girls that have had babies just to get a council flat and freedom from their parents. i should also add that this doesn't always apply to under 21's. There are actually people who can't wait to get pregnant for the benefits and freedom from having to work. THIS IS TRUE.

Apart from all the nonsense about short skirts and curfews, i don't see quite whats so wrong with the idea. It's not perfect but is the current system??
To play devil's advocate, is there anything morally or ethically wrong in deliberately creating a child when you don't have the means or resources to fully support its upbringing?
I have known girls that have had babies just to get a council flat and freedom from their parents

Then I'd question what was going on in their lives that they felt this was their only course of action Ninja

Maybe that needs fixing.
The council house part is true though.

I don't like their suggestion but i've been on a waiting list for a council house for years and years and years but unfortunately there are too many out there playing the system who get to queue jump.

I better back out of here before I go off on one....
Towno :)
Originally posted by Towno Smiler:
The council house part is true though.

I don't like their suggestion but i've been on a waiting list for a council house for years and years and years but unfortunately there are too many out there playing the system who get to queue jump.

I better back out of here before I go off on one....


My brother in law got given a council house for him , his wife and his baby even though he earns a police officers wage.And in just a couple of months. Makes me angry when I hear about people like you Mad
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
To play devil's advocate, is there anything morally or ethically wrong in deliberately creating a child when you don't have the means or resources to fully support its upbringing?

Yes, I think there is. But the solution isn't high necklines and curfews.

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