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That's just what I was doing! How did you know?
Someone on DS (well a few of them) are saying Corin will do hardcore movies soon, some of them are thinking about it a bit too typing out scenarios whilst claiming to be horrified

Fair play if they wanna have a sensible debate on whether said films can be feminist etc...but they just wanna call her names...even though they are obviously consumers of such products.  Gotta laugh haven't you, or you'd become a serial killer
Someone on DS (well a few of them) are saying Corin will do hardcore movies soon, some of them are thinking about it a bit too typing out scenarios whilst claiming to be horrified Fair play if they wanna have a sensible debate on whether said films can be feminist etc...but they just wanna call her names...even though they are obviously consumers of such products. Gotta laugh haven't you, or you'd become a serial killer
Have to say though I wouldn't rush to the net to obtain a copy of a porn film with either John James or Corin in. John James would just start arguing with the Director halfway through and Corin would be stopping every 5 minutes to touch up her make-up whilst shouting 'Orrr maaaa Gorrrd do ya belieeeeve at?! Are ya bozzin?? Arrr ya?' . It would be a right waste of bandwidth

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