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Watching programmes about technology over the last 40 years on BBC4 this week has got me thinking.
It has confirmed how ignorant I am about technology.
It has also annoyed me.
I am always behind the latest gadget.
By the time I have caught up with something, it hasa moved on 10 years and is nearly obsolete.

A group of schoolchildren (about 14 years old) were being interviewed.
49 out of 50 had a mobile phone with them in school. Yes, in school.
Some had iphones. One girl said she "reallyreallyreally needed"  an iphone.
They were shown a record player (a dancette I think) and a 12" LP was played.
The majority had never seen such a gadget and had to have it explained. Now that made me feel old.

But I also feel it goes too far.
Mobile phones ringing in theatres and concert halls is disgusting in my opinion, and so very rude. People who take mobiles (and leave them switched on) into theatres should be horsewhipped. At least!
And of course driving a car using a mobile is appalling. No excuse for it.

So are you up-to-date with technology, or are you like me and always behind the fashion?

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I just want to smash them all with a hammer!..Are we truly any better off for any of them? I doubt it.Lord how the hell did we all survive 20 years ago without mobiles and PC's...Quite well really.Yes technology advances and "helps" us, still not convinced ,however I wouldn'd be posting here without it....hmnnnnn,ponders.

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