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what sort of games Soozy - online - facebook or disc based ?


had a quick look at the spec and as much as I love google it is totally google based 


the free harddrive space [ is in the clouds online] is all you get and as this is free for 2 years there will obviously be a charge for that after


there is no cd/dvd drive so you cannot ever run a disc 


google operating system ... not sure about this 


shared graphics and a 11.6 screen 


personally I wouldnt go for it because of what I have already said and for this money there are lots of lap tops around that give you huge amount of hard drive and include a dvd/cd optical drive 


just my quick look at opinion of course 

Originally Posted by MrsH:


what sort of games Soozy - online - facebook or disc based ?


had a quick look at the spec and as much as I love google it is totally google based 


the free harddrive space [ is in the clouds online] is all you get and as this is free for 2 years there will obviously be a charge for that after


there is no cd/dvd drive so you cannot ever run a disc 


google operating system ... not sure about this 


shared graphics and a 11.6 screen 


personally I wouldnt go for it because of what I have already said and for this money there are lots of lap tops around that give you huge amount of hard drive and include a dvd/cd optical drive 


just my quick look at opinion of course 

Glad someone has a technical brain 

Originally Posted by MrsH:

if I was looking to buy I would be looking at this maybe - searching to see the best deal I could find on it too but on a quick search it stood out

oooh... I'm glad I looked in here.   My lappy had a bit of a hissy fit last weekend and I thought I was going to have to replace it right then.   It revived, but it's still playing up a bit and I'm thinking of replacing it.   I'd been looking at the one you suggested Mrs H but I wasn't sure if it was a good deal or not.   Hmm... do I, or do I not....


Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by MrsH:

if I was looking to buy I would be looking at this maybe - searching to see the best deal I could find on it too but on a quick search it stood out

oooh... I'm glad I looked in here.   My lappy had a bit of a hissy fit last weekend and I thought I was going to have to replace it right then.   It revived, but it's still playing up a bit and I'm thinking of replacing it.   I'd been looking at the one you suggested Mrs H but I wasn't sure if it was a good deal or not.   Hmm... do I, or do I not....


Take the plunge Kaffy - as long as you DO have that money to spare. MrsH knows what she's talking about....I think!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by moonie:

I recently has a solid state HDD fitted to my rather ageing lappy. It has made it so much faster. Would recommend that 

what is a solid stage HDD????


I have a Toshiba pooter that I do love but there is just one problem with it - I am left handed and the USB ports are all on the left hand side (mouse) I generally have mine on a stand as well to let the air circulate but I'm finding it's not giving me much room to move the mouse on the computer table I use  although if you are using a big desk/table then it's irrelevant so ignore what I've just said  


Pengy, get a wi-fi mouse, then it won't matter which side you and the ports are on.

A solid state drive uses integrated circuits as opposed to a disk to store the information - 'silid state' because there are no moving parts.

HDD stands for Hard Disk Drive, so a Solid State HDD is a drive that combines both a moving disk AND Solid State technology.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Samsung are an excellent brand for netbooks and laptops i.m.o.


Think there was a discussion here recently about the merits of the Chromebook. I considered getting one myself but reading into it, decided not to for now, because of the limitations.


Google Drive just means access to a big cloud drive - keeping everything online instead of on your pc or on a stick or usb card.


Not havind a cd dvd drive is a drawback too I think.


I have found CNet about the best review site for techy stuff. Heres what they say about Chromebooks:

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by moonie:

I recently has a solid state HDD fitted to my rather ageing lappy. It has made it so much faster. Would recommend that 

what is a solid stage HDD????


I have a Toshiba pooter that I do love but there is just one problem with it - I am left handed and the USB ports are all on the left hand side (mouse) I generally have mine on a stand as well to let the air circulate but I'm finding it's not giving me much room to move the mouse on the computer table I use  although if you are using a big desk/table then it's irrelevant so ignore what I've just said  

Yes as Fluffy says, go wireless Pengy. You get a teeny usb plug in thingy and a wireless mouse and / or keyboard. They're easy to get, I bought a set recently with my Asda groceries''


Just need a few rechargeable batteries for the mouse and the keyboard, easy.

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Pengy, get a wi-fi mouse, then it won't matter which side you and the ports are on.

A solid state drive uses integrated circuits as opposed to a disk to store the information - 'silid state' because there are no moving parts.

HDD stands for Hard Disk Drive, so a Solid State HDD is a drive that combines both a moving disk AND Solid State technology.

Couldn't have put it better myself Fluffs 

And, my lappy used to get very hot in the area of the HDD but now its stone cold 

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Pengy, get a wi-fi mouse, then it won't matter which side you and the ports are on.

A solid state drive uses integrated circuits as opposed to a disk to store the information - 'silid state' because there are no moving parts.

HDD stands for Hard Disk Drive, so a Solid State HDD is a drive that combines both a moving disk AND Solid State technology.

Couldn't have put it better myself Fluffs 

And, my lappy used to get very hot in the area of the HDD but now its stone cold 

Why thank you Mr moonie.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Pengy, get a wi-fi mouse, then it won't matter which side you and the ports are on.

A solid state drive uses integrated circuits as opposed to a disk to store the information - 'silid state' because there are no moving parts.

HDD stands for Hard Disk Drive, so a Solid State HDD is a drive that combines both a moving disk AND Solid State technology.

Couldn't have put it better myself Fluffs 

And, my lappy used to get very hot in the area of the HDD but now its stone cold 

Why thank you Mr moonie.

You are most welcome 

Originally Posted by Carnelian:

Not for me,  too limited and too tied into Google's evil empire for my liking.


A normal laptop is far more flexible and probably around the same price. 


It's going to be limited to the type and variety of applications which are produced by developers. At the moment it is far too early to say how good and numerous they will be, but it will take time and Google being a large company should ensure that they do happen.


Apple has been developing it's app store for a long while now and is proving very successful.


In terms of evil empire, which one do you want to join? Microsoft, Apple, Google, Linux & it's variants. But you seem to know what you want and need Carnelian which is good. 


I am a Mac and PC user and in my experience a standard Windows laptop although it may be flexible, few users actually need or use that flexibility and in fact want a more tailored environment. I find Windows quite a vulnerable O/S which has a larger number of problems than any other O/S I use which includes iOS and Android.


If you are someone who wants to download and install a wide variety of application both commercial and open source (and if you are a torrent user) and a gamer, then a Windows based laptop or desktop is probably the device for you.


If you are just a surfer and that constitutes the majority of your computer activities then these types of computers are probably just what you need.


But as I always say on these threads. You need to know what you want to do with your computer because this will dictate how much you spend and what type and specification of device you purchase. I would never buy without having a good old play with them first. Talk to friends, go into stores and have a good old fiddle...


Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Carnelian:

Not for me,  too limited and too tied into Google's evil empire for my liking.


A normal laptop is far more flexible and probably around the same price. 


It's going to be limited to the type and variety of applications which are produced by developers. At the moment it is far too early to say how good and numerous they will be, but it will take time and Google being a large company should ensure that they do happen.


Apple has been developing it's app store for a long while now and is proving very successful.


In terms of evil empire, which one do you want to join? Microsoft, Apple, Google, Linux & it's variants. But you seem to know what you want and need Carnelian which is good. 


I am a Mac and PC user and in my experience a standard Windows laptop although it may be flexible, few users actually need or use that flexibility and in fact want a more tailored environment. I find Windows quite a vulnerable O/S which has a larger number of problems than any other O/S I use which includes iOS and Android.


If you are someone who wants to download and install a wide variety of application both commercial and open source (and if you are a torrent user) and a gamer, then a Windows based laptop or desktop is probably the device for you.


If you are just a surfer and that constitutes the majority of your computer activities then these types of computers are probably just what you need.


But as I always say on these threads. You need to know what you want to do with your computer because this will dictate how much you spend and what type and specification of device you purchase. I would never buy without having a good old play with them first. Talk to friends, go into stores and have a good old fiddle...


I think that's good advice - I bought this one online and have never been 100% happy - it's 'flimsy' I like a nice solid keyboard etc etc.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Carnelian:

Not for me,  too limited and too tied into Google's evil empire for my liking.


A normal laptop is far more flexible and probably around the same price. 


It's going to be limited to the type and variety of applications which are produced by developers. At the moment it is far too early to say how good and numerous they will be, but it will take time and Google being a large company should ensure that they do happen.


Apple has been developing it's app store for a long while now and is proving very successful.


In terms of evil empire, which one do you want to join? Microsoft, Apple, Google, Linux & it's variants. But you seem to know what you want and need Carnelian which is good. 


I am a Mac and PC user and in my experience a standard Windows laptop although it may be flexible, few users actually need or use that flexibility and in fact want a more tailored environment. I find Windows quite a vulnerable O/S which has a larger number of problems than any other O/S I use which includes iOS and Android.


If you are someone who wants to download and install a wide variety of application both commercial and open source (and if you are a torrent user) and a gamer, then a Windows based laptop or desktop is probably the device for you.


If you are just a surfer and that constitutes the majority of your computer activities then these types of computers are probably just what you need.


But as I always say on these threads. You need to know what you want to do with your computer because this will dictate how much you spend and what type and specification of device you purchase. I would never buy without having a good old play with them first. Talk to friends, go into stores and have a good old fiddle...


I think that's good advice - I bought this one online and have never been 100% happy - it's 'flimsy' I like a nice solid keyboard etc etc.

Tosh is deffinately the one to go for then Sooz. I've got one at the mo and it's good, although I could do with a new one now too, it'll have to wait until I get some money 

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

thanks for all the help ^^^ I'm thinking again - like the Toshiba

I think you should go for it soozy.......


then tell me if I should get it 

I've gotta sweet talk Mr Woo first.

I'm sure you'll manage that  (with or without the animal mask)


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