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coffee for me and lots of it, used to drink real coffee, thick and black from a cafetiere, but everyone nagged me about  my high caffeine intake, so now its strong  instant decaf...


i drink tea if i am eating cheese, and it has to be strong with hardly any milk,thats about the only time, and it has to be from my tea mug which is fine china and not a thick coffee mug...


I start with two teas (just like jackson makes it, but no cheese, please).

Then one, or two, black coffees.

Another tea at teatime, when the clock strikes three, and a milky coffee after dinner.


If I'm not boozing, water is my favourite cold drink (proper hard stuff, from the tap).


Booze-wise, I love a red wine, but will drink most things, apart from stuff they've ruined with coffee flavouring, or rotten almond. 

Originally Posted by Aimee:

Black Tea for me used to love very strong coffee but now i can't even stand the smell of it

Really? Funny how our preferences can change so drastically throughout our lives.


I used to love tomatoes as a youngster, then I went off EVERYTHING tomatoey except ketchup. Now I can take tomato soup (as long as it's nice and hot) and the tomato paste on a pizza. Again only while it remains fairly hot.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by ~Lee~:

Coffee and sparking water ,but can't vote for 2 ...I take sweeteners in coffee but not in tea,if I'm having a sandwich I have tea as I don't like the sweetened coffee with it,if that makes sense.

I'm like that, i take 1 sugar in coffee but if i have tea (rarely) i have it strong with a little milk (red colour) and no sugar


It's all quite simple really (if we discount the booze situ):

2 cups of strong, sweet milky tea (Typhoo or Yorkshire ONLY) first thing in the morning.


A proper cappuccino from freshly ground beans about 45 minutes later

Sugar all the way; NONE of that sweetner fandangly stuff

Espresso's for the rest of the day until...

4pm - Cuppa cha

More Espresso's after dinner and for the rest of the evening.
I don't do messed about with coffee so a separate glass for any chasers...

Occasionally a cuppa cha before hitting my pit.

Apart from that, I'm not in any way shape or form at all fussy.....


Tea first thing in the morning - strong no sugar and a dash of milk.

Maybe another one at elevenish and four. Don't drink coffee don't like it although I love coffee flavoured chocs/cakes etc.


A cup of tea sometime in the evening and always one in the bath before bed. I drink lots of water and recently various presse's - elderflower/apple/whatever I see that takes my fancy.


Mr Woo probably drinks between 12 and 15 cups of tea a day

Soozy Woo


Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

Black Tea for me used to love very strong coffee but now i can't even stand the smell of it

Really? Funny how our preferences can change so drastically throughout our lives.


I used to love tomatoes as a youngster, then I went off EVERYTHING tomatoey except ketchup. Now I can take tomato soup (as long as it's nice and hot) and the tomato paste on a pizza. Again only while it remains fairly hot.

i was suffering with my sinus's  and the docotor recommended cutting out milk, cheese, coffee etc and after changing to tea, i now hate the smell of it and my sinus's are no better


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