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First of the day has to be a cuppa unless it's a lazy weekend morning and I have the coffee maker on. I buy the Aldi filter coffees - Ethiopian at the mo.  During the day it's whatever the office supplies - usually Kenco or Tetley. At home Twinings for preference but currently have Tetley and a selection of herbal teas (peppermint/lemon & ginger etc).

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

No!    Typhoo tea for me, teeny weeny drop milk (that nobody ever gets right) and no sugar. Dont drink much coffee. like a cappachino (sp) when i am out tho...with choc flakes on top!

 (that nobody ever gets right)




is there a difference do you think with varieties of tea? coffee for me,the stronger the better,black.

Jemima Puddleduck (fka Drama)
Originally Posted by Drama:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

No!    Typhoo tea for me, teeny weeny drop milk (that nobody ever gets right) and no sugar. Dont drink much coffee. like a cappachino (sp) when i am out tho...with choc flakes on top!

 (that nobody ever gets right)




is there a difference do you think with varieties of tea? coffee for me,the stronger the better,black.

Yes i think there is, find Typhoo the only one that doesnt have an aftertaste, some taste of metal !

Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants:

tea all the time...............i don't have any other hot drink.....don't care what brand of tea bag it is but not yorkshire tea bags...yuck!!!..i have it weak no sugar and drink about 20 cups a day in the week and more at weekends

i have just found out i can get a huge bag at the weigh in for next to nothing.they are making out it is tetley,but you can never be to sure.whatever,it will last for years,saying that does tea go off ever? i will avoid yorkshire sponegbob

Jemima Puddleduck (fka Drama)

Tea in the morning, teatly between 1 or 3 cups depending if I'm off or not. One mug of Coffee in the afternoon usually a 4 or a 5. Mocha after lunch. Tea when in from work, milk no sugar, coffee the same and then a tea after dinner/tea/supper.. Then if I need a hot drink after eight its a hot vimto or a green tea. And maybe sleepy tea before bed.

*puts kettle on*


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