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In my opinion, the trouble with tattoos is, there are very few that actually look good. For all of the tattoos that I see, I would say that perhaps 5% of them actually look well drawn.

An example of a well done tattoo on a female would be Karly's. The one on her lower back and the three symbols running down her spine. They are well placed, well designed, and they actually look like they belong.

I'm not much of a tattoo person though, I have to admit.
I said in another thread on the matter but dont mind repeating myself... i'm a chatterbox Blush

I have one tiny little bird with two little hearts trailingon a thread from it's mouth. I had always wanted one and after my husband had a bad accident i took the plunge and had it done while he was still in hospital. It's very discreet...can't be seen unless i'm sunbathing but i really love it.
Originally posted by fookat:
i love my Tat. I have had it 8 years now and its not in a place everyone can see but means a lot to me Smiler

Same with mine Fookat... my cousin came with me, we were getting it done together....but while i was getting mine she chickened out lol. Then when she seen how much i loved mine she went back the next month and got a tiny devil . Her's is on her shoulder blade though and can be seen. Smiler
I have a winnie the pooh with 3 balloons with my kids name in them on one shoulder. On the other I have the Tottenham Crest. I got these done as they are something I could never regret. I will always love my children I will never change footie teams. I had them on my shoulders so that they can be seen if I choose to wear something strappy in the summer, but equally, when I am old biddy, they will be covered up. Wouldnt have them somewhere where they would always show as I always think that in years to come there will be a lot of old ladies around, looking very strange with wrinkly tattoos all over their body!! Laugh
Little Miss Spurs
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Mathematics:
[i]In my opinion, the trouble with tattoos is, there are very few that actually look good. For all of the tattoos that I see, I would say that perhaps 5% of them actually look well drawn.

An example of a well done tattoo on a female would be Karly's. The one on her lower back and the three symbols running down her spine. They are well placed, well designed, and they actually look like they belong.

but Karly has her own name on her lower back, why?
Originally posted by Rev. Dim Dale:
I do not like them personally because even the best of them need constant maintenance to keep them looking good. When a lady is in her dotage all these tattoos are going to look sad and cheap. Sorry. Frowner

they look sad and cheap on men too Sick

don't like them much on either sex, bit of a turn off really.... Frowner
I think they look awful. Why anyone would want to deface their bodies with these ghastly things just baffles me. Especially women! These young girls who plaster themselves in them don't realise how horrid they look, and how much worse they will look when they are 45+.

What makes me laugh, is the middle aged women who suddenly decide to try and look all trendy by having tattooes, and they plaster their arms in them, and look absolutely ridiculous.

When Lisa takes her stuff off and you can see all her tats, she looks absolutely dreadfu! IMO, apart from the ears and through the nose, I think piercings are quite ghastly too. When people have them through the tongue and the lip and the neck and the belly button Sick How COULD they?! YUK!
Big Grin I have 3 tattoos...a tarot style sun on my back between my shoulder blades, a gothic thorny rose on my ankle and a red star on one of my big toes...and as some of you may know I am pierced many times.

When I get old I shall look at my piercing holes and my tatt's and think.....Yup, I was young once and boy did I have fun! Wink Big Grin
Originally posted by *Pesky-Pixie*:
Big Grin I have 3 tattoos...a tarot style sun on my back between my shoulder blades, a gothic thorny rose on my ankle and a red star on one of my big toes...and as some of you may know I am pierced many times.

When I get old I shall look at my piercing holes and my tatt's and think.....Yup, I was young once and boy did I have fun! Wink Big Grin

ive got loads of piercings and tatts-and i wouldnt have it any different
regardless if youre male or female, if YOU like them, thats all that counts
Originally posted by china:

ive got loads of piercings and tatts-and i wouldnt have it any different
regardless if youre male or female, if YOU like them, thats all that counts

I agree. Big Grin

My Dad has tatts too, so I was always aware that whatever you chose was going to be make sure that you chose the RIGHT tatt for you...there's no going back once you've been inked! Wink
Originally posted by storm:
I think they look awful. Why anyone would want to deface their bodies with these ghastly things just baffles me. Especially women! These young girls who plaster themselves in them don't realise how horrid they look, and how much worse they will look when they are 45+.

What makes me laugh, is the middle aged women who suddenly decide to try and look all trendy by having tattooes, and they plaster their arms in them, and look absolutely ridiculous.

When Lisa takes her stuff off and you can see all her tats, she looks absolutely dreadfu! IMO, apart from the ears and through the nose, I think piercings are quite ghastly too. When people have them through the tongue and the lip and the neck and the belly button Sick How COULD they?! YUK!

I'm not keen really but one has to accept that culture changes over the years.
Garage Joe

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