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The housemates have received another Task that will give them the opportunity to increase their prize fund by ÂĢ10,000.

The problem is, they have not been told what the Task is, only that they will pass if the Pass Or Fail meter in the large Task Room reaches the 'PASS' mark.

A few minutes after receiving the laminate with this brief information, the housemates sped to the Task Room.

Inside they found a number of props, puzzles and challenges such as a padlock with 200 keys, milk bottles filled with water, a large knotted rope, a large bowl of custard and apples, a haystack, and a pile of socks.

They immediately set about trying to solve the puzzles. Charlie got to work on the haystack looking for a needle; Sophie started trying to get gum out of a wig; Siavash began slicing his way through a stack of onions; Lisa bobbed for apples; Rodrigo started cracking eggs and David picked up the massive bundle of keys.

"I've done it, I've done it," David screeched some minutes later having found a key to fit a padlock.

"Has it gone up? he wondered, looking towards the Pass-o-Meter which remained unchanged.

Undeterred, David fell to his knees in front of the haystack to try and find the needle - Charlie had by this time given up and was instead trying to match up pairs of socks from a huge pile.

But, and here's the big but, what the housemates don't realize is that to pass the Task, all they need to do is leave the room.

Each time a housemate leaves the room, the meter will move one step closer towards the pass mark. They have up to four hours to complete the Task.

"No instructions? " Siavash commented at one point, "There is something going on that we aren't getting right."

You're not wrong there. Let's just hope one of them needs the loo sometime soon...

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