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The Big Brother 2014 housemates have been giving their first shopping task of the series this morning.


And after all of last night’s rows, Big Brother wants to kick off the series on a positive note. Therefore all Housemates must do to pass this week’s shopping task is remain happy and positive. But being happy won’t be that easy. Big Brother will be doing his utmost to ensure that being happy won’t be easy.

This morning, housemates will wake up to find the entire House covered in large smiling faces, and positive phrases.

These include:

· A Positive Housemate Is A Winning Housemate.

· Positive Housemates Get Positive Results..

· A Smile Costs Nothing!

Across the two days there is one simple rule, the Housemates need to remain happy. But Big Brother won’t be making it easy, putting in various tasks designed to test their ability to keep on smiling. The Housemates will incur a fail if they frown, moan or complain in any way.

To pass this Shopping Task, Housemates must have remained happy throughout the task so as to not incur more than ‘x’ amount of negative fails.

POSITIVITY POLICE To assist Big Brother in this, 2 Housemates become the ‘Positivity Police’ and are given the task of maintaining a happy house and encouraging Housemates to turn their frowns upside down. The Positivity Police will be TOYA and STEVEN.

DAY 1 Housemates are woken up to the song ‘Happy’ by Pharrell Williams. Big Brother then gathers the Housemates in the Living Area. Big Brother explains that as it is the beginning of the series, Big Brother wants Housemates to get off to a happy start in the House. Big Brother explains that the House has started to show signs of negativity and Big Brother wants happy Housemates.

Once the rules have been read by the Housemates, TOYA and STEVEN become the Positivity Police. They are given their costumes and instructed to change into them immediately.

Good News – No Hot Water At various points throughout the day, pieces of good news are delivered to the House. These bits of good news are delivered via pre-recorded VTs. When the VTs play, they are accompanied by a smiley face graphic on the plasmas in the House. The good news delivered comes into effect from the moment the VT finishes. It is up to the Positivity Police to ensure that all the good news delivered is followed by the rest of the Housemates. At the beginning of the task, the first good news VT is played into the House. This piece of good news is that there will be no hot water for the rest of the task.


Task – Positive Therapy Housemates are gathered in the Garden. The Positivity Police choose the 8 most negative Housemates to take part in ‘Positive Therapy’. This is a Big Brother therapy session for the Housemates to get rid of some of their negative energy. Housemates are stood in a circle, each behind a plinth with a button. One at a time, each Housemate will be asked a question. They must announce their answer to the rest of the Housemates, and consequently press their button in front of them to shock that Housemate. Questions can include:

· Who is the ugliest Housemate?

· Which Housemate should have really been given the pass to the final?

· Who is the most irritating Housemate?

Good News – Smoking Ban The next good news VT is played into the House. The VT will implement the next rule for the Housemates to adhere to happily. This rule is that Housemates are no longer allowed to smoke and all cigarettes must be declared to the Positivity Police immediately.

Punishment – Positivity Pod As punishment for the unhappy ways, Housemates are sent to the Positivity Pod which has been set up in the Small Task Room. The Positivity Pod has been covered in over the top smiley faces. The Positivity Police will be called to the Diary Room and asked to choose 2 negative Housemates to be punishes. When in the Positivity Pod, the punished Housemate must listen to a laughing track on loop for the duration of their punishment in a feat to increase their positivity. They must have a large smile on their faces at all times when in the positivity pod, by keeping their face in a horrid smiling device. If the punished Housemates are rehabilitated enough, then they will abolish 2 fails that the Housemates have incurred so far.

Task – Happy Hour Big Brother hosts a happy hour in the Garden, where drinks are free and even 2 for 1. One of the Positivity Police becomes the barman and serves special cocktails to the Housemates who are playing, who have been pre-chosen by Big Brother. These drinks are:

· FIN & TONIC: Fermented Herring, tonic water, a fish eye, stinky tofu

· MOJITOAD: Blended frogs legs, mojito mix, soda water, cod liver oil, stinky tofu

· PENISCOLADA: Blended pigs penis, milk, stinky tofu

One Minute Rage To give Housemates a short rest, Big Brother allows the One Minute Rage. 2 Housemates will be called to the Diary Room. They are told by Big Brother that they may select one Housemate who they are allowed to bitch and moan about for a whole minute. The One Minute Rage is for Housemates to vent any negative feelings that may be bubbling away.

Happy Camper (Night Time Hit) The Positivity Police choose the 2 least negative Housemates to become Happy Campers. The Happy Campers cannot sleep inside tonight and must camp outside in the Garden with nothing but sleeping bags and a Big Brother tent for comfort. Housemates will be drenched in water by the rain above them, and must consequently endure being outside whilst wet until late at night, around 2am.

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3.06pm: The good news is that everyone's having a glorious afternoon. There's no bad news

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3.22pm: Kimberly's immune to electric shocks, everyone else is the exact opposite of that

Last edited by Former Member

To give Housemates a short rest from Positivity, Big Brother allows the One Minute Rage. This One Minute Rage is used to address issues that are arising in the House. When hazard lights and red lighting flash, Housemates are offered the chance to get things off their chests. For one minute, Housemates must shout at each other, scream at each other, and vent their issues until Big Brother states the One Minute Rage is over.

In Good News, pieces of good news are delivered via pre-recorded VTs. The good news delivered comes into effect from the moment the VT finishes. It is up to the Positivity Police to ensure that all the good news delivered is followed by the rest of the Housemates. The first good news VT of Day 2 is that the Housemates must take part in a ROFL. Housemates must continue to ROFL until otherwise notified by Big Brother.

Big Brother has noticed that Danielle is quite a negative Housemate with some quite strong views. Therefore, Big Brother will call Danielle to the Diary Room. In the Diary Room, Danielle will be showed on the plasmas a series of topics for which she has some quite negative views. So as not to incur a fail for the task, Danielle must list to Big Brother all the positives about these topics that she can think of. Topics include:

· A plate of peas

· Snoring

· Creepy Crawlies

· Provocative Clothing

· Swearing

· Casual Sex

Big Brother has some happy news. Ash, Marlon, Ashleigh and Kimberly, as the four Housemates who have not received their suitcases yet, will take part in Happy-Go-Lucky, a game where Housemates must individually face the ‘Positivity Spinner’. The large Positivity Spinner is put into the Living Room. On the wheel are various sections, each with a different category on it. One at a time, Housemates will press the buttons on their plinth to take a go at the Positivity Spinner. On the wheel are lights on each individual segment/category. Whichever segment the wheel lands on (highlighted by the light on that section) will correspond to the punishment the Housemate must now endure.

Housemates will be playing for each other’s suitcases. Therefore, if one Housemate refuses to do the punishment allocated to their section on the wheel, a different Housemate will not get their suitcase back. The rounds include:

· IT’S ALL GONE – one Housemate must wax his leg

· DEEP CLEANSE – one Housemate must pour a bucket of fishy gunge over themselves in a bath

· HIGH RATING – one Housemate must publicly admit which Housemates they find sexy by ranking the Housemates in order of sexiness

· BREATH EASY – one Housemate must brush their teeth with a wasabi toothpaste concoction

In this big set piece, 6 Housemates must face The Unfun Fair in the Garden. 6 Housemates will compete in the Unfun Fair as 3 pairs. Each pair of Housemates will need to complete a disgusting assault course, with the rest of the Housemates watching on. Housemates must collect various Smiley tokens around the course which they believe will eliminate some of the fails that have already been incurred throughout the task. Housemates must simply complete the course before the time runs out having collected all of the Smiley Positivity tokens. The Positivity Police must ensure all Housemates remain happy and positive throughout the assault course, which consists of:

* Housemates must crawl on their elbows and knees through a trough of incredibly sticky gunge which has been disguised as a ball pool. At the end of the gunge trough, Housemates must clamber through the electric tendrils hanging above them which will administer an electric shock. Housemates must collect the smiley tokens from the gunge pit.
* Housemates must then walk over a thin beam which is suspended over a pit of feathers. However, when the Housemates have managed to get half way across the beam, it will start to rapidly rotate, increasing the difficulty for the Housemates. If the Housemates fall off they will be coated with feathers and must proceed to the start of the beam. Housemates must reach the Smiley tokens hanging above the revolving beam.
* Finally the Housemates must face the Steps to Positivity. A giant staircase will have been built in the Garden, with the stairs on a slight angle for added difficulty. Housemates must attempt to reach the top of the staircase to collect their last tokens. However, from the top of staircase gunge is being poured making the staircase incredibly slippery. In addition to the gunge, Housemates will be pelted with gunge bombs for added slipperiness.


1.55pm: Big Brother has just tasked Kimberly with reading out her nominations to the group 



2.10pm: Big Brother asked Ash to list the lady housemates from 1-7 in order of sexiness. Can you guess who got the top spot?


2.21pm: Ash made Helen his number one sexy housemate. Could we have a showmance on our hands already?


Last edited by Former Member

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