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Dexter puts Sophie up for eviction, twist revealed as lie

Posted August 14 2013 by Matt Scott
Dexter puts Sophie up for eviction, twist revealed as lie

Sophie Lawrence is now facing this week’s eviction instead of Dexter Koh following tonight’s Big Brother 2013 prize fund twist, which has turned out to be the show’s latest lie.

Earlier tonight, Big Brother told the four nominees – Charlie, Dexter, Jack and Joe and Sam – that one of them would be leaving the house tonight with a chunk of the winner’s prize fund.

Individually, each nominee entered the task room to choose the lowest amount that they would be willing to accept to leave the Big Brother house immediately.

Once all four had chosen an amount and sealed it in a briefcase, Big Brother lined them up in the living room, and one by one they were instructed to reveal their amounts.

Sam had the highest amount, the full ÂĢ100,000, while Jack and Joe chose ÂĢ96,850. Charlie had slightly more – ÂĢ99,000 – before Dexter revealed his ÂĢ88,800.

However, Big Brother then revealed that his earlier announcement had been a lie – and confirmed that nobody would be leaving the house tonight, nor would any money be deducted from the prize fund.

Instead, as he had proven himself to be the least greedy housemate, Dexter was told he’d been saved from eviction – but, as a result, he’d have to choose either Gina or Sophie to replace him.

After an agonising deliberation, he named Sophie as the replacement nominee – meaning either Charlie, Jack and Joe, Sam or Sophie will be evicted this Friday.

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Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:
Originally Posted by Videostar:

Gina is lucky tho, if Dexter had heard Gina's "im not sly" bitching session about Dexter and Charlie he might not have chosen Sophie tonight.

I think Gina would be gone Friday if Dexter had chosen her.

I still think he would have chose Sophie though.... he was being reminded telepathically by Gina that Sophie had nominated him



CH5 Confirmation if anyone had any doubts 




Day 63: The Big Pay Off has repercussions

29 mins ago

A wise man once said, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. We're writers, here, not physicists, so we're not entirely sure how to apply that to the way the House reacted to tonight's Big Pay Off twist. Instead, we'll say this: Dexter is being questioned left, right and centre on his motives.

If you watched the videos (and if you didn't, stop right there, rewind and get them watched pronto!) you'll have seen that Dexter went for the ÂĢ88,800. When the amounts were revealed, it was revealed that Dexter chose the lowest amount, and would therefore leave with ÂĢ88,800 of the ÂĢ100,000 prize fund.

Except, this was a LIE! Dexter's actual prize was a free pass to the final, and he got to choose someone to replace him on the eviction chopping block this Friday.


Understandably, the House is now full of speculation. Charlie and Dexter had one of their deep chats, which largely consisted of Charlie wondering "is he the game player everyone said?" and reasoning that she believed Dexter had gone for a purposeful 'steal', while herself and Sam had chosen the highest possible figures to ensure they stayed on.

Charlie said "it was a high enough amount to walk away with a s**tload of money, and low enough to be the lowest amount [chosen]...I can't understand where your head is!" Sam chipped in "you're full of s**t" to Dexter, which is a more concise way of putting it, we suppose...

Interestingly, nobody seems to be picking up on the fact that the twins also could have chosen a higher amount for safety's sake, but opted for ÂĢ96,850. Jack and Joe themselves have weighed in on the issue, blasting Dexter. Joe said "he's been playing a game since Day 1!"

With Sophie in agreement with the consensus, it seems the only housemate on Dexter's side is Gina. So, not for the first time, we're seeing a Ginxter alliance against accusations of deviousness and ruthless game playing.

Originally Posted by jacksonb:

Charlie went for 99k? so she could have gone hiher  too, but I suppose her bid  assumes the rest of the HM's would all grab the 100k,so her bid would win, so why is she Having a pop at Dexter?

I think as Charlie went last the 99k was still up for grabs when Dexter picked so she wanted to know why he didn't pick it.

Hi folks: I'm struggling to keep in touch with this twist on a mobile, so please bear with me!

I think it's been mentioned on DS (and apologies if it's already been mentioned here), but the reason why Dexter picked ÂĢ88,800 is that it's a lucky number. The number 8 is considered lucky in China and the Far East, and multiple 8s are even luckier.
People have been known to go out of their way to choose 8s because of this - e.g. fortunes have been paid for number plates with multiple 8s. And we all know that Dexter's obsessed with that lucky charm of his on eviction nights...
Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Hi folks: I'm struggling to keep in touch with this twist on a mobile, so please bear with me!

I think it's been mentioned on DS (and apologies if it's already been mentioned here), but the reason why Dexter picked ÂĢ88,800 is that it's a lucky number. The number 8 is considered lucky in China and the Far East, and multiple 8s are even luckier.
People have been known to go out of their way to choose 8s because of this - e.g. fortunes have been paid for number plates with multiple 8s. And we all know that Dexter's obsessed with that lucky charm of his on eviction nights...

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

Charlie went for 99k? so she could have gone hiher  too, but I suppose her bid  assumes the rest of the HM's would all grab the 100k,so her bid would win, so why is she Having a pop at Dexter?

I think as Charlie went last the 99k was still up for grabs when Dexter picked so she wanted to know why he didn't pick it.

Didn't Dexter go last  


its strange that the 8's are being mentioned - these are the tweets that were sent when he  was choosing his card 


7.37pm: "I've got a thing for fours" Dexter says. But is that 44p? ÂĢ40? ÂĢ404? ÂĢ44,200?  


7.40pm: Dexter has made a very interesting, and as you would imagine, tactical choice.


I am pretty sure when the full wall of boards was shown there were several cards there beginning with 4 


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