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Originally Posted by nuts: mean those who actually are interested in you rather than hearing the sound of their own voices?

Yeah, there are some out there Super 

I do get where they are coming from 'though nuts....I have an old school  'friend' who is a bit like that, thinks that she has to be a constant source of entertainment, conversation and 'fun'..sometimes it's just a bloody pita and again I wanna scream "Just shut the f up"!!!

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by nuts: mean those who actually are interested in you rather than hearing the sound of their own voices?

Yeah, there are some out there Super 

I do get where they are coming from 'though nuts....I have an old school  'friend' who is a bit like that, thinks that she has to be a constant source of entertainment, conversation and 'fun'..sometimes it's just a bloody pita and again I wanna scream "Just shut the f up"!!!

I really do know what you mean!   


And like I say, I'm completely the opposite at times until I get to know people, and while I'm being quiet I'm wondering what do they think of me            Quandry 


One of my favourite quotes that I always carry around with me: 

In true listening, we reach behind the words, see through them, to find the person who is revealed. Listening is a search to find the treasure of the true person as revealed verbally and non-verbally. There is the semantic problem of course. The words bear a different connotation for you than they do for me. Consequently, I can never tell what you said, but only what I heard. I will have to rephrase what you said, and check it out with you to make sure that what left your mind and heart arrived in my mind and heart, intact and without distortion.

Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by nuts: mean those who actually are interested in you rather than hearing the sound of their own voices?

Yeah, there are some out there Super 

I do get where they are coming from 'though nuts....I have an old school  'friend' who is a bit like that, thinks that she has to be a constant source of entertainment, conversation and 'fun'..sometimes it's just a bloody pita and again I wanna scream "Just shut the f up"!!!

I really do know what you mean!   


And like I say, I'm completely the opposite at times until I get to know people, and while I'm being quiet I'm wondering what do they think of me            Quandry 

In my experience, they're too busy thinking about themselves to give that a thought!

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

One of my favourite quotes that I always carry around with me: 

In true listening, we reach behind the words, see through them, to find the person who is revealed. Listening is a search to find the treasure of the true person as revealed verbally and non-verbally. There is the semantic problem of course. The words bear a different connotation for you than they do for me. Consequently, I can never tell what you said, but only what I heard. I will have to rephrase what you said, and check it out with you to make sure that what left your mind and heart arrived in my mind and heart, intact and without distortion.

That's a brilliant quote, Supes.

Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by nuts: mean those who actually are interested in you rather than hearing the sound of their own voices?

Yeah, there are some out there Super 

I do get where they are coming from 'though nuts....I have an old school  'friend' who is a bit like that, thinks that she has to be a constant source of entertainment, conversation and 'fun'..sometimes it's just a bloody pita and again I wanna scream "Just shut the f up"!!!

I really do know what you mean!   


And like I say, I'm completely the opposite at times until I get to know people, and while I'm being quiet I'm wondering what do they think of me            Quandry 

Yep! I can talk for England .......funny enough it's always questions in order to get conversation flowing. I never talk freely about my own feelings etc. A very good friend (of many years) pointed that out to me the other day. I love the conversation to flow but - believe it or not - I'm a very private person. 


It's pretty complex really ................I guess some people with the most to say - are actually the most private?

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by nuts: mean those who actually are interested in you rather than hearing the sound of their own voices?

Yeah, there are some out there Super 

I do get where they are coming from 'though nuts....I have an old school  'friend' who is a bit like that, thinks that she has to be a constant source of entertainment, conversation and 'fun'..sometimes it's just a bloody pita and again I wanna scream "Just shut the f up"!!!

I really do know what you mean!   


And like I say, I'm completely the opposite at times until I get to know people, and while I'm being quiet I'm wondering what do they think of me            Quandry 

Yep! I can talk for England .......funny enough it's always questions in order to get conversation flowing. I never talk freely about my own feelings etc. A very good friend (of many years) pointed that out to me the other day. I love the conversation to flow but - believe it or not - I'm a very private person. 


It's pretty complex really ................I guess some people with the most to say - are actually the most private?

Flippin eck Sooz! You've sorta got the kinda person I am too 

Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by nuts: mean those who actually are interested in you rather than hearing the sound of their own voices?

Yeah, there are some out there Super 

I do get where they are coming from 'though nuts....I have an old school  'friend' who is a bit like that, thinks that she has to be a constant source of entertainment, conversation and 'fun'..sometimes it's just a bloody pita and again I wanna scream "Just shut the f up"!!!

I really do know what you mean!   


And like I say, I'm completely the opposite at times until I get to know people, and while I'm being quiet I'm wondering what do they think of me            Quandry 

Yep! I can talk for England .......funny enough it's always questions in order to get conversation flowing. I never talk freely about my own feelings etc. A very good friend (of many years) pointed that out to me the other day. I love the conversation to flow but - believe it or not - I'm a very private person. 


It's pretty complex really ................I guess some people with the most to say - are actually the most private?

Flippin eck Sooz! You've sorta got the kinda person I am too 

I knew that

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by nuts: mean those who actually are interested in you rather than hearing the sound of their own voices?

Yeah, there are some out there Super 

I do get where they are coming from 'though nuts....I have an old school  'friend' who is a bit like that, thinks that she has to be a constant source of entertainment, conversation and 'fun'..sometimes it's just a bloody pita and again I wanna scream "Just shut the f up"!!!

I really do know what you mean!   


And like I say, I'm completely the opposite at times until I get to know people, and while I'm being quiet I'm wondering what do they think of me            Quandry 

Yep! I can talk for England .......funny enough it's always questions in order to get conversation flowing. I never talk freely about my own feelings etc. A very good friend (of many years) pointed that out to me the other day. I love the conversation to flow but - believe it or not - I'm a very private person. 


It's pretty complex really ................I guess some people with the most to say - are actually the most private?

Lots of people like to talk about themselves nuts. I love chatting with people I'm comfortable with and hate 'big social events.'  When I'm with new people, I just ask them loads about themselves, usually works a treat


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