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Right to Protest, Right to Freedom of Speech. Right to Privacy. Right not to be detained without charge, Innocent Until Proven Guilty. Prohibition from Torture. TAKING LIBERTIES will reveal how these six central pillars of liberty have been systematically destroyed by New Labour, and the freedoms of the British people stolen from under their noses amidst a climate of fear created by the media and government itself.

TAKING LIBERTIES uncovers the stories the government don’t want you to hear – so ridiculous you will laugh, so ultimately terrifying you will want to take action. Teenage sisters detained for 36 hours for a peaceful protest; an RAF war veteran arrested for wearing an anti-Bush and Blair T-shirt; an innocent man shot in a police raid; and a man held under house arrest for two years, after being found innocent in court. Ordinary law-abiding citizens being punished for exercising their ‘rights’ – rights that have been fought for over centuries, and which seem to have been extinguished in a decade.

Watch the full bafta nominated movie here --->

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Originally posted by RENTON:
I have often thought most the stories we hear are false

Generated to create and undercurrent of fear so we end up supporting the false claim and play along like good little servants


"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both"
Benjamin Franklin.
Comrade Ogilvy
Have a look at schnews if it is still going. They used to have a crap arrest of the week award.
I knew two of them. One was my mate who was arrested outside a fur shop for repeating what a copper had said to her to me.
The other was an old lady who was arrested for protesting outside the designated area - by wearing a Stop Live Exports T shirt while walking up her garden path to get into her house
Hard won freedoms have always come at a high price, paid for by the blood of our ancestors. I am disgusted that we live in a society that cares more about celebrity gossip and other trivia than the society we are allowing our supposed representatives to create for our children and grandchildren, it is imo disrespectful to those who have paid with their lives that we might live with freedom and dignity.
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Hard won freedoms have always come at a high price, paid for by the blood of our ancestors. I am disgusted that we live in a society that cares more about celebrity gossip and other trivia than the society we are allowing our supposed representatives to create for our children and grandchildren, it is imo disrespectful to those who have paid with their lives that we might live with freedom and dignity.

its our children and grandchildren that are going to be paying for our current society already.
Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Hard won freedoms have always come at a high price, paid for by the blood of our ancestors. I am disgusted that we live in a society that cares more about celebrity gossip and other trivia than the society we are allowing our supposed representatives to create for our children and grandchildren, it is imo disrespectful to those who have paid with their lives that we might live with freedom and dignity.

its our children and grandchildren that are going to be paying for our current society already.

That is the sad truth.
Comrade Ogilvy
Well, if we have nothing to hide then we have nothing to fear. Or so I'm regularly told. And I've never been to a holocaust museum and know nothing about them so I couldn't possibly contradict that. Ninja
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Hard won freedoms have always come at a high price, paid for by the blood of our ancestors. I am disgusted that we live in a society that cares more about celebrity gossip and other trivia than the society we are allowing our supposed representatives to create for our children and grandchildren, it is imo disrespectful to those who have paid with their lives that we might live with freedom and dignity.

But but but BB is about to start! Eeker

Hi comrade Valentine Big Grin
Originally posted by Gel:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Hard won freedoms have always come at a high price, paid for by the blood of our ancestors. I am disgusted that we live in a society that cares more about celebrity gossip and other trivia than the society we are allowing our supposed representatives to create for our children and grandchildren, it is imo disrespectful to those who have paid with their lives that we might live with freedom and dignity.

But but but BB is about to start! Eeker

Hi comrade Valentine Big Grin

This is true Big Grin

Hello Gel Valentine
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Pre-BB bump

There seems to be lots of pre-bumps on this forum at the moment, all about to explode Nod

I do wish sheep in a jeep would hurry up though and bed down her lamb in the bloody pram Roll Eyes Big Grin
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Right to Protest, Right to Freedom of Speech. Right to Privacy. Right not to be detained without charge, Innocent Until Proven Guilty. Prohibition from Torture. TAKING LIBERTIES will reveal how these six central pillars of liberty have been systematically destroyed by New Labour, and the freedoms of the British people stolen from under their noses amidst a climate of fear created by the media and government itself.

TAKING LIBERTIES uncovers the stories the government don’t want you to hear – so ridiculous you will laugh, so ultimately terrifying you will want to take action. Teenage sisters detained for 36 hours for a peaceful protest; an RAF war veteran arrested for wearing an anti-Bush and Blair T-shirt; an innocent man shot in a police raid; and a man held under house arrest for two years, after being found innocent in court. Ordinary law-abiding citizens being punished for exercising their ‘rights’ – rights that have been fought for over centuries, and which seem to have been extinguished in a decade.

Watch the full bafta nominated movie here --->

Those "six pillars of liberty" haven't been destroyed just by "new Labour", though; they've been steadily eroded for decades, by successive governments of every political hue.
Originally posted by Sarum:
Those "six pillars of liberty" haven't been destroyed just by "new Labour", though; they've been steadily eroded for decades, by successive governments of every political hue.

The film focuses on new labour as they have been the most recent offenders although I agree that it is not a party issue per se.

Left wing or right wing etc means nothing to me personally. In my book there is right and there is wrong and stripping away hard won freedoms is wrong in my book regardless which banner it is done under.
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Well, if we have nothing to hide then we have nothing to fear. Or so I'm regularly told. And I've never been to a holocaust museum and know nothing about them so I couldn't possibly contradict that. Ninja

If you feel brave enough, you could always google. Although that won't give you first hand feelings of emotions and/or atmosphere of physically being in said places! Frowner
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Well, if we have nothing to hide then we have nothing to fear. Or so I'm regularly told. And I've never been to a holocaust museum and know nothing about them so I couldn't possibly contradict that. Ninja

If you feel brave enough, you could always google. Although that won't give you first hand feelings of emotions and/or atmosphere of physically being in said places! Frowner

Ah, sorry, I was being ironic. I've been to enough Holocaust museums and memorials to know "if you've nothing to hide then you've nothing to fear" is pretty stoopid.

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