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firstly that look back and stare documentary just reminded me of all the reasons why i really do hate robbie williams. what a total tool. Did anyone else watch it? sorry if there has been a load of threads ive not been around,  

Secondly, you know those tickets to wembley I have, well the ticket finder general just informed me that she also got us some for DUBLIN woo hoo!!!!!!!!! I cant wait! We going on the Sunday so we might fly out Friday, just to be on the safe side that we find the venue etc we are sensible like that.

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was he spaced out last night?

Dunno but he entertained us. I think that was the second best guest performance so far. Though to be fair there has been a load of dross.
Whilst I remember.... does anyone know why Dermot looks and acts so excited when he comes out? He's kicking and a jiggling those little legs fit to bust, yes he is.
Garage Joe
does anyone know why Dermot looks and acts so excited when he comes out? He's kicking and a jiggling those little legs fit to bust, yes he is.
I really like Dermot. I listened to him being interviewed the other week and he just sounds like a normal person who likes the jobs that he does and hopes it may continue. I know I couldn't stand up in front of that crowd, the judges and 14 million viewers.
cologne 1
I really like Dermot. I listened to him being interviewed the other week and he just sounds like a normal person who likes the jobs that he does and hopes it may continue. I know I couldn't stand up in front of that crowd, the judges and 14 million viewers.
I couldn't stand him in BB but I do like him in this.
I liked Robbie Williams when he went solo loved his music but I dont think Take That should have had him back they dont need him, and he is very fickle wondering when he will pull out as I cant see it lasting this time round either .
He is there to rescue his ailing career Marg - he needs them more than they need him and that will become obvious.
It came across to me on that documentary on at the weekend that he is like some wayward child that they are helping.  They are so strong they are like a family having to rescue him.  I dont think he will stay for long, and i hope he doesnt wreck them in the process. I also dont like the music they have made with him as much as the stuff they do on their own. I think they are all really strong to have him back after all the stuff he did to them and said about them.
I liked Robbie Williams when he went solo loved his music but I dont think Take That should have had him back they dont need him, and he is very fickle wondering when he will pull out as I cant see it lasting this time round either ...
My feelings exactly. Why have they taken him back?He was on a downhill slope(all of his own doing) He used to be good but has turnened into someone who thinks the public cant do without. Get back in your world of depression Robbie and think of the folk who have to cope without your ÂĢMillions.
I thought it was painful watching the documentry, like walking on egg shell, waiting for it kick off , also a bit on the gloomy side, although I did like the way they were working towards the new album, Robbie is still one of the biggest selling pop stars in the world, He could tour solo tomorrow and sell more tickets than most, yet it's  emotionally I don't think he could handle it alone, He seemed at ease on X factor with the band on Sunday, unlike last years perormances.

have fun in Ireland Gypsie, your have a brilliant time,

we've 2 nights at Wembley so far, still trying for Villa Park tickets.
robbies career is flailing. FACT (look im ranting in caps...this wont end well) and for some mental reason i honestly feel, based on what i saw, that take that are giving him a rescuing hand up. I think it makes them really quite astonishing people because i would have laughed at him after all the things he said about them and the personal attacks he made at gary on his years when he thought he ruled the world (see what i did there )
Robbies career is flailing. FACT (look im ranting in caps...this wont end well) and for some mental reason i honestly feel, based on what i saw, that take that are giving him a rescuing hand up. I think it makes them really quite astonishing people because i would have laughed at him after all the things he said about them and the personal attacks he made at gary on his years when he thought he ruled the world
I agree with this...i think most people would have stood up and applauded had TT told robbie to bog off rather than let him come back.  It says far more about them as people than him, that they didn't do it.
Take That have been asking Robbie to rejoin the band since 2006.  It was their idea not his.

Robbie doesn't need Take That, for any other reason than to lay old scores to rest and anyone who thinks that it's because his career is 'failing' really hasn't a clue what they're talking about.

Robbie is the only one who made a solo career for himself, out of nothing and that is fact.  No need for caps or ranting, because it is undeniably true.  When he was kicked out of Take That it was widely believed he would fade into oblivion and nothing more would be heard from him.  But he made a crackin, multi-award winning, solo career for himself.

Take That always needed the big theatrics on tour, the spectacle on stage.  Robbie sold out to stadiums with no gimicks or tricks.

 Maybe if the Gary and Mark fans had supported their 'faves' when they needed them, instead of jumping back on the bandwagon when they became popular again they wouldn't feel this guilty need to trounce on Robbie all the time.  As for the Howard and Jason fans, well lets just leave those poor souls be
As for the Howard and Jason fans, well lets just leave those poor souls be
  coughs "killer net"......coughs...

Take That always needed the big theatrics on tour, the spectacle on stage. Robbie sold out to stadiums with no gimicks or tricks.

Isn't that what they were famous for, even going back to Wembley Arena & Earls Court days , they alway put a lot into the live shows.

" The only trick I saw on the last tour was when I gave me daughter some notes for a programme, and she made the lot disappear, returning with tee shirts, bracelets, and an unbrella"

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