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Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):

That's early Saint but good to buy in things you like, now. Its amazing how quickly stuff gets sold out - every year I find myself buying Christmas presents earlier and earlier.

Yep - i agree. Often i've seen something and thought about buying it later. Only to find it has sold out when i return. Moral of the story is to get it ... and relax

Originally Posted by Cinds:

I've been actively preparing for Christmas since April.  Nativity scene made and quite a few presents already stored in the attic.  In fact now I think about it I was buying stuff in January, new baubles etc. 


I buy loads in the January sales. I've got all my cards and paper and loads of nice gift bags. 


I've also got most of my presents. We have a five pound limit on everyone who is over the age of 21, so I always get those presents in the sale so that it looks more. I've got my sister the most lovely pair of soft leather gloves from Accessorize. Full price ÂĢ20, I got them for ÂĢ5.



It ain't happening for us!   This year I am finally managing to pull off the impossible...     I have removed Christmas!!    YEP!   totally, & utterly!


We're off on holibobs for 10 days .. .  from 20th to 30th Dec!    It'll be hot!   I think on the 25th we'll have a day round the pool day!     (not actually booked it yet...  but will be doing in next week or so..   just waiting on funds to clear)


I really couldn't have faced it this year..     nothing could have made it tolerable..     removing it all together was the only option!




Ditty I think a holiday sounds like a very good idea! Book it
It's my busiest time at work so I can't go away, so we'll have to stay home and try to make the best of it. I honestly don't know how Mr Summer will be though, he misses his mum terribly
He has 2 weeks off over christmas, so I'm very thankful we have the dog- he'll be out with her a lot!
~Sparkling Summer~
Cinds- I love your christmas spirit
I saw some red & white striped gift wrap in m&s last year and didn't buy it, even though it was ÂĢ1 per roll in January. I'm now kicking myself because I already knew that my theme is candy canes this year!!!!! I bet I can't find any paper like now

Baz- thank you I'm going to add those channels to my favourites on sky
~Sparkling Summer~
It's festive overdrive here tonight!

We've booked tickets to a polar express ride! I hated the film but that doesn't matter- we get a train ride!
We've got tickets to a christmas event at beamish, a festive trip to Harrogate planned and another to Edinburgh!
Then I got all excited and made my prototype christmas card...

Can I watch a Christmas movie now?!
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
Ditty I think a holiday sounds like a very good idea! Book it
It's my busiest time at work so I can't go away, so we'll have to stay home and try to make the best of it. I honestly don't know how Mr Summer will be though, he misses his mum terribly
He has 2 weeks off over christmas, so I'm very thankful we have the dog- he'll be out with her a lot!

  awww Sweet...     


I am fast discovering that men struggle really badly with all this stuff...    the level of "falling apart" that the menfolk round me have been doing...   


Dunno about Mr Summer...   but even if I don't feel like it at the time, once I am out with the dog I find it really REALLY helps.   Sometimes I walk him on my own...   wind & rain lashing...  and I have a little sneaky cry...   other times I chunter along to myself...   sometimes MrD comes & I rant & rant at him about it all..   sometimes I just walk in silence....   


I've never come back from a dog walk feeling worse than when I went...   It definitely helps.


Worst thing about going away for Crimbo is that I'm afraid Loki will be off for his own little holibobs (possibly off to stay with Frank the gundog trainer for a few days..   borstal styley )


Much love & Hugs to your OH...     2013 will be behind us soon xxx 



Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:


It ain't happening for us!   This year I am finally managing to pull off the impossible...     I have removed Christmas!!    YEP!   totally, & utterly!


We're off on holibobs for 10 days .. .  from 20th to 30th Dec!    It'll be hot!   I think on the 25th we'll have a day round the pool day!     (not actually booked it yet...  but will be doing in next week or so..   just waiting on funds to clear)


I really couldn't have faced it this year..     nothing could have made it tolerable..     removing it all together was the only option!




Good lass, I've cancelled Christmas before, not for the same reasons.  


But please make sure your Dad is looked after. Xxx

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:


It ain't happening for us!   This year I am finally managing to pull off the impossible...     I have removed Christmas!!    YEP!   totally, & utterly!


We're off on holibobs for 10 days .. .  from 20th to 30th Dec!    It'll be hot!   I think on the 25th we'll have a day round the pool day!     (not actually booked it yet...  but will be doing in next week or so..   just waiting on funds to clear)


I really couldn't have faced it this year..     nothing could have made it tolerable..     removing it all together was the only option!




Good lass, I've cancelled Christmas before, not for the same reasons.  


But please make sure your Dad is looked after. Xxx

no worries there...   


at the moment I am going along with his "I shall spend xmas with Chuffley (his dog) and a bottle of scotch" plans...    but not really... . 


We are booking Loki into boarding kennels rather than taking my dad up on his offer to have him..   so that Dad is not tied down (Chuffers doesn't slow him down..   he's 8, and little, and doesn't do much )


closer to the time, if he hasn't made any plans with my brother, I shall put a shout round to his generation of rellies across the country & get them to start nagging him to join them over the festive period 


I don't feel guilty for not arranging to be with him at christmas...  we both agree that it would be really miserable if we were in the same place...  


we bring each other down sometimes..       sometimes its fine, sometimes we understand each others pain..   but sometimes we're really not good for each other (in terms of cheering up & getting on with stuff)


I can understand that Ditrs, you have to what feels right for you. 


The first Christmas after Mr C lost his Mother he wanted everyone at our house (where normally we just hole up in the house and don't see anyone) and it was really nice. Even more special in hindsight as he lost his father very suddenly 3 weeks later.


God that's got me all tearful writing that.

Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
It's festive overdrive here tonight!

We've booked tickets to a polar express ride! I hated the film but that doesn't matter- we get a train ride!
We've got tickets to a christmas event at beamish, a festive trip to Harrogate planned and another to Edinburgh!
Then I got all excited and made my prototype christmas card...

Can I watch a Christmas movie now?!

Loving the card.


We were just talking about organising a day trip to Edinburgh on the approach to Christmas. I love wandering around the Christmas market with a cup of mulled wine then a visit to the Turkish Kitchen before catching the train home.

Ditty, thank god for dogs! Mine's kept me sane throughout this whole thing, I've never ever come back from a walk feeling worse than when I went out
We'll get through it, it won't be easy but we will, somehow

Cinds- what's the Turkish kitchen?!
I'm in a mood- I tried to get tickets to Keilder Winterwonderland, but if you don't have a child they won't let you in!
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by Cinds:

I can understand that Ditrs, you have to what feels right for you. 


The first Christmas after Mr C lost his Mother he wanted everyone at our house (where normally we just hole up in the house and don't see anyone) and it was really nice. Even more special in hindsight as he lost his father very suddenly 3 weeks later.


God that's got me all tearful writing that.

yeah what is it with having to write or type something.... 


you can think it and manage not to well up (sometimes)..   but the moment you have to put pen to paper its like its out of your head & that means its all really really real!


One of the things I have found the hardest was writing the card that went with my flowers for her funeral 

Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
After my dad died, it broke my heart to get birthday cards written just "love mum" not "love mum & dad" anymore, 19 years later and I still have the old ones, I'll never throw them away.

It'll be the same feeling for you Ditty when you write your dad's card, or have to walk past shops selling Mother's Day cards. It's rotten


Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
Rexi, that's awesome! does your mum know?

Nope, not yet. We have told her to keep the date free. Not that she lives in a social whirl, but it would be just our luck if she went on a British Legion outing on that day!!


i can't wait ... we shall go and see the Christmas lights, and meet up with all our young people, who live in London, for lunch  


And Ditts, the 'big' days after a parent's death are horrid. We actually had a nice Christmas after my Dad died. It was so strange without him, and it didn't help that my Mum insisted on doing Christmas as usual. She put the turkey on the table, and I swear to Gawd it would still be there now if my sister in law hadn't jumped in and done the carving!!


I coped fine with his birthday and with Father's Day but my birthday, almost a year after his death had me in bits all day.


it's almost 12 years now. His illness and suffering, and the first year after his death are now just a memory. Now, when I think of him I smile


Hang on in there

Originally Posted by Scotty:

I won`t be here this Christmas or New Year.  I`m going to New Zealand to see my son. 

Ohhhh, hope you have a lovely time.


I have a friend who has just got back from there and she absolutely loved it. Another friend's daughter went there yesterday for 6 weeks. Yet another friend is going in February and a woman I work with went there on holiday two years ago and loved it so much that she bought a house there and goes there for three months every year!


so ... The reviews are good!!



Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
That will be wonderful Scotty! I can't imagine a hot christmas, that's really exciting!

Cinds, thank you looks tasty, I'm forwarding it to my SIL too
And no, probably not, they don't like grown ups- it's for the protection of the children who are there at the event! Darn cheek of it

Baz, yippppeeee what design did you go for?

White , embossed Sweet  

Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

I won`t be here this Christmas or New Year.  I`m going to New Zealand to see my son. 

Ohhhh, hope you have a lovely time.


I have a friend who has just got back from there and she absolutely loved it. Another friend's daughter went there yesterday for 6 weeks. Yet another friend is going in February and a woman I work with went there on holiday two years ago and loved it so much that she bought a house there and goes there for three months every year!


so ... The reviews are good!!



Thanks Rexi, yes I`ve only heard great things about NZ. My boy and his girlfriend absolutely love it!  They`re going to settle there.  

Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

I won`t be here this Christmas or New Year.  I`m going to New Zealand to see my son. 

Ooo exciting Scotty  

Cheers Baz!    

It will be lovely to see your son.....I bet you won't be sleeping much for the next couple of months ,...I know I wouldn't .


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